Aft(. (, \ l~Y 1
THIS INDENTURE, Jola41 and Intered into by and betwlln
the CITf OF MIAMI BEACH, a .unlclpal corporatlon or Dade county.
Florlda, herlinaftlr callld tnl "Clty," party or the rlrst part,
.....')~ rt ~{j. ,'2c.&(. i'1'~, 7;..VC4.?1YJ, r.,/lAA--\.J<A...JJJ,
boJy corporatl and polltlc under the lavs or Florlja, hereln-
artor called the "Board," party or the .econd part. WITNESSETH.
That, "''HERBAS, the Board 11 tnl owner or a certain
l~\d .1tuat. ln tneClty or Mlaml Beach, 'lorlda, par-
U. that certaln deed recorded ln Deed Book
','007 at pa_e I..,., or thl P\lbl1c !leeorda or Dade County, 'lorlda
", J.
t~ wnlch'd.e.s r.~~r.~e ls her. ..de ror a mol'. partlcular de-
land. and or whlch the rlrst harelnartar d.-
l~' ara a part, whlch ,ald lands thl Board deslre, to
- .
a' a ,chool ~lt. ror the conlt~ctlon ~ ..lntenance
.'thoor-O<\ or a school center but whlch add trlct so owned by the
lo<>"r:1 t. !~n" In,u!'!1e lent and lnadequate ror such purpose l
.H!PAJ.J, the Clty b the owner or a tract ot land
.ltu.t- anJ lylnc adJacant to and l.aodl.taly South or~~ lands
U Olt'~d by tha BOlrd p.rUculaJ'lJ descrlbed ln thAt certain
d.- I TacLrd.<i 1n D..4 Ilook 1976 at paca 39 or the Public Racord.
or o.4a Ca.wlt)'. ,1aTUa to whlcb daad ,..rlrancl 1. he,.. :Dad.
tor a aore partlcular dlscrlptlon ot sald land. and whlcb land.
ara now t.lnc utl1l~ tor park purpo.l. and or which the l&D4.
11.t ha""lnatter ducrlbad are a partl and
'l/K!IIIAS. it ha. be.n toun4 and d.t.~inad b7:..tha Cit7
the Board, act1JlC by and tlu'ouch thdr r.apecU...
lonrnin, bodl.., that an Illchanc. ot lands by the partle.
ee~3165 PQ400
each to the other as here10 done, to the end that sald school
center llIay 1lI0re adequately ser!e lts 10tended purpose. will be
to the beneC1t and best lnterests at the partles hereto;
.NOW, THEREFORE, ln consideratlon at the premises and
at Ten Dollars b7 each'ot the part1es to the other pa1d
other good and valuable cons1deratlons tram each party to
1lI0v1og, ,the recelpt ot allot wh1ch 1s hereby se-
the Board has granted. barga1oed. sold and conveyed
presents does bereby grant. barga1o, sell and con-
C1ty the tOllowing descr1bed lands sltuate. ly1ng
ot M1am1 Beach. Dade County. Florlda.
,.' Beginn1ng at the 1ntersectlon at the south 11ne
, .ot ~est Forty-third (~)rd) Street, produced easterly,
vi~h the Basterly 11041 at North Mlch1gan Avenue, as
shown on Plat or Nautl1us Extens10n Third, recorded
10 Plat Book 3~. at page 98, at the Pub11c Records ot
Dade County, Flor1da. sald po1otbe1ng also the North-
westerly ccrner ot a tlve (5). acre C1ty Park; thence
r~'Basterly along the South.rly line or West Forty-
thlrd (*3rd) Street. produced Easterly, sa1d line belng
the Northerly 11ne ot .ald rlve (5) acre parkl a distance
ot seYen Hundred Fitty-tvo and e1Cht tenths ('/52.8) teet
to a polnt on the Westerly 11ne or North Herldian Avenue.
as .hown on Plat at Naut11u. Addition. recorded in Plat
. Book ll. at page 1)0, ot the Public Records at Dad. Count7.
Florldat sald po1ot being the po1ot at beg1nn1ng or th.
tract of land her.1o descr1bed; trea said po1ot or be-
ginning run 10 a II'ortherly dlrec.10n along the said Westerly
11041 ot ll'orthHer1dlan Avenue a d1stanc. or 151.119 reet
to a po1ot"...ld point be1ng Fitty-one and two tenths
. (51.2) teet northerly trea the po1ot.,or curvature as
" :,shown on Uld Plat or Nautilus Add1tion; thence run
f:;,~"ln a "'uterly direction along a line denecting to the
'" ,'f. lert N10ety (90) degrees, a distance at Two Hundred
81chty-als and r1ve tenths (286.5) t.et to a po1Dt;
thenc. denecting to the left Ninety (90) degr_s run
'"in . 80utherly d1rection to, the atore.a1d Zaster17 .x-
'tension ot the southerly 11041 or "'ut Forty-th1rd (lt3rd)
8treet, thence run 10 an easter17 d1rect10n alGal tpe
.a1d Ba.terly extens10n ot the Southerly 11041 o~ "'est
Forty-third (~3rd) street to the po1ot or beg1nn1ns.
conta~1ng 1.3 apres. 1lI0re or 1....
