WD-161 VAllRUft DBD '!'HIS I)Il)D1'UU, ude th.1a .iL!!:... Ii&y ot A.pst, 1959, between HERMAI1 DICKS'l'EIN, Joined by his wite, LYDIA DICICS'l'EIN, and. ltOLAHD W. GRANA'!' aDd ES'l'JIER GRANA'!', his wite, ot the County ot Dade and State ot Florida, ,arties ot the tirst part, aDd the CIft OF MIAMI ~EACH, a munioi,al oorporation, ex1sting under the laws ot the State ot Florida and lawtully authorized. to transact bua1Desa iR the State ot Flor1da, party ot the second ,art, WI'l'IlESSB'fH: '!'hat tae aaid ,artiea ot the tirst part, tor and 1n oonsideration ot the S~ ot '!'en Dollars aDd other good and valuable considerationa, to them in hand pa1d. by the sa1d ,arty ot the seoond part, the rece1pt whereot 1s hereby acknowledged, have granted, barga1ned and sold to the said party ot the second part, its suecessors and aS8igns, torever, the tollowing described land situate, lying and being in the County ot Dade an. State ot Flori.a, to-wit: Allot that part ot 'l'ract B ot "Aaende. Platot Lot 13, Block 32, Lake View Subdivision" Miami Beach, Florida, as reoorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 105, ot the Public Records ot Dade County, Florida, described as tollows: COlllDlencing at tne intersection ot the Northerly line ot West 47th Street, with the Westerly line ot Pine Tree Drive as same is shown on a Plat entitled "Amended Plat ot Lot 13, Block 32, Lake View Subdivisio.", as recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 105, Public Records ot Dade County, Florida, run in a Northerly direction along the Westerly line ot Pine Tree Drive, along the arc ot a circu- lar curve lietlecting to the right, having tor its elements a central angle ot 30-18'-55.76", a radius ot 1382.5 teet, a distance ot 80 teet to a point, (ehord ot said curve making an angle to the Northeast trom the said Northerly line ot West 47th Street ot 950-04'-11.73", a chord dis- tance ot 79.989 teet) said point being the Point ot Beginning ot the Tract ot land herein describedj '!'hence run in a Northwesterly direction along a line detleeting to the lett 890-42'-2Q.475" trom the chord ot the last mentioned curve, along a 11ne paaaing thrCNgh the center ot a 30 toot radius circle in alley, as shownoD the above mentioned recorded plat, a distanoe ot 80.433 teet to a point on the Easterly line ot said alley as above mentionedJ thenee run in a Southwesterly direction along the Southeaterly line ot said alley, along the arc ot a circular curve detlecting to the right, having tor its elements a central angle ot 40o-!jt!P-18.=,~", a radius ot 30 teet, a distance ot 21.44 teet to a point, (chord ot said curve making an angle to the SOlithwest trom the last mentioned course an angle ot 1100-28'-09.28", a chord distance ot 20.982 teet) '" '" (j;-'" .,~'~'~~~;u t(f~:~ I .,.\ _~_<.-_ 5.1U'.",-" ."L Il~ ....~. ,. . .11[" r.J Ji- , 'C\ , ~';"I , ~ Ii I Ii lOr Illll I ^n~ ; -----.---.-.----------- ~ 1. ~~ <(>< 1111111111111' ! O..a: <:) i_I- <:) Io:~ ...,. o.a: to -.Jtn LL ,.. Q . I O<{ w!zli '" ffi JI I-UJ!:" -J <X> "<"' M -J_ \.AL... 0 - .........::> Cl" 0 I-u ,~ Ii: ~ . 0 ;E , U)clhIIlIIl1l8~ ! ' UN 110 ::r l3QVtl Jt '1_'"__"/",'f.1'I/.."1.'I'.