WD-71 J Form 4~ Florid. TUT8LANX F\E. ISTI!Rt.D U.S,P....T.OP CI!. TuffleLa'NPri 'w15: u l-t .w~i~ Jnbtntuttt 29th day of June A. D. 19 $1 HBS: lIS~;" 6/2,/$' #1-,79 Ii I' .Made this Between MILTON RANDEL1LUl and ROSLIN RA.NDELMlN, his wU'e, and LOUIS RANDELlIAN and BAR.BARA RANDELMAN, his 1d.te, of the County of New YOrk in the State of Ne.. York part ie8 of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a :Municipal corporation of the State of Florida of the County of Dade part y 01 the second part, , " Witnesseth, that the said part 18s of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations IJd<<'~, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledted, have granted, bartained and sold to the said part., of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade , State of Florida, to wit: in the State of Florida I I i I I I I \' l Lot Thirteen (13) in Block Thirty-six (36) of GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereot, recorded in Plat Book 6, at Page 26, or the Public Records ot Dade County, Florida. This conveyance is made subject to restrictions ot record; zoning ordinances of the City ot Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for the year 19$1. And the sail:[ part ies-oftheftrst part do-~hereoyluttfjfl5ilFNinfi'1ftl'tm'el(,}8a1it-'~" land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof, the said part iea of the fir.~t part ha ve hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence ~ -_____ i Randelman I ~- !: :s: ~ - 0 > r :s: z tD ~ III 0 )> " n: :t " UI W 0 !ll !: '11 Z r n o 0 :lJ r _ Z '.... 0 " ,> 0 )- \l ,0 I I II I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day nersonally appeared before me, an II officer duly authorized to administer oaths and takeacknowledtments, 1li1ton Randelman and Roslyn Rande1man,.his nfe,Louia aandelman and Barbara Randelman, I ffl-"7n'11'3,ell known and known to me to be the individual s describ~ in and who I executed the foreloint deed, and who acknowledted before me that , they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. I AND I FURTHER CER'tIFY, That the said Roslyn Randelman and Barbara Handelman wive a known to me to be the .,..,of the said Milton Randelman aDd Louis Handelman on a separate aTIJ!]}!!Va.te examination taken and made by and before~IJi8ately and apart from~ said' husband, did acknowledte that sfteYmade ~ a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncint, relinquishint and conveyint all Xxuth ir ritht, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separali:"",property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that~ e;recuted the said deed freely and volu;t.aly and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from aid husband... WITNESS my hand and official seal at New York County of NeW York ,and State ~ ~ this 49 +H , day of June, d. D. 19 51 . e or JP YPIiK Stale of nmxiIm; 8oo~3467 PAGf249 } County of New York " ..,."..;.,.--t'1.-.i....., ,;.,- ,,:,;;;.N.=O ./1." ;..~ t.: ""' ",'UU'f, ~,~".,,' '~~ _......~...., "'..,_'>,>"i:'.::"''- 'd h A _ ~~. .It .... \.,. B ,.",c..,. ~ . ~c;,e:(/ .' .4! .' ..4"\ ,. ~" n":i' f.~ ~. t: ", ; ..~~.-.':,.. .. NotaTY Public .1.1l.: ,",~y'....," c:J,: . VlRA lIU~1TO C;:o.... ~ ','~ : NOI'AlY ~."" HiIJlIl' ,'"'"" .t ' . '.: , No. 0 ' li~\I' 0 \~!., i QIIIL lit I. ,0\ ~" .', ;~iJ.. "","'~,f.., . 'fII\I.... Y. Co.~ ....~ -0 ,<I' T_ bplreI ~" . ,~ ,..'" '<:.' -1I"\f .. ',,\.'-\'" " .,'",_':'J'.t):IlU'''''',.:' .'.:': . ':J) . My Commission E;qJir~A-. Jd,/?S.2, ".- _____..--.. _""<<C"._~___"_"__~~~"'" ~/~ I - z > -l :r > z UI r 0)- z ~ . 0 o ~ " ii > ::: s;p UI ~ /ll -l ~L ~~ I ~ I Ii! I l!a I Ii: j I~ t:l ~ a. ~ ~ j ()j ~ .. ~ ~ ......Q<...~ ... ~ O::l ~ '" O::l . ~ .....8";r~ t'$j'~ b~ ~ ~Go ~O'~~':.~' <"io V:l "'......" ...~.....~ .... .... ~ a. ~;;: ~ a. ~... ~ <"io III 0 ~~;:l Go .... ;::t'~! 0 0 <"io ~ ~ a. ~ ~~ ... ~~, t:JO ....~ ~r.o ~~~ ~ ~1'S!j O::l ~~ ob:la.O::lt:.... S l;l ~ l;l ~.....o o~ O::l ~O::l:zGo~....~_ ~ .. ~! l;l 0' ~ ~ a. 0 ~ ~ ~ l;l l"> ~ ( '" ~ ~ o~ ~ ' a o [ O::l ~ ~..IIQ,~.....~ 8 ~ ...~~....~ ~~ ~~ ~ ).. 5l.S'~ l;l;::t'~ "'" ~ ci ~~ ~.........~l;l ~ 0 [OW ~no [[€~ ...;:l~~} ~ ~ ~......~~ :::o;:l~ o~ ;:l 0........ (\) I"'I<"io l;l <::! l;l"'" ~ ~.~~ci g~~ ~ ~ ~ . <"io a. a. I ::0'" Go ~ ... 00 '=' ~ j~ 2.~ ~ -~ It ~~ ~ ~ = t.!I!j ~ o ~ o ,.~""',-,-'" ~ ;;. ..J ~ 00 c,,1 00 t1 ': a,' ij'.