CAO 00-04 ." CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager '" -C'\\J Raul 1. Aguila/~ '\ First Assistant 'city Attorney CAO NO. 00-04 FROM: CMO NO. 1-3/00 SUBJECT: South Pointe Advisory Board - Fax from Mike Burke questioning legalities of this Board and its actions DATE: September 21,2001 In reviewing a list of my outstanding request for City Attorney opinions (CAO), please be advised that the above-referenced request for CAO was withdrawn prior to the commencement of your tenure as City Manager. I believe the issue is moot now anyway, but if you would still like a formal response, please advise me in writing. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. RJA \kw FoIA TTOlAGUR.\CAOIOO-04CAO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TRANSMITTAL FORM: REQUEST FOR LEGAL OPINION FROM: Murray Dubbin City Attorney Lawrence A. Levy ~,L- City Manager ' C,M.O, Number: 1-3/00 /~ \ ~l./ '.l~i,---> (\J J TO: DATE: March 24, 2000 SUBJECT: SOUTH POINTE ADVISORY BOARD - FAX FROM MR, MIKE BURKE OF THIS BOARD AND ITS ACTIONS -- ( '::.~ QUESTIONING-LEGALITIES I am forwarding the attached memorandum to you for your handling. As indi~ate~directly below, please respond to this office with a copy of your opinion to the de~art~~t, when applicable. As soon as possible, please return the completed Legal Department Transmitt!! p~~ to this office. '':: Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. LAL:lcd Attachment F,\CMGR\$ALL\LISA\LEGAL.FRM\LEGAL-OP.FRM c: Luis Garcia Christina M. Cuervo Alex Rolandelli C./ftc ... \r...... f 'V\.J . Cc'-C Ll TO: Lawrence A.Levy City Manager DATE: FROM: As per your request, attached is the Legal Opinion you requested regarding the above- referenced subject. Attachment c: Luis Garcia Christina M. Cuervo Alex Rolandelli ,_ FROM.: 5 B H\JTELS PHONE NO. : 3056739910 Mar. 20 2000 10:48AM P2 Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency 1700 ConventIon Center Drive M.anll 6each. Fl. ~31]9 11llp:\\Ci.miaml.oeaCil fl. us , i(~. if" .... 'I ' In .. r>il. ,ll~'X:.Ir.. 'W. .'-:::#'1".,; .':' , L uS SOUTH POINTE ADVISORY BOARD DATE: March 17, 2000 TO: Chairman and Members of the South Pointe Advisory Board FROM: Lawrence A. Levy ~ Executive Director SlJBn:CT: AGENDA The next meeting ofth~ South ~oime A.dvisory Boa:d will be,held on Thursday. ~arch 23'~. 2000 at 4:00 P.M.. at Cny Hall In the CIty Manager. s Small ConferenCe Room. 4\ Floor. ntroduction of Appointed Members. Election of the ChairPerson and Secretary to [he Board, Review of Sunshine and Public Records Law. 1. 4. Police Report. Code Enforcement Report, Special Events Report. 00 Bond Neighborhood Meetings. Approval of minutes of prior meetings: a. September 9 and Octobe~t 4, 1999 - Not previously approved b. NovemberlS, l)eccmber 9,1999, January 20 and February 10,2000 -No Quorum! Reports only 9. Approval of Meeting dates for the Year 2000. 10. South Pointe Streetscape Master Plan, 11. Other Business. :! -:,.. . '..' ~" ~ ";' ~~..: ":" (Distribution on reverne side) LAUCSt~~ ~ . F,\ODHPlSALLlAl....drllS<'ullo POi.lil\SPAIJ'SVAa ....e.d..'SPAIl Oj2jOO.do<