-' ",.'J' r m 1581 F'C 565 W/)/6! -"- .. ~' ROLAND W. GRANAT. A'rTORNEY AT LAW 420 LINCOLN ROAD, MIAMI .IEACH 88. P'LORIDA :.. , m 1581 Pf,S:: 566 , .r .. " ~ Thence run Easterly parallel to and 68.31 teet distant Northerly trom the Northerly line ot West 47th Street, a distance of 11.65 feet to a point; Thence run So.therly along a line detlecting 900 to the right, along the Easterly line ot the property described in Deed Book 1106, at Page 342, and Deed Book 1367, at Page 18, Public Records ot Dade County, Florida, a distance ot 68.31 feet to the Northerly line ot West 47th Street; thence run Easterly along the Northerly line ot West 41th Street, alona a line detlectins goO_OOI to the lett, a distance of 42.52 feet to the Point ot Curvature (P.C.) of a circular curve; thenee run in a Northeasterly direc- tion along the are of a circular curve detlecting to the lett, having for its elements a central angle of 850-261_26", a radi.s ot 30 feet, an arc distance of 44.14 teet to the Point of Reverse Curvature (P.R.C.) ot a circular curve, (chord ot said curve making an angle ot 1310-161-41" to the Northeast tromthe North line ot West 47th Street, a chord distance ot 40.705 teet); Thence run Rortheasterly along the Westerly line of Pine Tree Drive, along the arc ot a circular curve deflecting to the right, having for its elements a oentral angle ot 20-101-05.61 , a radius ot 1382.5 teet, a distance of 52.32 feet, (chord ot said curve being 52.314 teet) to the Point ot Beginning ot the tract ot land herein described, containing 0.140 acres more or less. Subject to the tollowing: 1. Restrictions and limitations ot record co..on to tae neighDorl\ood. Subject to the taxes tor the year 1959, and subseqaent 2. years. And the said parties ot the first ,art do hereby tally warrant the title to said land, and will detend the Baae against the lawtal cla1IlB ot all perso.s whollsoever. III WI'f1Ol:SS lUUUUliiOF, the Baid parties ot the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (SEAL) ~c' .J. , . . iri1i{~l ~ .. . AT ~~Jz:~ (SEAL ) (SEAL) STAB OJ' FLORIDA eOD'fi OJ' DADB I SSe I JllI:l'llrRY CDTIJ'Y that on this day personally appeared betore me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgeDlents, HEIUIAK DICKSTEIN and LYDIA DICXS'l'EIN, his wite, - 2 - ROLAND w. GRANAT, ATTORNEY AT LA.W "20 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI .IlACH all. FLORIDA '. , .. .' m 1581 F/,GE 567 .. .. , .. and llOLAll!l W. fRA1fA~ and BSTIER DAlIA'!'; hill w1te, to me well known to be tbe persons descr1bed ln and wbo executed the tore- golng Warranty Deed, and acknowledged bet ore ae that tbey exe- outed tbe same treely and voluntarilY tor the purposes thereln expressed. VI'fIIESS my hand and ott1c1al seal 1n tbe Oounty and State atoresa1d, tbill .~ t:' day ot A\lg1lBt, 1959. ~~~',~:;,,,,,:,;,,,,,:,,,,,,, <;(,{~J\i~", 0\ >....t...~t J....'.,.-, :(~:' ,.,~.t' ~'."~~J~ - ":-...~... v"..... ~,.:.~,'<~.'" ~..~-/,,~\F ~ !~r;:l.,~,~..":, ';' c:.. 0/'" """".-""j'", ~, ~!~,r,;',' \I<~,.,..J. ~ i'~"'l'~r< ,~......~;f.) ~q~:~:"... ~ : I'ic' :. -,<" 1-":: I :.:" -'r.~<~I'-..c: :4J : \" 0 .. .., ..." '.':'I-;..~: -:. ..." ~:': ..'~ I, ~J : ":l:: -:. .,: .; d.:: . .:)'." _ ;: ":..... ,#..~ .:', <<. '> ....' 8}.~ ~ I',LA;;'~.--_" :,,<>~"'~--"~~' ,-2~. ,,/"1',0"4'.. 4 ... .. .~,~,_\ "t'lJl".~llti! ::Y'.. ""S' 1'" ",,,,, ~- ;:>>:,~I'J, I ~ f,. -\\\ II'tJ I" "\\\~'..;",; " My Co1llRl1u1on explresl .. " Notary Publlc'x.State, of Florida at largE!, My commission explr~ Feb,9,1963. S~te of Florida, County of Dade :: Ins~:;..,~ filea for rec~rd the /.:!l. day o~"?- .... ~/ . and duly recorded in OFFICIAL RECORDS on Pag..s-t...6File #59R._L_~2~~ E. El. L.EATHERMAN ~ C~;rcuit Court .d Itr -~ \I . C, - 3 - ROLAND w. GRANAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW .20 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI BEACH a8. FLORIDA