Mark Sinnreich 06/19/20I U Alu B0Af__Xj AI)d MIT EE DO% K } 1 �, E ► - ► .� �...1~ O F AP PO I NT M � 1 s APP w � riw+, >AWeq, 4 il�' .� 9 �* in4/ 1r1 N •BOARD/ OM ITTEE.% i . r r Appo1n y '7 FOR SCANNER FOR CLERK STAFF Scan c o Letter of Appointment Scan o o Letter o' Reappointment ,� o ? of Lett r of Appoin me-nl/Reappoin'lnfl�ni �-mailed to L1oi'iin'i1l'1�;� L ld1�C}ii on Scan o o B a and ornmittee Application (Completed on Scan o o Re'surnefCurriculum Vitae o Diversity Statistics Reporting (Completed on c w.�iL:nr.• .r.•t Lh ySe'P* " " IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BOARD AND COIF MI i TEE t0003' ���f � Cite Code Ordinance Section ao licable to the agency, board or comm':{�;� j i��'�WtrrYM f :%'� /1 City Code Section: 2- � 2-2 -23T 2- �, - �, 9-26,2-458 and-�---59 q Count Coda Section 2� i .� --- Conflict of Interest and Code o' ��hics Crdinan�� gas : E Y/ Y amended tl�rouol� December 201 o) z 2 tr.: �- ., ., �. S = m b �- ? 009 through July ) �`mendrnents to t11� Cod- o� ethics3rdi1l�. = ,. ��'ur c E Ordinance ep' e .. C 1f✓:M:rir!R. l✓-Iiohliahts of the Miami -Dade Courtly ethics Cod i ,�: ✓' Sunshine Lat��>r and Public Records - l=reauently Asked Questions tYllifkf *0 j+ ,rk �..bi ;. Memorandum - Solicitation by City Board -and Commieee Member� o Citi 4tlide Permit application (Parking Department Form) j(ti ei i < <t1' rt y n; r_:rlv^'�� '_ 1�• ^!'� tb!"ifC, r,'" r -'1 �'e'...M t v?--,: ^ +. i t"! E,,,i •',� t.J! J! S :1 �i I f i '�.i L... i ,�'.•' ��.ai 4 1 i j V Sr ' v U c 4 F �..r t• `,.. 6.0 t -U v ,. •,.,+ t..! u{ l v S S 1( ! ti.r l Am i F-: i d' i t '•✓ E! -'. '�•.^• +•J t„ i `.r o d r Scan o V Sclurce o lncon►e St,- rer►enf n ! i/ nt i .rad-{� .,�, r r' r'.t,•^'1 (r+i `^r'1 o^ i rte.. �e'q rem\eknt i �ckno'�f`,<lti-..:..igtmenE of f1I�1Ct ;Ct.'ti i ti.r L.iv 1 �•r i 1 �..I11...t I�. .. A S y t t r �'w", t''"" �, �-" ''� ►� r= �} �' in a n o O 1 Jt LL for �n n U- L R o: �. 'D; : # Y STA T I� 1 ISS RE-P0R ! It. G ti r x R c.,:Vcd on: Sigrl:.d by -rd or CommUTh �--,- " •'<<� l t�. I I ICE -,SC- C t 1 iti�ls w Scanned on. ley Ernplo, yee: �^ II~y e 's LE IAN Ox-� N A -I -i_ fl, Exoir(ed Left1te : DdUt roces4�ed Initials Z)CanG erm Resignation Le=t te.r t S , { Re. movaI Letter due to absences i ' Date P1 oUvuZsk. date proCd :VL�:'e^tr1 ��1% i��i{j�i�l�{ _11i (-S }Ct j 't.t-;1-"t(~L'rS�("'1�i I` i ,l :Ttt^ 1T►0� �^f,i?.� i ice. iki.00 \ _. E `.! t` : i l t''r; i t - w..� �.1 S � i ' -r { i i :,. iJ � . t 7"' �1 i : � :... , �..� i ? =. i..r t \ L. i V I i .t I?"1 � S ._. FR 3�. ..-..J � I '.••� v Initials Scan Q i Ini-IL iaiCID SUan 0 F":: I -_ry er, 1.^ C: i7-^ i. - �ii ..-r 'r •. y>... il.l �' _ t;,,^'t �.: :L;. iM_1AM,.BEAC City ®f Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachf.l.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Tel- 305,673.741 1, Fax: 305.673.7254 Email: CityClerk@miamibeachfl.gov TO: Mr. Mark Sinnreich RE: Health Facilities Authority Board I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned -board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending: 06/19/2020. I have been issued a.copy of section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as Florida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* requirements of Miami -Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which I serve) on I st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served. Jul71 _41"I r, A-1 Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of` Deputy Clerk *Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. MIIAMMA�D3E 1k41UWM SOURCE OF INCOME STATEMENT 0 1111 e%+ I.W W 1. %J V UU1 Section 2-11.1 (i) of the County Ethics Code requires that certain employees and public officials file a financial disclosure Statement on a yearly basis by y 10L of every year. Disclosure for Tax Year Ending Last Name First Name miame Narne/inmai 20-16 Mailing Address — Street Number, StreetN ame, or P.O. Box (tj City, State, Zip 3 1 If your home address is your mailing address, and your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Fla. Stat. §119.07, read instructions on the following page and check here. ❑ Filing as an Employee (check one) E] County [] Public Health Trust Department Position or Title Work addressA 0 Filing as a Board Member (check one) i Num (Municipality) Employee ID Number Work telephone Employme6t began on/ended on e 6? (Municipality) Board where serving t It 0 rw 1 6 0 a ro 11K-11 4a a Fk) CA U �i Alternate address (if home address is exempt) Worytelephone