WD-57 BOOK3210 p.AGE334 wD~;Y WARRANTY DEED THIS DlDEN'rURE made th1s 17th day of November, A.D. 1949, between LOUIS MILLER, HARRY A. MILLER AND JEANNE E. MILLER, ilis wife, ot the:: County ot Dade, state ot Florida, FIRST PARTIES, and CITY OF , MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation 'existing and Operating under the laws of the State of Florida, looated in the County of Dade, SECOND PARTY. WIT N E SSE T H : That the said First Parties, tor and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) dollars and. other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid by the Second Party, the receipt whereot is here- by acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said Second Party, its successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade, and State of Florida, to-wi t: ,.~ uJ: .J .J' . W C: Z 4. '0 r 'i ""j:C' ~ ~ .... r~~<" _- Lots Thirty-three and Thirty-four in Block One (1) all in SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION of the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company, as the same are shown, marked and designated on an amended plat of said suhdiwj.a1.on, recor4ed .in Plat Book 28, at Page 28, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Dade County, Florida; Also the Southerly twenty-five (25) Feet ot Lot Thirty-five (35) in Block One (1), ot sai4 SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION of tne Miami Beaoh Bay Shore Company, according to plat aforesaid, and more par- tioularly described as tollows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection ot the dividing line between Lots J4and 35, of Block 1, and the Easterly line ot Collins Avenue as same are shown on a plat entitled "Amended Plat ot Second Ooean Front Subdi- vision., recorded in Plat Book 28, page 28, Public Records, Dade County, Florida, run in a northerly direotion along the easterly line of Collins Avenue, a distanoe ot twenty-five and nine-thousandths (25.009) teet ,to a point; thence run in an easterly direction along a line parallel to and twenty-tive (25) feet distant northerly tram the dividing line between said Lots J4 and 35, Block 1, a distance ot two hundred torty (240) fee~ more or less, to the mean high water line ot the Atlantic Ocean; BOOK3210 PAG~335, SUBJECT TO restrictions, oonditions and limitations of record, including municipal zoning ordinanoes of the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, and subject to pending municipal improvement liens of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. AND the said First Parties do hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will' defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said First Parties do hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. (L.S.) L.S.) (L.S. ) SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN PRESENCE OF: ~ -~"' :_~~~-..~->..: tu~-----e d~/ 0&~-,-,?~ . BOOK3210 PAGE3q6 - STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: OOUNTY OF DADE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an offioer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aoknowledg- ments, LOUIS MILLER, widower, HARRY A. MILLER and JEANNE E. MILLER, his wite, each to me well known to be the persons desoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing DEED, and aoknowledged before me that they exeouted the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein ex- pressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the said JEANNE E. MILLER, known to me to be the wife of the said HARRY A. MILLER, on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did aoknowledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renounoing, rel~nquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in-and to the lands desoribed therein, and that she exeouted the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any oomp~lsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. WITNESS my hand and offioial seal at the City of Miami Beaoh, 1949. and State of Florida, this 17th day of November, A~ ~~~~ ~~&.~ NOT 10 State of Florida ~~~.' ~, / 7/ / 'i .s:-I_ A. D. Oounty of Dade ,\:\"" c: .... '" ,,_,,:, \,1. "'.' '-"" ,". " , "f '. ,~ .... "",., ,,1> \- '$' '^ ,<,'';' " " ~'::.\ > ~ "''',' W'i_', : ~C":;~:. ;;,,"":): " _, t." ~ ~ if :If> .- . ,,::t '.,_....1f.,._.. ;; : ,'i'" .. ..... -, ,.. ',,+ i "...~:,';- ,." .' ,\.~:, ~:':,.IL,"'''_' 1'""'1' ..."'"l!!J'{' A"\'!"~