WD-137 G t:.- . 'JWARRANTV DEEO \ TO CQR"ORATrON I BOOI('t,qq PAGf':t f I PAPCO'S FORM 34 PAPCO "USLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 38. FLORIOA (j)O.-f;10 Warranty JIll'rb IDl1in 1Jn~tnturt. Made,this 13 ~ day of ~ oc:.'Tol>~~ ,A.I).1955. BETWEEN J. N. MORRIS, and LILLIE B. MORRIS, his wife; and GILDA DAHLBERG, a widow of the County of Dade and State of Florida part ies..of the fil'llt pan. and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal :;::Jrcorporation existing under thp laWI oj the Stale 0/ Florida , IuwiraS its principal pwe oj business in the County of Dade and SUIte of Florida and lawfully authorized to trtllUGCt business in the State of Floridn., party of the second part. WITNESSETlI: That the Mid part ies of the fir" part, for and in consideration of the lum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable considerations - - - - DelIM.. to them. in Iuuul paid by the said party of the lecond part, the receipt whereof is hereby fU:know- ledged, . have granted, barBGined ~ lIOld to the Mid party of the second part, its successorl and tUsigns, Jorever, tlu> following dellCl'ibed' land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: \ Those certain unnumbered "out-1otsll lying westerly of and opposite to Lot Seventeen (17) and the north one-half of Lot Sixteen (16) of Indian Beach Cor- poration's Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, which , said "out-lots" constitute a strip of land on the " easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west and between the southerly line of said north one-half ~8f Lot Sixteen (16) produced westerly to Indian Creek. and the northerly line of said Lot Seventeen (17) pro"-- duced westerly to Indian Creek. This conveyance is made subject to restrictions, con- ditions and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for the "-'year 1955. And th,. said partie S "f the firllt part do hereby fully warrant thp tid,. to sail/land, and wiD d,.jend ,he same against the lawful clai".. of all perlOllll whoml'H'Ver. IN WITNESS WllEREOF, th(l saul part ies of the firlt part have hpreunto If" their hand s and I(lal S thp day and year above written. Si[(ned. s,...l,.d and d,.li1,,'red in Rr"I,'n . of UI: (Seal I . all r-.------- '~!'0l-r:: '::"~4~._ STATE OF ... ~"""'1, . / . COUNTY OF i7ADE" p~ l llbrrby C!!rrttfy, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknawledgments, J. N. MORRIS and LILLIE B. MORRIS, his wife BOOK4244PAGE4~8 ,~( .~ to me well known to be the person S ledged before me that they expressed. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknou.~ . executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein STATE OF _ ,N f.... ') 0 1(." County of ~ II 6 \J Yol(./r. J ltrrrby C!!rrttfy That on'this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, GILDA DAHLBERG, a widow parate and private er said husband, did acknow- "'~" ", '. ~'~" ') ~ ~ ", to me well known to bp the person ledged before me that she expressed. JIIIttttrlllt my hand and off. kial seal at ~.-1U- and State ~f WI . ". JVhJ Y-kJ "'~js /3day oflJ7~ described in an1 who executed the foregoing deed, and ac~~.~r..., executed the same freely and volruitarily for thepur~~t~~~~',. . ...~. ., Count~ hf ~~ ~__n I ' A~ >>. ~rN:'f:: " --: _~', ,\ u \;j ... '~~ ~. .. '~,''f':.:,- ~- I .~ '..."... :.:.:- ~v