WD-107 m~i!i 1fubruturr. Made thlA MARLO, INC. 19th day of .June , A. D. 19~, BETWEEN , a corporation Florida ----0 having its principal place of Dade and State of Florida CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporation '. ,.. '. I of the County o~. Dade , and Stare of Florida pa~ of the secoRd part, WITNESSETB: , " ...~' to it in hand paid by the said part1L.-. of the se()Ond part, the receipt whereof isbereby acknowled~ has granted, bargained and sold to the said par~ of the second pa Jbciutand assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of 'Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: ' . That certain unnumbered outlot lying Westerly of and opposite to Lot 19, Block 34, of the Ocean Front Property of Miami Beach Improvement Company according to the Plat thereof ,~~ recorded in Plat Book 5, pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records" of Dade County, Florida, which outlot constitutes a strip of land on the Easterly shore'of Indian Creek lying between Indian Creek Drive on the East and ,Indian Creek on the West and be- tween the North and South lines of said Lot 19, produced westerly, to Indian Creek. Subject to restrictions of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach Flor~<;!a.;....andtaxes for the year 1953~ which are to be pro-rated as of the date of Closing the , transaction. J MARLO, mc. ~,'" By; ~ " Si#ii, '<d, ", lI,l~d an"ll, tleliv,~,', d 1ft, the p~, ,......"..'l- ~&t:.. .< . ,'4 ....~c t2..~ . I...J. . ',Pr, dt.' > -', ,',I,' t. ~'; "j.. C)(," "'~"'~ Y-!'~.:"., '0'':'''1''; { ',~ '?\( " ~TATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF Dade BOOK3788 PAGE190 . I HEREBY CERTIFY, th~t o~,,;.Jl~th day of June , A. D. 1922-. before me personally appeareil FlorenceB. CraiJ2: and Patricia L. CraiJ2: wXIx President and Secretary respectively .t MaTtl n I Tnc. ' a corporation under the laws 01 theSiateof' ' ""Florida ,tome known ~ he the persons who signed the foregoin8 instmment as 1!Ilch officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to he their free act ani) deed illS Sllch officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the official ; j aeal oC sdld corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation, .WITNESSmfsignature and official seal a1-- Miami Beach Dade )n the C9\l1lty of ~'ai;and year last aforesaid. . ,,;,:;:.-,: ~~~f:~'~~%.:+" ", ".1 I!:' -,' _'....: 1"'" ,......J-"!!'. . ,_Y co~~on expires: 4'1','" .-',~;' . \. . '., ~ .-., t- b ~ t vv:';','" ~. ~.:.~,,~?t!':{S " FE r: ;,\f',.' "~.:.;~~:~. ' ,..' r ~ 0 'I C . t: . 0: i .. B I (; ~ " i . :' .. ..~ i ~ .\""'--- ~ '0.. 0:, ). ~ and State oC Florida ~ -?:~(s..Il NOtG&Pabl~T' State of Florida at Large 7lri .;J../. I If .r:r- ---.--"---;_.~- ~ "4 o r'l .. ill ... 0 ~ . E. a s ~ m ~o "4 ~ . 00"'" ~ rS'Go~ !:~. ~ ~ Go <> -I1lO ~(J) <> 1:1 1lO~'d :I ~ I:II=: g. III Q' ~l;' t"l t:': I.. ~i:d <'> .. t"l .. e. Go 0 ~ ~ <>>ojSl ~ i:" Ii' = - 0 == or="... ~e: ...~ Zl sa. So<> .... e.<>r="~ <> r'lO 1 ~~ g ~ ~ El .. 0 . t:.... "4_ ... ... g . P"I ~ " S t:J::O 1"'1 . ,::/-.a <> fl 7?:~ -.' ",-.1 ., ' -' r"1 :') (J) ~ o >oj >oj b ~s l?'J~ " ..,,~-,,:-.....,~ '=' ; ._~.."----'----- -~.- ii ~\' ~ ~ .... ~ ;l .. Ii > .... i ~ ~, 0 8 := oi ~ H " (l 0 ::3 ~ ..... :II 0 J: " = ll' ~ :I !" i S ~ .. .., ~ ~# 't:Y ~.., .' '.,' (, f!. m '", F - :IC - r- .ra rn ~'" 0 ~~ 'J) ( '"11 <> G~ ::0 1;1'1 :I ::0 1'1:12 '" Oll: <'> 0)>- :,,= - <> r .. ::0 !" 0, '" N .. """ > r'l <'> 2. 0 g a ~ ~ }!!:Q s: ~ ct~ ~, ~..~J g.[llOi 'd... Clo ... "'I" ~ " .. .P~Q ~ JoooII~ ~.. g-f"g ~ ~ ~ ..... ~t:I" Q <>. aeN <> II'l Go ~ .... ..... ~e.= <> "4 't ~ (J) g ~ ~ r'l <1l ~ .... ~ -..J c't t:l ::r t"l rI> .... r'l \0 ~ \J1 VJ ~ .... ~ ... r ~-~-,,,,,:,,,~..---,,_. ~ , ,..."!