m1l3165 M;l401
~. for the cons1derat1on aforesa1d, the C1ty has
bargained, sold and conveyed and by these pres..nts
., .
loes hpreby grant, barga1n, sell and convey unto th.. Board
descr1bed lands situate, lying and bel~~ in the
Hlo..-ni ;;each, Dade County , Florida, to-wit:
Eeginnine at a point which is the intcr~cctl"n
of the Southerly lIne of ;'le~t !"orty-third (4;1'1)
Strtlet, pro.lHcpd Ea"terly, ',:lth the Easterly lInt>
01" J\'orth :~ichlEan . Avenup., a5sho'.m on Plat of
llau,tllusExtenslon Tlliru, recorde1 In Plat Eook
31,. j' at paee 9d ,.of the PublIc R.ocorJs of Dade
County, Florida; sal1 pol'lt of beeinnlng bol::;;
.also the Northwesterly corner of a ftve (5) acre
Ci~:r Park; thellce run "ast"rly "lonr; th" south"rly
l1n.e of :':e=t Forty-thlr.j (431'1) street pro'.luced
Ea=terly, sal1.:1i'1c oolnc the r:ortherly Ibl' of
s<11d flv" (:.) aer(> park, a di~t!U1"p. of two hundred
=ixty (260) f,'et to a point; th"ncf' deflecti:1!';
to,:the right nInety (<;iO) Jer;r"es run la a =outherly
directIon a distance of two hundred tWt'nty-sev"n
(.';)7) fcp.t to a p'Jlnt; th~nc'" .lcflectinr, to thf'
riGi;t ninp.ty (':0) d..,erE'ps run 1:1 a ':Iesterly .;1-
reet i on to the Ea"terly 11n" of !lorth :,:lchlr,an
.Av~nuE" as !:aldr;o!"th~.ar.h1r.art Avenue 1s shown on
thiO "lo",..-""ntlol1l."j pl;,t; tn',"e" run in a
i;.,rth"rly dir..ction a10ne th<:, Ea~terly l1n... .of
zuLi ~:j:-th i.:ll..~h1~bJ1 Avenite to the point of' i;c-
riMtnr., contaInIng one nndthrce t<'nths (1.3)
'a~rc:;t .more 0:" Ipss..
th,.. patties does h,..reby fully warrant
that pllrty to the othe:r ("01)'/":1"1.
sa~'(' ai>alnct ,th" lawful claL.,!; of
..roresai= ann ~ttcr to
purpns<:,s of tte part to's for the
ar.1l clolnt"n:mce of a' school center as aforesal1.
the Eoard tr... right and pr1v1-
tt:e C-:;r school purposes, in conjunction with the use
for park purposes, th~ lands h('re1n ~J
thp r.t~y conveyed and as well the residue and
the,iands .descrlbed In Deed Book 1976 at page 39
for so long only as a school and school center shall
.'. .~.' ',. .. ..'
~d c;p~rated'bY the Board on the lands herein by
the Board
always to the control
. .
~3165 ,.dtl'l
STArE 01" nORmA)
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this .l!L day of
lune, , A. D. 19~~, before me personally appeared
HARCIE LmERMAl1 and C. W. TOMLINSON, Mayor and City
Clerk respectively of the CITY OF HIAllI BEACH, a
municipal corporation of Dade COWlty, Florida. to me
knOwn to be the persons who signed the foregoin&
instrument as such officer~ and severally acknowledged
the execution thereof to be their free act and deed
as' such officers for the uses and purposes therein
=~htioned and that they affixed thereto the off1c1al
scal of snid corporation, and that the said instrument
act .and deed of said corporation.
','I:'!IESS my signature and Official seal at
Miami Beach, in the county of Dade and ~tate of Florida
thl' clny and yeur last aforesaid.
e'd~'" Q. ';JP.l.flJ.D
~Io_ary Pu~ic
....." '.....:. ~.... 'I' "..:... .. ........
..., c..-""'(>"'''.~ .... ...".....,.,..]'t 1'1A.
....... 110, ~o(._ ~,"'." c.... .. No ....
,.. -"'"
(~'."","'" y-
.', . .,.~
t''''~ -
c.,~..- \7"
..,. .:~~"\'
. .... ~ ,. ..'
!,,:-;~n6-5 ~4ot
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on thls ~ day of
0.1949. before me personally appeared
. " .
,H.O.LASSETER and JAMEST. ',IILSON, Chairman and
Secretary respectlvelyof T?E: BOAllD OF PtJ:LIC IlISTRUCTION
body. corporate and polltic
to me knovn to be the perso:ls
s1.gned the foregoing instrucent as such officers
severally acknowledged the executlon thereof to
free act and deed as such officers for the
purposes therein mentioned and that they
seal of said corporation.
and that the sald instrument is the act and deed of
said corporation.
~ITNESS my slgnature and .offlclal seal at
in the 'county of Dade and state of Florida
last aforesaid.
~~, "^~JjJU
'.,. .".' Notary Public < .:.... .": .
. - . .......' ,
~.ry "ut.1w- ~ !"I"~ of Florid. at.tarp:" ~:". '. ~:.'- .
..,c.:..n.w....j... l'Lptrn 'J.:1. 2.4. 19:;1. ...