2000 Comprehensive Plan CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 1'0 PART Ih GOALS, OBJECTIVES ARC POLICIES OF TIlE CITY OF .... :.. IAM BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . NOTICE TO TNE PUBLIC: .., ' The City of Mierni Beacl~ proposes to adopt the fortowing Ordinance: · FILE NO. 1552 - ROUND 02-2 COMPREHF, NSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING PART Ih GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND - POLICIES OF THE CITY OF ~AMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING POUCY 1,2 OF OBJECTIVE I: *LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT," BY CLARIFYING AS "OTHER USES"- THE. CONDITIONAL USES THAT ARE PERMFFFED WITHIN EACH LAND USE CATEGORY;, ALLOWING BED AND BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENTS'IN RM-I FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORIES' IN THE FLAMINGO PARK LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICT; ALLOWING OFFICES. AND PROHIBITING ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS THAT' DO NOT ' · . ALSO OPERATE AS RESTAURANTS IN THE-I-1' FUTURE LAND USE' CATSGORY; ADDING RESIDENTIAL OFFICE, SUFFE HOTELS AND BED AND ' BREAKFAST INNS TO BE PERMI'ITED USES IN THE RM-1 AND RM-2 CATEGORIES THAT UE WITHIN THE WEST AVENUE RAYFRONT DISTRICT REPEALER SEVERABILITY, )NCL;USiON IN THE COMPREHEXSIVE PLAN , , 'A PUBL C ~EARING on th~ ordinance wil be held :by the :Miaml BeeCh: Planning BoardFort Tuesday, June 25, 2002 a{ 1:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in.the CommiSSion ChamberS, 3rd FloOr. Cit ,Hall, 1700 Convention Cen~er Drive, Miami, BeaCh, Rotida. This item r~ay ~e continued,! and under sucll circumstances,'additional legal n. otice would ~ot be ~_~. ' All persons:~re invited t0 appear;at 'this"m~eting 0r be represented b~' aent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the Planning Board cYoe the Plantain Department; ·1700 C{~nventi0ri CenterS.DriVe ~nd: '~ r, oit .e,,i':MiemP;e, h, lo.de 18g. The ,' all documents related thereto are .available L~m~pUbllC~inspectlon during. normal business hours in the cfce ~,f the ,'tepart.~'.e^t. ','quimi. es m~.be directed '.c :~a ~,!::.1.'i;~m~": b113C5, E73-155C . . ,! ~,>= :. Pured~t:~t :o sec' cn 29E .e.~05. Fia"S;c=L tl~.-. C~} :'e, oby adv se~ t.'-e~i~blic that If a' pe'S:;~ dcc.'::n-'.~ t: r..bp.-.~ any dec sin,' -.-.r.n~ I:,; t.*.S 9ca~ ~vi~h-: respect to any matter co-s.dered at P.s meoti-G or P.s ~'os,lng s~:~h must in~U?~'that a ~;~r'ca:.,,' rec.-.= :>f l:,e ~'r;cee:=;gs :s. 'ra<Je. w record includes the testi~..::r:~ a'~. e..'~e-cc u"-c- ~" c~ ?'e so::~:!. based,-This ,notice dde.q .,:l conshtu;e c",n~enl I:y l"e C~:y Ir~troductl~i:~radmlssio,' -*-" c:;~e-~.se i,'.'.,*-r~ss.D e Cr i--e'eva::: e','~::e"c~:. no~T:does i~:~thqdze Cha~e~'Ges cr eF, poa.s ,:ct ct.-!:rw.~. a~.'ow~,,o by L*...,v..'{~. In accordance with the A"",~:i-"a.-s'wq" r:-~.,.Bo~hes Ac: c' lc, gC P,..rst:ns' Needing S¢~eclal Accommodation to Participate in'this Proceeding Should' ContaCt th6. Board!S Adm n straffir No Later than FoUr Days Prior to the' Proceeding: Tele hone 305) 673-7550 for AsSistance. If Hearing Ira' alri~d,: Terephon. the ~or'rde ~,iay'Servlce Numbers(SO0) g55-8771 ~'~D) or (800) 955~8770 (Voice), for A~lstance. :. :? · -:,~'" = '-.::..::~,';,~