WD-159 - 1379 rAGE,~ 45 PAPCO'S FORM 34 f(~ w]) -/11 WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION) ,.."....... .~'.,........ lUarrauty il'rb wl1in lJubtuturr. Made, this ~ day of -' ~ ,A, D. /959 . BETWEEN W. G. NEWBOULD and MARGARET NEWBOULD, his wife of the County 0/ Dade and State of Florida part ies 0/ the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal HfCCorporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida ' lu&ving its principal place 0/ business in the County of Dade and State 0/ Florida and iaw/ully authorized to traruact business in the State 0/ Fwrida, party 0/ the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said parties 0/ the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration~ to them in lu&nd paid by the said party 0/ the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party 0/ the second part, its successors and assigns, forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County 0/ Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot One (1), Block Five (5), SUNSET LARE EXTENSION SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 40, page 23 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. .' >- LLJ f- a 2: <1: ;:::, a 0 ''',- u STA'TE OF ~LORIOA DOCUMEN.!APv STAMP TAX ~ APRZO'Sg COMPTROLLER PB.1901l8 21 OO~ V" ...." And th,. said parI ies of the first part dt,. hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and ",ill de/end Ihe same against the lawful claims 0/ 'all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th" saul partieS 0/ the first parI have hereunto Sf'1 their lu&nd s and seal S the day and year above wriUPA. (Seal) (S..al) t179 FAGt246 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE 3J lIlrrrby C!1rrttfy, That on this d4y personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, W. G. NEWBOULD and MARGARET NEWBOULD, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknow. executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein ledged before me that they expressed. i\nb 3J 1J1'urt~rr C!1rrttfy. That the said MARGARET NEWBOULD , known to me to be the wife of the said W. G. NEWBOULD , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately an,d apart from her said husband, did acknow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or eq,lfitable. 1 in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarilylJllsl'Jv~b.:,:,~ out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension, or fear of or from her said husband... / ",~/,. , ,~'~, I.... ~ 11llHtnrss my hand and official seal at ~ ~,County of Dade :f~~ f ,'\ and State of Florida, this .s~ day of ' A. D,.:}9, S9 . . . 'j.,' '.~ 'r ...._, ~ -....). -';;" . '<"', ; .\_, ,i.:) 1 "" ,".'\.- , I, ..::"" \ ;; i ~ t\ '1\~> "".'... ~ "'1 ,,~ '1 t\l i~:~ ,.. a -, ~, -, ..." C C. '~ ~ -. .. ", f ...., ( CI w ~.. .- ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, County of 3J 1!hrrby C!1rrttfg My commission expires Notory pUb!;" ~+ , . M " ~,O,e of Fr, 'f I y COi:1mi':;c;:cn c\: :. ,'~nca at orae Bonded b ;:~:"" ',',res Oct. 3, 19'0 Y.'..(,;liC:::'n "ur't CD. .... .... Yo, 0' N y That on this day personally appeared before me. an 'officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments. to me well known to be the person ledged before me that expreued, WUnrss my hand and official seal at and State of Florida, this described in an 1 who executed the foregoing deed, and acknow- executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein , County of day of , A. D.19 " \ '- -':"..' , (""'~'~~ r: --:':'~;r')~r--rr--~T~' 1:- l' ;" ~,-~--- .?.~ ! .' ~: r~ s.;/.. ., '~ f 's , .. I: .... ~.~~r' ~ ~ "'~ - > ll.. ;! < .,..'" ::l..l::/::l = - , 5;; '< ~ '" Q I: . n ~ ~ i,;!:O So a. '" ~ 0 ::.. Of , ~-:- [.... I: ~ a. ~ 1:' = Q ~ c ~f ~ 2:11",," Q ..... I:l:l . V> r !\' ~ a. ~ . ..... "*' ;E ~ ~ . trJ -.. :r S. ~~ ~ II - cs ~ z ~ t~.. Q ::.. a ~ S r'J ~ n ~~ Q '" "-3 r'J 0 a. 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