WD-148 WARRANTY DEED \ TO CORPORATION I (~. 97').5' ~~ci~J 745 PAGE 233 riD -I'fd PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1 MIAMI 38, FLORIDA .,_ . , 1'.. fl ~\'~' 'OJ' '6::. --..,<,~,. C ~J~i."(J'.'.."".."..'~.. e. .... ;::."~il""'Ol )'" . ~''- . - r'~.~--, '.' ~ -.,' . .' / <F,> - ~d.',~~.cSWl II PAPCO'S FORM 34 ,. .". ~, '''''1 f:' _~ \ _ ' -.. , O. ::,'~'l, ,. ,. 00.' 0: . ,,~~i.,.. ';1 0 l. -", ""i I ,_, ';0.. '~- r. ...-4.. " ~-'-"~'L~..' . '-~. - .... . ..'''' ...."...1 ' ,.... .-~ ....,.......~,~. Dturruutu ..., IIr.rb . ... -. - '.- 't.l. m4in 1Jubtuturt. Made. this 1:2 - day of March BETWEEN MARY J. DIEHL, a widow, . A. /). 1<6&-, ....., of the County of Dade and State of Plorida _.~ ~""i~..'; ~ .&--. ..::h.....,. \ "'"" .. - z~.l, ;' -', -J..' 10. '.1' ~ ~t1.r>;i = ! :~:~~f ~l - ~ '<d.~...... .... .."...~~....m':l partY of the first part, and CITY OF JlIAMI BEACH, a municipal . , J' I , "xi&ting und..r th.. laW& of the State of Plorida busineu in the County of Dacle . having it' principal plat-P of and SUIte of Florid.a and lawfully authorized to tl'lJllMCt busineu in the Stare of Florida. party of the &econd part. WITNESSETH: That the ..id part '1' of the firlt part. for and in consideration of the &um of '!'en Dollars to her ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerationllt4flh-.., in hand paid by the Mid party of the &econd part. the TL>eeipt whereof is hereby acknow.~> ledged, bas granted, bargained and 110M to the IKJid party of the &econd part. it& &ucceuors anign&, forever, th.. following de/JC1'ibed land ,ituate, lying and b..ing in th" County of Dade and State of Florid4. to-wit: Lot nU1Bbered. "Tract .~ ot JlIBISClJ'S ISLAJID ot the Bisoayne Bay Islands Company's Group, as per Plat reoorded in Plat Book 8, page 75 ot the Public Records ot Dade County, Plorida; Sub Jeot, however, to the tollowing covenant and restriction, to the taithful observance ot which the City ot Miami Beach, by the acceptance ot this deed, tirmly binds and obligates itselt, its successors and assigns, to wit: The saiel City ot M1aJ1i Beach, party ot the second part herein, hereby covenants and. agrees for itselt, its successors and assigns, with the said party ot the tirst part, her heirs and assigns, not to use the I land. hereby conveyed, or any part thereof, or to permit the same to be used tor any purpose other than for landscaped park and parkway purposes and to the specitic exclu8ion of playground uses. This covenant shall run with and bind the land, and _~n be deemed to be for the sole benetit of the grantor herein, as the present owner ot Lots A and the East balt ot Lot 30, Block 2, according to the Plat ot Hibisous ISland, Plat Book 8, page 75, ot the Public Records ot Dade County, Florida, and tor her heirs and assigns, and they, as sue" owner or owners, now and hereatter, shall bave tull right to the benetit ,ot said covenant and shall be authorized to enforoe, in their own right and names, respectively, all remedies attorded by law or in e4u1 ty, whereby said grantor herein, her heirs and assigns, might enforoe said covenant, or prevent intraetion thereot, or recover all lawtlU daJIaSes suttered by them by reason ot such infraction. Prov1ded,.however, that the lawful use ot existing easements, or the grant of tuture ease_ate, over, under or uplmutbe land hereby conveyed tor public utility purposes snallnot be deemed in violation ot the covenant herein set torth. # And Ih,. said partY' ,,/ the fint parI do .Shereby fully warrant th.. tid,. to said land. and wiD d,'fend : th,. same again-ot the lawful claim& of all person& whoms_ver, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th.. saUl parf/l of th" first part has h"reunlO &,.t her and &"al the day and Yflar above written. J ~I <! 'i I .1::~;J 745 23.1 'tC:,F'~i 'AGE 't STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE 1J lIIrrrby Q!rdtfy. That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, MARY J. DIEHL, a widow,' to me well known to be the person ledged before me that she expressed. Anb 1J 1J1urtl1rr Q!rdifll. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknou'- . executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein That the said , known to me to be the wife of the said , on a separate and private "'- examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said hU$band, did acknow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with- out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension; or fear of or from her said husband, DIlitnrss my hand and official seal at MiUl1J5eacb . County of Dade ,..fIlIJd". ~t"'. .,r.p,l Fkwfda, this !.;l. eft day of . liar. ..Ch~ / j). ;;7/1 A. D.-l9.58 ~'.(:\d ,Po S;"'iJl ~-tA1-~~ \..L.~ '.. ~ ~..".".". '-',J/!\ ~ .. ....r)T'c.....,.,..,i,.~ ,..., '~IT :" .' '..""-1 If'' ,,"'. I ,-, '-':J-, . . =~./ 0 ,'l:~~, :y~ ~ c Notary Public, State of Florida" at Large , \ ~ ~.y.~~~;l~;:ia~l~~~; > 0 My commission ~t~e~UbI1C. State of FlOrida at largll " '." 7 or () ...... - 0 My Commission Expires May 8, 1961 \,:' >~~'m1:r ot.;~. ~~/.. Bonded by American Surety Co. of N, Y. ~',:;,~( '~,;,~~ Q!trtify That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized ;6'aulttl;;~ief oaths and take aCknowledgmen.., . "f"~ ,,, ~ ~~ ~ ao ~ a:: ~~ , l() ~ ~ .J -~" ~,' to me well known to bl' the person ledg,ed before me that expressed. , lIitnril.s my hand and 'official seai tit' and State of Florida, this ~ > ~ n o ~ c m r ~ " 2 . n o m ~ o m > of o 2 .s, t"'l ~ Q ~-.. lS ~ S < 5;~ "< ~ S''::f ~ " if 5.< . t"l S' l~ l ~~ 'Q- ~. ~ .. \:l..~ lS ... t"l s.: ;.- C "'~ ~ "'. ~ ~... ~.... - ;:s I:: Q;'- ~ S: -~ " ... 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