WD-139 r". BOOK4355 I'AGf415 WfJl?J'{ WARRANTY DEED (FROM COR~ORATION TO CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM 3!5Y. PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 311, FLORIDA Warranty Irtb ID4ill 3Jubru1urr. Made, this 31st day of October BETWEEN GEORGE SCHOR HOMES, INC., a Plorida corporation ,A.D.166 . , II corpoNltion existing under the lGws of the Stllte of Plorida bruiness in the County of Dade , luaving its princiJH11 pltJce of IIIIll Stllte of Plorida ~~ and lllwfully lIuthori:1ld to trlllUact bruiness in the Stllte of FIoridtJ, JH1rty of the first' JH1rt, IIIIll CI'l'Y 011' MIAMI MACH, a municipal corporation II corporlllion existing under the lGwa of the Stllte of Plorida , hlwing its princiJH11 plGce of bruinell in the County of Da4e .1IIIll SttJte of Pl,Qrida and lGwfully lIuthori:ed to tNlnMICt bruiness in the Stille of FloridtJ, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: Tluat_ the lIIid party of the first part, for IIIIll in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable con$iderations ~ to it in hand JH1id by Ithe lIIid party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, .' AoiJ grGnted, bargGined and sold to the lIIid JH1rty of the second part, its successors and GIIigns forever, J.,.~ the following desctibed land sitlUJte, lying IIIIll being in the County of Dade .... and Stille of FIoridtJ, to-wit: Lot One (1), Block Sixteen B (16B) ot the Resubdivision ot Lots 16 to 21 inclusive, Block 15, ot the AMENDED SUNSET LAKE SUBDIVISION, according to the plat-thereot as reco;'ded in Plat Book 9, page l45-ot the Publ1c--Reeords ot Dade County, lPlor~da. The above property bein~_also known and described as tollows, to wit: . . Lot 1 in Block 16-B ot the AMtMDED SUNSET LAKE SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereot, recorded in Plat Book 9, at page 145, ot the Public Records ot Dade County, Plorida. , 1 ...... ,- '-- ~ · " Slihjeet.'bo ...emen1;s the year 1956. . ot record~and taxes tor ; . 'i .. .. \ -,- \ - - '--y~.. ".--.'---''''".'~.-..'.''''-:: ,-'...., W.::a- r ~. -A And the lIIid party of the first part dop.s hereby fully WGrrGnt the title tosaill land, and will defend th':' samp again..t the lGwful clGims of all persons whomsoever. ."."'.-..'--.... ".-. :-.~""?~- . .,I"~ :-)-.-,-,...,.". .. , ~ :-~- ;~- ...... ~-_. \, '\.,' \ -) I ~ , .4355 PAGE4t5 In .ttnuB .~tr'nf. the laid party of the Jim part ha8 carued the6e pre6etr.uto be .signed in it, name by iu proper officer" and it, corporate ,eal to be affixed, attelted by iu Secretary, the day and year above wr' By _....."""'-1T~t. ::.~ \. :.:.~..~.:.:- ,;- <:> .~.' ';'..' --., '( ::.::~::.. ~~.ti ... :..;~i~t ... : ~ ~..~. " ~ , ....5,~i._:~ ~e~. ~ wV'" ~ ._~~~~ ~c C1: -: ~!"' ;,;~,; -t -:-:::." P*- . : ..."~.i&:' . tIP _ \. - ..i,):....#~ " / c..' "'". J ~ .., .-'::41$,' ~I/!' ~....~ l~_:t..~_?,<:~.~:::~;?~~" <"1..11 ........,__,:c~-- ~;._,-l 'h ~,.."'.., . ,,'. "1,\...".a ~~:Jt... '......- I Ghnmtll of DADE llln,hy Q!,rttfg. that on thil 31st day of october A. D. 1956 ,before me per.,lOnaUy appeared LEO SCHOR and CJEOJUJE SCHOll Pre,ident and Secretary' re'pectively of GEORGE SCHOR HOMES, I)(C. , a corporation under the law, of the State of Florida , tf) me known to be the per'OR3 who ,igned the fore- going wtrument IJI ,uch offker, and leVeraUy acknowle(lgedt~e ex~cution thereof to be their free act and deed IJI ,uch officer, for the we, and purpo'eltherein mentioned and tluu they affixed thereto the offi- cial ,eal of ,aid corporation. and that the ,aid, inltrument iI the tlCt and deed of laid corporGt~(m. , ' .Umss my hand and official'm1io; M:tami meaoh' in the County of Dade onq StOre of Florida the day and year ltut aforeloid. JqotarV..~!Ie,. StQt~.ot ,F!orldci ot lorg., Myoammi..1on exprre~^\;Ig: 29,1960. Bonded by American Surety !;D. of ~, y. 1....-r,""",, ".......f'i"'... >c~.:~:~'f~~~----cc,~.'.,.- .s. ~! s' I s.!' ~ $ ~ lS ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ i & rr. en.a. r~ ~:l ...~ ~ ~ =0 tr J ~ [~ ~? tS~\l," ~ ;; r s' l ~ ~ e e Ia ('S t1 Q r:-: l I'l ~ B ~5.. ~ ~ i ~ ~?~ e.'~l~ t g 14 .. ...- ~ ....a. e... '< -:-:a.~ ;;; I ? ~ ~ .a. ,j 5:. n <l>.s; 5:..a. ... Q g ~'("). lIl.-(")1:!:I ::r-a.~ Q I'l'" Q Q "'-, 1lir,i~~l . ~ ~r; ~iI~{ l:j' ~".n l'l..' ~ ~SO ~..ts. :;. :;. S ~ U) lr,< ;' < m '~. ~ m o ~ > ~ Q ~ C .. ~ ; x i " g " ~ Q " > .. o z E ~ ! .. N Q ! II . ,.~..:} -'. ,\~,"t1UH"'11 :.J "<~'1~,~;U.t>" ......'" :>_,.' ,,- ... # ....,1'" :'" .,. '.'. .,> ~ '....;:' , '1 n';y~ ,,' .. 8t~,~c "l.Tj~j . ........'~'~;_,:~c ........". ~ . -iI(', .,..., , '~ ...;/, ........,. . ~",... ~~.,.<-'<'_~l~~~ . ,,'~UItUt\'l~ - ,: """""': ~,~.- "'i'~>-'t. ~- C")~ ~~ ~ ~ : ilo.~ ill ~ = ~ ~...... ~ c:s = -: ~ ~ ,~S . ~~ ~ ~ ~t:Y .... p.:..,',......: T::~ ... .~ ilo. I:!:I en ~ ilo. C") "'3 ~ b B ~ te.t. fa - .. ty ~ ~ c:s ~ r-"~', ;"'''~ ~:~'-~. .~~ \" <,,:\ ..." ' ~'........- \ \ '::i."j: '" . . ~ ,~'.~. .,,1 \: ( ( \. \\..,"- ~ ..,. ':1 ,..-, ,-' ,... '-:) (') 1'''' ~