WD-137 E 'f$' c . <..-/ 0 0" .-/ nil CL P,E~DfIJ . ,180 . PAGE 323 . . /' IWO--/?:r& WARRANTY DEED ,TO COR"O"ATIONI "APCO'S FORM 34 "APCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36. FLORIDA Warranty 1!lrtb W4ig lfubtuturt. Made, thi8 / Q BETWEEN RALPH LACHMAN and day of ~ ().~'~f(.z:; JEAN LACHMAN, his wife ,A. IJ. 1955 . of the Counly of Dade and State of Florida part ies of the first part. and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Munlcipal ... corporation ,',,:isting undpr thp laws of the SUIte of Florida , Iuwiros iu princi".u pbu-pof bwineu in the County of Dade and SlOte of Florida and iawfully authorized to trllltMlCt bwineu ill the State of Florida, party of the .econd part. WITNESSETH: That the said part iea of the fir" part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable considerationa--- ~ 10 them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the rt.>eeipt whereof i8 hereby ackrww- ledged, have granted, ,,",pined and 110M to the said party of the second part, it. .ucceuor. and a..igm, forever, the following described land .ituate, lying and being in the County of . Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Those certain unnumbered flout-lots l~ing westerly of and opposite to Lots Thlrteen (13) and Fourteen (14) of Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivison, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, whlch said flout-lotsll constitute a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west and between the southerly line of said Lot Thirteen (13) produced westerly to Indian Creek and the northerly line of said Lot Fourteen (14) prOduced westerly to Indian Creek. This conveyance is made subject to restrictlons, conditions and limitatlons of recordj zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florldaj taxes for the year 1955. 'r'.:.;o:.~;";..;'. ;;:;;':...::.:o.'~. ;I. I () Itll u'- i .~. .~.:i;r:z';.~. " ~'A<~'\'" Cfi,\:.,.::;-t . .. .~"(;'..A""JI~ , ..,...... .' , . "'-'~. ' " "t,;.1.'\~ i~ ~ (" /~i ,~~. -~~. ~~~ j i',) H' tJ\'"'~"i: '~~.:';;;p 'b~ ~.' . ~'f:'(''''''-'Y, · .. ,w..~>'~' ", ...~.' ~. ,...~~..~.~ """" .-, . . .~:.....,~..,. : "'l. - \. ,. f . .1 :..1" '. -. 1 () --"-./.., '. ~.' .r <". ...,... J' i~ ;0 ~ ~{\~i ~~ And th,. said partieS 01 the fir.t part do hf/reby fully warrant the tid,. 10 said land. and wiU J,.Jpnd th,. ~ame agaifUlt the lawful claims oj all persoru whom..-~er. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saill part ies of the firs" part have hpreunto ".t their'''' hands .' ;. '( \ .' ;'~ , .,,~ ':, '"' , ' . 'of r-- co ~ ~ 1 I .( ~. oi DF:L ht\0RJ 480 PAGE 324 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF J Jtrrrby mrrttfy, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknow- . executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein to me well known to be the person ledged before me that expressed. !\nil J 1J1urt~rr Q!rrtiflI. That the said . known to me to be the wife of the said ' on a separate and. private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband. did acknow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest. whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with- out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension, or fear of or from her said husband. BUnrlUl my hand and officwlseal at , County of and State of Florida, this clay of ( t::) / ~I r '- ~ , i,~,~Ft'Ol'J'i''/'1 " ,\ .......... ~ ,<....,~ ...... .',O:~~:.:.*.() ...~. ''':.,"t,'' c'h:....."81) ... ..: Hi: fI/', - ~ -' ., 0' . .:: : ..".... : My commwion expires :::. \.( ~., , J ~; "'t-\", .. ..t. 0 \.... ~ Lt,)" - ~ v""'" .' " ...,. r-. Slate 01 Ron'.Ja' a:ll.....u. ':;'. 4-;";:,:. ..".:....:.. ... . 0, It ~1l)II ,.! u .......-- -;: ~jres .A~il 2.. J9S&. . /" -': "1" \\., ., That on this day person~1f1 '. ~ie{;"..wN!'" officer dulj'i~\~~i'ied" .- :.)i to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, RALPH LACHMAN and JEAN LACHMAN STATE OF FLORIDA. COllnty of DADE J Jtrrrby mrrtify to me well known to be the personS ledged before me that they' expressed. lIIUnrss my hand and official seal at and Sta~~lmif" ....,- . My Commis!ion . Ionde" tl> ft.;:,- ,,_' ,1,. ( "",i.~~" My commission expires: .. ~ ~ ~ o o ~ c m ~ ~ " Z Q o o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o z ~~ ! a!; ,,~ 5;" ~ c"s. ~ ~ il"~"'l lOir Q.< . to.! S' l~ '" 5.. ~~ - l;.::J::: C '" to.! .. Q.::tI a .. toJ 5.: ire ~ ...:'1 C ~ ..... !~ ;~ ';< S:-@ " .. '" Q' ~. -"'~ ~ ~~ :;. ~. ~ ~ ~ a ;;. ~'Q s.! ~ S' ~ s.~ f~tl '" C ;:: . ~ g t~ ~ ;:: ~ (tl:l 5!:QCJ:l~ 1';'~ '" IS Q. '" . ::tI 10" '" '" .. ..,.. .. g ~;- a.. ~Q. ~ ",--. Q.. C C C 10 - ~"c'< .. ~.,. 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