Term began on/ended on List below every source of income you received, along with the address and the principal activity of each source. Include your public salary. Place the sources of income in descending order, with the largest source first. Examples of sources of income include: compensation for services, income from business, gains from property dealings, interest, rents, dividends, pensions, IRA distributions, and social security payments. Also, include any source of income received by another person for your benefit. However, the income of your spouse or any business partner need not be disclosed. If continued on a separate sheet, check here.E] Name of Source of Income Address Description of the Principal Business Activity t 6z 1. Cot, too� I her - eby sUearr affir that the infor ation above is a true and correct statement. RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT: F-1 Hardcopy Electronic Copy Signage of Person Disclosing 3'j rof Date signed OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted: Y / N Deficiency: Processed Date/initials: Scanned Date/initials: 138 SP -14 COE 2016 A A V C 4 ity of Miami 13each 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfi.gov CITY CLERKfS OFFICE Telephone: 305-673.7411 Fax: 305.673.7254 Cit,vClerk@miamibeachfi.gov Acknowledgement of fines1sus pension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami - Dade County Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1 (1*) (2) 7 Board Member's Name: I understand that no later than J * ul ' V ' I ` ''o ' f ' e ' a ' ch year all members of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami -Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements. This means that the members of City Advisory Boards, whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Commission, must file, even though they may have been recently appointed. allowinri forms must -be f Wi h. the L4_Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, no later than 12:00 ... noon of July 1, of each year. 1. A "Source of Income Statement" 2. A "Statement of Financial Interests {Foran 1) 11 3, A Copy of your latest Federal Income Tax Return Failure to file one of these forms, pursuant to the Miami -Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, 60 days in jail or both. Sign �V `� �� / Z /3 0%�' �kure Date Updated: Monday, April 20, 2015 Page 4 of 4 F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\BC APPLICATION REVISED 06022014.docx DIVERSI - TY - S REPORTINI rL Name: � ��' � . a..KKKKK,... ��KKK KKKh� KKK...KK1KK�`MK•SL,N,K„KKK � h ww.��.M.,MMw� ��F� mwK K K wwK.KKKKKKKrm. KN + wwww � n M w.K.K�.KLKKKm,K�:K5LK5•.u KKKKwKKNK, rw\ ww ......NN.m,NNK,NN.,•,rKM. mrwH..�..w_.�„�K..KKKKh..K„nr .ItsBoard Committee: � K.N,K wKwKK. awwH.hrrr.• .ww ointment Date: . .....�. .... .,:w.hwKKKKK..Kw,....,,,,�KFK..h..wKh�KKK.iK55K.KKKKtMKKK.,a ... . ....... wm� ww Pursuant to City of Miami' Beach Ordinance 2009-3632, the Cite 4s required to annually prepare and present a report to the City Commission identifying the City's iv,%,,9/r [tY statistics. Thi's form allows board andmmittee appliccants and rnembers to volu at'i1y self-Idntify thei er race, ethnicity, disabled status and gender. Ple'ase check .► appropriate box for each categoryl ..::.:. :.; ,bMNKKKvNN\KrkNFN\mFFFFFk'. \', :.... 4hNwmM Genders Male F e m a e V Race/Ethnic Categories ais fur race. 1—D, African-American/81stck C:�Ic El Asian or Pacific Islander ,x�•^ •'� v @� piy'}"n"�' :�prm”}^"'Y' ,�” r�04. t'wt. '�, i+. �' ,�E`r+$;� S+""1 ,$'�'da�.f,�^�;. rte. 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No Yes .1' .. ., ..... ........... ... .. ., ,y.,..,.. \ . • HNb\KwnHnNNNN.mnrarrswrwwwssww:.wsU•a.m:,<nwu:,M,t.,u.oaw,noo�. .\ � . �NN\\MN\M•F'... � mhelKhKW,Hnw.MKahSMNKt•wWyUKr'NN,WU\KKSWW'aKK,\NKtNUN1v\SNNNU\WFNFHnhNFMFHNFMstM\iMiKyb\\�ti•iY•Cti3U•ti1.1.1w:tivK•iT1.1•Ffiiy+hK:U,N:,C.w.•kk1•'n,)Kt+?+•wKUVN,MKKMSKM•.1+�HHFNh,•FKKFKKKKKN1t\\KiM1.K5,Fv,4'... ... +hKt\NKVihK•,,... � .., ... ... gw R�tsy t� }"� y°�.�.ap N -I t gF gK N.H'$;�t \, yr. m$•�t,�f wpm\, 7M�` .;,\e^ t ' / f :t u•`.e, tM Y•' E1� ) ":11"k f hits �''w3— tmt' k t wN,F w.•Y ems., 1- BMJ ! \a,J ',�., !��$ 3 �N S t,.... tk" 'l.� Y'�•,J �,.� � ? :.'. L :"..X � �.,.,,�L.� E„t )„� t ) �' � :. � �$ � i,.�A 1, � 1 $, t a� ;,+ � ,$ 3'�.,$ t..+ d ;F e� F t ; t � �., � w � .. w.,w..� �^ � @ ( } � ' \ � r i n l o r m a t i o tai oqf o i d n 05-20-13 5 iS�'” I.N rhF L,. , d Ulat�d ia��"�" ,t4=Nabr i - v= JMYjan.i iur r,„�.�.6,, 20 0