WD-167 m 2314 PAGE 636 -'-- r7 l !y 1> -I L 7 WARRANTY DEED ITO COR..OltATIO.... @ FORM 34 lWIarrauty Il'tb m4is Jnbrnturrf Mad", this 18th day of October ,A.D. 1960 . BETWEEN JULIAN A. RICKLES and SELMA RICJa..ES, his wife of th" County 0/ Dade and State 0/ Florida parties 0/ the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH . II corporGtiDn ""ei-sting under the lsws 0/ the State 0/ Florida business in the County 0/ Dade , havinS its principal pltIee of and Stllte of Florida and lawfully authori.:OO to trtU&34Ct business m the State of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the l4id part ies of the first part, for and m OOIt8ideration of the mm of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations ~ to them in hand paid by the l4id party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby lICluwuJ. looSed. ha ve granted, bargained and sold to the l4id party of the second part, its III<<_S and 43signs, forever, the following de,cribed land ,ituate, lying and being m the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit. Lot 26, Block 17, NAUTILUS EXTENSION, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 134, at page 47 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. . ~, This conveyance is made subject to restrictions of record, common to the neighborhood, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and taxes for the year 1960. Jt.~, Lu[::: ClZ; ~ - ClC; l!;,;_ W .~ And th,. l4id part ies "/ the firll part dt, hereby faUy W41'l'tmt th.. titk to l4id land, and wiU defend --- th,. same again" th,. lau"ul clainu 0/ aU pel'lOlU whonUoever. IN WITNESS WlIEREOF, the said part ies of the firlt part ha ve hereunlO Ie' their harul S and..!fJl s the day and r-r above written. (s...H '.; '~ '. . " ~ J,~ It ~,'~ '., .:I~'j o.~ .~ '5-6~ iE E r ",,1 Ill'" ... ~.Sl ~'; ~ J: 8 .c: 09 1 ~ 1 f Jii f oIC~J ~8 '":! 8 "'~"'-"''''Ill :-s Q" Q ,;: ""... -'t.,,r IS ""- . Q...~ ..~~ li! >. Q .. 5 Q- ~1 ~ = ~ ~.. .. ::t:.!l - ~ 1 Q, l i:~ 1 .s ~<al ~ ~~ .. \i-t ~ i 1 ~ ~ r.J ~ Ill'~ '0. Q ~ "" l:l - ~] .c: ~ - r:1Q;,1'""~! Q = ::I ~ s- r: Q, i; _fIl 11 i ~ ~Ej ~-5 ~S' il ti a C ~.s ~ I oS i 8 Q- 'Q:)8~ueJrtsul 'i llU1PUoe 's~el'l ~Q p.8PUOg ~t '9l; ~O~ UOlSSlWUiQ" "1ft ellJe, le eppOj;I 10 aWlS '''Uqnd !\JelON :SeJ1~Xe U01SS1WWOO AW tl Q lJ. 'I'l' 'VPl.lOJ.1 /0 alV1S Puu lvfv;'SlDl~DoPUU PUDl/..\tu , IIl1aup.. j c, 'pew<ud xa Aet:[~ JD1Il atu 'J.lo/aq peSpel 8 uos.lad a'l' aq 01 Ulnou'! llaln aw OJ eJ1M 81t:[ 'SH~OIH vmHS pue SH'DiOIH · V NVI'IDf '.,uatuSpelmou'!:nJ a'fvl Puu S'I'DO .lalslUJtupoOI pe'Z?.lOtfnJD ..