WD-155 r---;--. ~ 1 J ~\ . :r: ;-'~ Rt[iiR;: 813 P^GE 264 (J)V-/~s- WARRANTY DEED (FROM CORPORATION TO COR"OR"TION) PAPCO'S FORM 311Y. PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 311, FLORIDA "'1 lIarranty Irrb m~i.a Juhtut1ttt. Made,this 28th ooyof ,A.D.1958. ',! March BETWEEN JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION OF DETROIT, a non-profit b corporation existing under the laws of the State of Michigan , having its principal place of busine3S in the County of and State of Michigan and lawfully authorized to tramact busWe.s in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation ~isting under the laws of the State of Florida principal place of business in the County of Dade , having its and State of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact businea in the State of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the Mid party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of en Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations ~ to it in hand paid by 'the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ocknowledged, 11M granted, bargained and sold to the Mid party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the foUowing described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade --- and State of Florida, to-wit: Those certain unnumbered outlots lying west~"" ...., of Lots 7 and 8, Block 7 ~~f the Ocean Fran v'. " " ,~ ""~ Property of Miami Beach .unprovement Camp according to the.Plat thereof, reoorded in Plat BOOK 5' at pages 7 and ts of the Pub 11 c Records of Dade County~ Florida, s&1doutlots being otherwise descr10ed as that certain parcel of land bounded on the east by Indian Creek Drive, bounded on the west ,by .Indian Creek, bounded on the north by the north line of said Lot 7 extended westerly to Indian ,Creek, bounded on the south by the south line of said Lot 8 extended westerly to Indian Creek; Subject to restrictions and limitations of recOrd; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, ~,taxes for the year 1958. ,. .-, ,-""(.;., -. ,,' ~ \'" ... .. ~.'\ And the Mid party oj the first part doe& hereby fully warrant the title to ..id land, GIld will defend the 5tlme against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. , ,eel 813 265 RE:R; _' PM,E ... Ju BUutl1. Bly'f'l1f. the Mid party o/the fir.t part 1uu camed these preaenu to be .igned in iu name by iu proper officers. and it. corporate leal to be 'aDix~atteated b~ it. Secret!"Y-l.the OO,! and JEWISH w.c..uFARE FEDERATIon OF DETRO ye4l' above written. a MiChigan non-profit corporation ~~ ),- ~~ Max M Fisher, Vie Hre.fident. By ~?~otory '\\. \( :;. "<. _. (.":-')J".#t<f.-lI'....,.. 't ~ "~ll -'10. V if ~ I~ ,I "t & :.t1'\ I .... r. ~~... .,\..... I .: (;;.)/ ~. ."I~;'~' ;,. !. ~ ... :>J<I>/_ ;;l,;-:M t, \ ~ :, ---.';Ci::r:-----r~ ';---f".~. ,::::~;- ,,-'~?"';"'."'" 11;-,.. , _/ ._ ""' ''-yo/ ~~...... .::: u.a ":"". _'. .il/-- I .. "',~~.... ~ #'....; '" A D 1958 b / II ed Ij' ."".... ...... ,"..,- .. . e ore me perlOna yappe4l' Max M. Fisher ,"~ -(./. ""'" ....-; {"': '/ . ,~~ t1..~.::.~~..,~~~~~ and IsidoreSobelof'f', . Vice premt~_~~ctivelY 0/ .JIVISH WELF~. ~EDERAT:tOW JW :DETROIT. ,if'cO,.P;,TiJto'ri.~er the lows 0/ ~,~{t~tPffllol. M~~~ .... '.' .to.~knowntobetheper.omwho.ignedthe/ore. : ,~.~:'~\~nfenfC~~tICh "'tifficerl and .everolly tu:knowledged-rhe execution thereof to be their free act and S ',~,.d~i4t..pflh '~Dif~' (!,'!,~,!-e ~e. and purpo'elt~e.reinJne~tioned arzd tfw,t they afJi~ed ther~~!MhflipDi. . ,~ <:, ,:>C;i41 ~~f'@(\ ~~~~ipft'_Imd. that the Mid ~trlot".ent ~ the act and d-eedoJ said corpor~1}. ii Ii () ~/,"i_ ,..~ ~ . ... ,.;:......; ':.':'":. _ 4.:~ '_,_~:-"j. ~ ._ _ . . . ' . ,_ _"':~"""'''''''.''~''. .:..;~t";) <~.5:;. -;.-:!-:1IfttttBlt'~ ~~ii(hirid oUicial~idt City of'Detro1.t, .;,':;.'/' \"1 p" '\'~\ ,::':~':S:"'.;,~."...' .... ~-"'''''~-'lr"".l " ~:.:::'-o ..";;"/1 .....;. .':~~ ~/~ tRe,Co~'y;,~~.., and State 0/ 5' - [ ->~<, <~~~' 1;; ....,,il'r"": '... ,'''-.. . ...',. :~~7_J- f ~i" ~ ' -,t..", " .~ \..-:'. h .J-u..' _"..J ~''''.~ --.,.- ~.;t;;;. id . "" . -~j \11 ( \, I , ,~" ~ .I" t eU<IJII,.JPK!:', ~"""--TWeSCl. ~ " v _ _ ,. / ...... 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