WD-140 \ BOOK4349 PA6E442 WARRAN"Y""DEED (STATUTORY) ... "PAPCO'S FORM S (PHOTOSTAT) {AlP -'1 ~ PAPCO PUBL.ISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 3e, FL.pRIDA _ " .arrant!, lleeb m:bif) Jnbenture, Made this 3 (-4 day of J~ JIldween ftSSIE TOROK, a single woman , A. D.19!J.6 . of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, partY of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation of the County of Dade . , in the State of Florida, party of the second part. ..itnelldb, That the said part y of the first part, for and in consideration of the . sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations ~- to her in hand paid by the part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; haa granted, bargained and sold to the said part y of the second .par~,i ts 8ucces&O~nd assigns, forever, the following describe~ land, si~uat.!llyin&. and bewg w the County of Dade. and State of Flonda, to-Wtt: 't. . .l: "t '~;.: >r.~ The.we.terly three (3) feet of the southerly sixty-six and nine-tenths (66.9) feet of Lot One (1) Bloek Seven-A (7A), of AMENDED GOLP COURSE SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book y, at page 26, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Subject to restrictions 'of record, zoning ordinances ef the City of l41Ul1 Beach, Florida, and pending municipal improve.ent liens, if any there be. '.And ih:satdparty of the first part doe. hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. 3Jn ..itnlll "bereof, the said part y of the first part haa hereunto set her hand and seal the day and ~ear above written. is>tate of jfloriba, ((ountp of DDE }Stlle of FI.ri41, Coun!' .f Dade. ;.L. :3 . . This instlllJfl)'nl:!11 filed. for record the.. ~. of 1!56 ,tL_~ifi $, :.~:~~.u~..t~~~~",InN~~. FF I ~/? ~:z.. J E. B. LEATHERMIIN Qait "jw1 ,..~.,,' . 1 1:. duly 3J ~erebp C8:ertifp that on this day persg,.ttally appeare authorized to administer oaths and take acknowrtdgments, 'rUSI. TOROK, a single w....n to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that she executed the san:z.e freely and voluntarily for the pur- pose therein expressed. ..itnell my hand and official seal at IUllII1 Beach "J~~GdU1t~,,?t I D.~de. and State of Plorida \~q~.~fi~l ' A. D. 1~6 . ........ ""0". "),. . 'A;!~AcQ.,;r'f!l-ii~on expires.. -~-~ o. 11 .. ".~_~,';:,Y,i'..;:;:: ; .. . ~~:Lu ~ ~~. .tr B J,.. ....: Q: ':;..., -. ~"~1.'.ht., ',~,..,:;' ~.. ~: _ r.. ~ ,..",,"'-'- .. 'i... ':',-,<"'" ......"..~...... .Ii... """........... , '" 'I' 'la" \"... \. ", '-'4< tl U \\....... 'ftfi.~~\''',''\. :., , this l r'} : - .: .. '. - ". '...... --J' -- "~~ ~.~.' '...... ~~ ,.., .,.'\' ~- ~, cQ . ~ '. -'\" t, , ,\ ~J~ ~ I l ~ ~;;. ~ 8 Q (5\ . ~ ~ '"'' le " ....... 0 .... '< ~ u.,":l-~;:! ~;-J11 = ~ ~ ~ ~le ;:,-~ o' a::: fit ~ '-0 ~ ~ ~ :: .w. ': So. ."" ~. :... -;. ;;. ~ ~. ..... u ..... r.::::.. C/) \,/"... " ...... .... . '\::.:)C/) ~ 8'" ;~ CJ' t::I- ~~~.'.~ "e.~~JSt;.g.' -;>~ ~o .;:t..~...,..l"!f~ <It- -i ~..,. - <::l-' ... ..... ~ ~ J.:: ;:! 'l'oo...~ ~ ~ ~ ITl .,.... "" ~.' "" ~;:! .... le ::u '.'" ~. J.. .,,;:'--; :? ~. ::0 ;:! CJ ..... ~ .... - '" '7''' ~ o!::... .... ... ):0< ;e .::::.. '" le '< ... ~ ...., ~. )10.:-"';;: .;:t -; ~~. ---v- C') Z t;:, ~ ~. ~ _ ~ o . ;;. tQ!. ~ ~ _ ~ :o~. g,~~~~ ~. .~fJ g. ~~. ~. 'I' vt :!:: <It-;:t Oq ....- . 'f>'j ~ -II. ~:;-"'.'''''~,,",-,-~'; '-.~..,;~ '-. >> ofl.').;'; ,~:\' ..: -" w ~ ...... ~ f:f 'd ~ 1\ ).-.".--:.,.....-=-;;"'.. .~,. '" . \~. C5~. ~ () . ~ I ~~~~ \:J~ ;Q ....... ~ ~ - ~ .. ., j> I-"' ;Q .. '-., n = Q <Xl In <Xl .. ~ 0 N :0 .":t ~ 1-1'. Ol 'W \ ~ ~ ~ ~ '\ \. .j ("""l () -i "'J , -~ . .~" ~J l:1 W