\mp .la~Do lID 'atu a.lo/aq pe.lwddv ..\ll"uouad kop 'I'l' uo IV'I.L UjlJ.llli) uqlJ.t}( f Hava 10 AltnlO;) 'YaIH07.1 .10 3.LY.LS k (~ ~ \N) , \.~ ./ '.0 .q tD t'" '~ "50 '~~iM ~~~ ~ \J ~ \) f'\ 0:: ~ ~ ~~ I. e (1". n: oct' 1C'J '-:; C- O (~. " ~ c.t c.t ~ . .. :I II: ~ ~ ...... ~ E:: ="l: ......~ =~ =~ k~ k..... = Iii l -1- ~ 12 i \ I ~. .. ~ "l:I S ", ~ ~. ,l.! ~" ~ ~~, .~ ~~ 1 ~~a\ ~~ ~8 'c:; (;) (\} ~ ~ . I(~~~ u..~ c-" "" o (.Q ~ ~ C\l ~.l .. to;, .:i~ ~~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ C ~ Q) lH 'O...-l $:l ~ .... C\l ..... III 0 tI)...-l c:( ~.$:lo re o tI)'f:. H ~~ ~ .0 ::0: c:(H ~~ ~ H~ s~ I-:ltIJ ~ i:a ~ f2 Q ~ e-. ~ "l: e: fIl i:Q ~ ---- ~ H o "Q Clot - ~ J:ra 1,,,- I "''''Oi II ':. ~ ......to. <:;., " ... ":". ~ ':Ji.... .. . i oi:',"'.. l..i If. <:',,;, ....1.1 II" (" ~ !:l(' i;:. -= ..0 '" i,:. ~," .4 ..': ..' , ';, ,;, , ' 1'1:., ~.md a'l' .101 ..\1~.lD11I1'Il(){l pIID ..\laa.lf aunw a'l' p,nn:JaXil I .., "(~~:"" .....~~i.puu 'peap SUJoSa.lol atllpalnaaxa Otfm pfIf) u~ peq~.l:nap IfJ!} ~t \'\" . ,,:.....' ..\umo;) , /o..cup , t:[oeas: 1tne1W sa.l~dxa uO!"ltutuoa AW 10 aJDJS ':111qnJ t..nno N .%eqo~::)o 10 ..\up t{~OZ '1'11 'Dp?.lOJ.1lo aJflIS"pIID 10 ..\1111'10;) , t{::)uag: l1U1i!lW IV ,vas lVPlDo pIID pIID'I AW Ill1auna qm'l ~fW .Ia'l tuo.lf .10 10 .lDal .10 'uO!lI1la'la.lddv 'IUJV.l11l1l0a 'uo~.,ndtuoa AUf) mo -'111m Puu .-\P,.nn1l1'l10ll Puu 1 paap ~fi a'l' .pe1Raaxa a'ls lD'I' pllD 'Ula.la'll paqpsi>p spuu'/ a'l' 01 pIID U~ '''lqf1llnba .10 ..\.lomJflls '..\I.ladO.l ooas 10 .10 prxnsatuo'l '.Iamop .Iat{la'lm 'IrJ.laIUJ pIID al'~' 'I'IS~.l .lat{ ll" SUJAaauoa Puu SU~'1slnbUJla.l 'SUJa1l1'l0 0 asod.l'fld a'll .101 peap ~DS 01 ..\I.rod D l1as.lat{ apow a'ls JfI'l' afJpal -'f:nJ ~p 'puuqm'l ~fW .la'l tuo.lJ l.mdv ..\lalD.looas 'atIl a.lo/aq pIID ..\q aprlw pIID ua'f"l UOlJflUltuDXa aroa~.ld pIID alv.mdas V uo ' saT' V u'elTnL' ~vs a'l' 10 ahm a'l' aq 01 atu OJ umou'f ' SaT)[::)TlI uurras 'lljlJ.llli) JaqJ.ll1.ll[ (f' QU'f 'pessa.ld xa UJa.la'll .asod.l'fld a'l' .10/ ..\P,.lvI1l1'l10a pIID ..\laa.lf atufW a'l' peJn:Jaxa uti ;;:at{~ Iml' atu a.lo/aq peSpa'/ -moll'f:JD Puu 'peap SUJOSa.lol a'll pamaaxa o'lm pflf) U~ peq~.l:>sap S , saT)[::)ll1 'eurras PU'e saT)[::)18 'v u'eltn.r 'SIU;}tuSpellnOu'f;)f) a'fVI puv ''1 pe'Z?.lOtflf'l'f) ..\lnp .l;}:Y!Do Uf) 'atu il.lO/;}q pe.lDiJddD ^l1vuouad AVP 61,'1' uo ID'I.L 'UjUJlli) uqlJ .10 A..LNnO;) 'vaIH07:1.W 3.lV.LS l l_____ . LC933Vd t ICZ jja