CAO 00-03 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Debora 1. Turner First Assistant City Attorney FROM: Jean K. Oli~'LlfKr- Deputy City Atto;tiey SUBJECT: STATUS OF PENDING CITY ATTORNEY OPINION DATE: April 11, 2000 Please provide me with an update as to the following request for City Attorney Opinion: · CAO No. 00-03 received on February 15,2000 regarding Conveyance of Title from the State of Florida to the City for Altos Del Mar Park lKOIkw F:\ATTOIOLll\MEMOSICAOSTATS.DJT -~ '''0 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\cl.mlaml-beach.lI.us Planning Department Telephone (305) 673-7550 Facsimile (305) 673-7559 MEMORANDUM August 21, 2000 TO: Murray Dubbin, Esq. City Attorney Jorge Gomez 1f'1/c. L ~c:- <9...."'? Planning Director r ~ FROM: RE: Request for legal opinion concerning conveyance of the title from the State of Florida to the City for Altos Del Mar Park The legal opinion that I requested by memo, dated February 7, 2000, may be postponed until October of this year, when the State is scheduled to receive bids on the sale of the subject lots, JG:W AC:JAM cc; Jorge M, Gonzalez, City Manager ..--Debora Turner, First Assistant City Attorney Lisa Dixon, Executive Office Assistant, City Manager's Office c -~ - :''"''"' - c:: G) ,- ".) - .~ -0 c,.... C - ..", .. ..,.., (J .;::- r-