WD-137 H .1 ,,6 iLJ-O-/3-7 -1/ \\tlti'J 480 rACE 327 ..APCO'S FORM 34 () ..APCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION M'AM' 36. FI.ORIOA WAR~ANTY DEEO \ TO CQRPORA'rlON I Jl'tll 1\1\1 urruuty . .~ milla 3Jttbrttturr. Mad,!, this ,,:z.. day of June ' A. IJ. /9 55. BETWEEN GRETCHEN VANDERVOORT SCHOONMAKER, a single woman of the County of ;uad Stofe of part y ~thefi~t~,Md CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal . I corporation ,!xisdng under the laws of the State of . having its principal platoe of Florida business in the County of Dade Md SUJte of Florida and iawfully authorized to trcuuact business in the Stale of FlorUla, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the ..id part y 0/ the firlt part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _Do~ and other good and valuable consideration to her in hand paid by the ..id party of the second-pari. the n'Ceipt whereof is herebyacknowo ledged, has granted. baT8Qined ;uad fOld to the 84id party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever, th.. following delleribed land .ituate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of FlorUla, to-wit: Those certain unnumbered "out-lotsll lying westerly of and opposite to Lots Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) of Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 61 of the Public Records of Dade County, .Florida, which said "out-lots" con- stitute a'strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west and between the southerly line of said Lot Eighteen (18) produced westerly to Indian Creek and the northerly line of said. .Lot Nineteen (19) produced westerly to Indian Creek. This conveyance is made subject to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for the year 1955. ;..:-. .'",' '.. ", .;;;"'~;" -, ; ; I. I () It I I ~.' 1 ~!"4;~T.7..~,:~ ~ " ".' ........:..,. t.... f :......~;~ .'v <t1..'\o.~.~;...,';J "\' ,". t' ....- . <Ill..., , .'tll" .~. t., --1 ! .",. v+ . r .,- "'1",- .~ :~~ , I I (lit III " : ~'~,:.~~'l':i..,.~\,~ > ..'''~'~ . . \'''-::\;I.J' , .~ ".'. ~ '~;-- .J!. :,~ -~.'" -~; . #...".... : "'t."":" : f', '/1 ;..'1.\ '(). ~ :;1.... f ,.,1 ...' ~ ,-- ""I\~: ....~~. And th,. said part y of the first part ell> eShereby fully warranl the rid,. to 84id land. and u,m el,'fend thr. 84mI'! against the lawful claims of aU'persoru wholflS(",ver, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saul part " y of the firs<< parI hereunto SN has her hand th.. clay and y"ar abrnJe written. and s"al Si[.:n,.d. s"al,..-J and d,.li,,,'r,'fi i,..pr..s(> ~ (Seal I .1: ;' .---~~--_._~~- ---.--."-' i I I ~~ I I I I i i~ ~~ ~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, VN1'Y OF . . ... .\'~ -..', ".', '. '. '\ , JH:iJJ 480 PAGE 328 by Qltrtify. That on this day persorndly appeared before me, an officer d and take' ack~ledgme':b, ledged before me that expressed. !\ub 3J 1Jiurtltrr Q!trtify. the foregoing. deed, and ack~ow- and voluntarily for the purposes therein , known to me to be the wife of the said , on a separate and private examination taken and made by efore me, separately apart from her said husband, did acknow- ledge that she made herself rty to said deed for the purpose 0 ouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and' erest, whether dower, homestead or of separ property, statutory or equitable, in and to the la escibed therein, and that she executed the said deed l and voluntarily and with- out any com sion, constraint, apprehension, or fear of or from her said husb SS my hand and official seal at , County of and State of Florida, this day of Notary Public, State of My commission expires ~~:~: ~F f!ll~:f~~'" ~ l 1lltrrby Ql~fy ~n this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, GRETCHEN VANDERVOORT SCHOONMAKER to me well known to be the person ledged before me that she expressed. 1llIIiturss ~y hand and State of ES MI01. 0 ry 'My CommiSsioft Ex1IlnI '. ",-dIIIIlaIJ II lar:.f _ __l1Y c_o!Tlllli"s_ion _~e1'l':" .~ .. . .. n o .. c .. ~ ;; z Z a n o :0 .. o :0 . ~ o z .s.~ ~ a!; ~ ~ ::'~ ;l .....Q '< ~ CIl- [.... ~~ a;:-. ~ '" '" '< :.. d~ ;s s.~ 1 ~~ 'Q' ~. ~ .. Q.~ lS ~ t>l ::. ;1"0 .... '" ">l C'l .. . Q "'.... t:: .... e.. ;!. t:: Q ~ ~. e.: --. ~ " ~ '" s' ;I" -"';I" C'l C'l i7; .... ....ltl ;:: ~ 5 t:: t:: ~ ;::,. ~. Q ~~ = a is. '" u:; c c ~ ~!!I!I - c S; Sll . J: '> ! .. ~ ~ ... o :0 6 . ~ ~ ~ - ell "/ l'l" 5' lS ~~.?>- ~ ;l fr:::... 0 1r"'Qt:::W;s ~ ~ l~ ~ ~ t:: ~ l;s .. 2:Q~~ ". ": ltl;. ~ l!;: Q '" ..,., .. 8 - " '" Q. ~Q. r. ""i --. ~ Q Q Q II _ e"Q'< .. ~ " ,,' Q Q "~t'ooooI--' 5.:~ ....~~ C'l b:I ;l"Q.;l\" S Q l:l" ~ 0 ~ Q a i':'" i ':< Ol . 8g- a. ~.~ l ~;'" ~ ~~ ;1"-;1" '" '<t 1;;' -,..--.. \!l II'l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. o Q ., .. .. ..e "" " i3 J '" r- LO en . ....... f..- '-' o ..- ._1 C\ C:'~ C::-J ,--, l.\,~ 1:< - '" CI'l .. en" ~ ,-"-. ... <~z 83s ~ .~' C C,J-oItI ~ ~ *: .s ~ -.~ o(-iR t::~ <>::l f-<O ooU ~ .... 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