CAO 00-09 ~--~- -- --.----------- ~-- ~ ~e~ -\k (~l ~ " -l .",-,~es~ fROM l~l OlSK Of JEAN OL\N Deputy City Attorney (305) 673-7000 Ext, 6485 ~~~ ~ ~>\.v-e- S ~ .,- l A-e,-\.v <<S \~,v\.cDo& \J.9 \".b QA-<2- ~~ ~~ rLQ}) - --------------- ---- , . ~ t"u '. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM C.A.O. NO. 00-09 TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager Murray H. DUbbfJA \.J ~ I. 01--= City Attorney I VOl ~\,Q'W'" Raul J. Aguila ~~'t- First Assistant City Attomey C.M.O. NO. 2-8/00 FROM: SUBJECT: Is Randy Hilliard's appointinent to the Convention Center Oversight Committee appropriate? DATE: August 30, 2000 Pursuant to City Manager Lawrence Levy's memorandum, dated August 18, 2000, a question was raised as to whether Mr, Randy Hilliard's appointment to the City's Convention Center Oversight Committee is appropriate; specifically, as to whether Mr. Hilliard meets one of the general requirements (for appointment to a City board and/or committee) in Section 2-22(4) of the Miami Beach City Code which states as follows: (4) Members of agencies, boards and committees shall be affiliated with the City; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: (a) An individual shall have been a resident of the City for a minimum of two years; or (b) An individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the City for a minimum of six months. Exceptions to subsections (4) (a) and (b) of this section shall only be permitted if it is determined by the City Commission that an agency, board or committee requires the membership of an individual with a specific position, knowledge, experience or expertise not available in another individual who may otherwise comply with the terms of subsections (4) (a) and (b) of this section, The facts provided to this Office indicate that at the time of his appointment to the Convention Center Oversight Committee, Mr. Hilliard was not a resident of Miami Beach and therefore had not met the residency requirement set forth in Section 2-22(4)(a). With regard to the six months business "ownership/interest"requirement in Section 2- 22(4)(b), at the time of his appointment Mr. Hilliard served (and continues to serve) as President of the Alliance Theater, a 501-(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation operating in the City, However, Mr, Hilliard stated to this Office that he has no ownership in the Alliance Theater, nor does he receive a salary or any other type of compensation from the Theater for the services that he provides, The question as to the validity ofMr, Hilliard's appointment, therefore, is whether, having failed to meet the residency requirement in Section 2-22(4)(a), and not having an "ownership" in the Alliance, pursuant to the first threshold requirement in Section 2-22(4)(b), he has an "interest" in the business that would qualify him for appointment under the second part of Section 2-22(4)(b). Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary 630 (1991) defines "interest" as a "right, title, or legal share in something", As Mr, Hilliard is not an owner in the Alliance, and holds an unpaid position therein, he possesses no right, title or legal share therein. Therefore, it is this Office's opinion that Mr. Hilliard does not meet any of the requirements set forth in Section 2-22(4)(a) and (b), However, it should be noted that, as provided by Section 2-22(4)(b), exceptions to subsections (4) (a) and (b) may be permitted if it is determined by the City Commission that the Convention Center Oversight Committee requires the membership of an individual with a specific position, knowledge, experience or expertise not available in another individual who may otherwise comply with the terms of subsections (4) (a) and (b) and that Mr, Hilliard is such individual. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, RJAIkw P:\ATroIAGURIC,0\()\00.09.CAO cc: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager 2 ... . -'..4 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Lawrence A. Levy City Manager FROM: Raul J. Aguila P-~ G- First Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Randy Hilliard's Appointment to Convention Center Oversight Committee DATE: August 16,2000 Pursuant to our previous discussion, you were going to request a City Attorney Opinion (CAO) regarding the above-referenced matter. Please be advised that there has already been a citizen inquiry as to Mr. Hilliard's appointment; as you know, it is the policy of this Office not to issue legal opinions to the public-at-Iarge, but rather upon either a request by the City Manager or the Mayor and Members of the City Commission. RJA\kw P:\ATI'OIAGUIlIMEMOSIIlILlJAIU).LL cc: ~urray H. Dubbin, City Attorney