WD-180 - ------".---------- :Jfr REC 3142 PACE 494 wl}11D r) .J WARRANTY DEED (TO CORP'ORATION) ~ FORM 34 . mnrrnntl1 Il'tb '- m4i.a 1Jnbrnturr. ~lade, this 7 th OOyof May ~ ,,4,;"': 19 6;J , . --. l") BETWEEN HARRY L.. SILVERSTEIN and JESSIE SILVERSTEIN, his wf-fe - .. -- of the County of Daq.e': and SUIte of Florida part ies ... ,:~, "" of the first Part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH , . corporation existing under the lows of the State of Florida businea in the County of Dade and State of , having its prUaeipal place of Florida and lowfully authorized to t1'tUlS4Ct busineas in the State of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable considerations ~ to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby lIt:fuww. ledged, ha ve granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, us succeaors and assigns, forever, the following delCribed land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wu. Lot Three (3) of Block 13, of ALTOS DEI; MAR NO.1, a subdivision, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 31, page 40 of the public records of Dade County, , Florida. ,.....'>- LU I- Cl Z <t => Cl 0 -~ STATE OF FCORIO-A DOCtJMEN!A \i STAMP TAX ~ nAY-B'62 CoMFTROLLER P.B.1901IB SUBJECT to conditions, limitations and.restrictions of record; zoning ordin~nces of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and taxes for the year 1962. And th,. said parI ies "f the first part do hereby fully _1'fInt 'M titlf! to aJid land, iu.d will defend Ih" same against the lawful clailtU of aU perlOJU whonuoeoor, ' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said parties oj the firlt part have her_o leI their hand s and ",al S the OOy and YP.fU above wruten. \ \'.,: ,;::,~~4 ~H 3142 pm 495 S1'A1 F nORIDA, COUNTY . That on thu day persolUdly ap[H~ared before me, an offker duly authorged knowledgments. escribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and ACIcnow- the same freely and voluntarily for the purpo~' therein to me well known to be the person ledged before me that expressed, "nil l Jfurt~rr aItnt!,. That the said .k_tome to be the wife of the said , on a .eparate and private examination taken and made by and before me. ~parately and apa rom her said hruband, did ACIcnow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renou . g. relinquuhing and conveying all her right. title and interest. whether dower, homestead or of separate p rty. statutory or equittJble. in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she executed' the said deed freely voluntarily and with- , out any compulsion, corutraint, appreheruion, or fear of or from her said h",band. .UntBB my hand and official seal at . County of and.8tate of Florida, thu day of N oUJry Publk. State of My commu.ion expirel STATE OF FLORIDA. County of Dade J )hub!} aItnt!!} That on thu day personally appeared before me, an offker duly authorVcd to adminuter;9aths and take ACknowledgments. HARRY L. SILVERSTEIN and >,..",,,......-.1I.:pE SILVERSTEIN, his wife ..~~ \.~,J..:.~.r,~ to b" the person S d~cribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and ACIcnow- ,_ i~ ....,.i~~r1';;f:rt6~e that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpoael therein ..." . '.!.. . <<fp('eIII~. '..- .. :ii: 'FLC,I.UDi,;L. ~ " . it:' %'S, . ~. ~;U\~"r !tyhand and official seal at) Miami .,.' -:., ,......~!tate.t,.I{I~Mt.thi6 7th day of "";;i.M~~F~~l<:mN_J!iW.'tllI of RoridI at lIrve """h'"'''''''' . . My Commission Expires Jun. 26. 1963 . "',. .. .Io4ulIIl.h~ E...... CoooIlWCo... . County of Dade May . A. D, 19 h;f( ~ X L2-~~c<" ~t~i~';i~~~C" S1:C!~,.. of- F.l9r:i,da !=' ~ ~ ~ s..~ !) S' ~ ~ p~ (S'!f lS~~~~ra~~iFt fils.. r ~ ;l' ~ ;- ~ >c r. i c !~ ~ 2:Q A..~ H\ ~ '(1$' ~~. ~ 1. e . ~ ~ S'. li:lr e ';:I> a [ ell'"" 0 5.- 5. ~iZJ e. ~ It . C>"l:j~ oC>" t . .. l~s.. <!"o'< ~, ~ ~ a, , ~ ~ s.. ... ~.., So: s.. ...!; " C"'l ... C"'lt:l:l:toQ.,llI- o e..... 0 8 ",., I'j;:' o:to g llI- ~ Ie '<A......O ~ ....~ '~' <!;-> ~ . i' ~.. g c:l' - ~ r ., 5' C! a~ !:0I0f= a sl ..ts- :;. :;. Q r.~_" .. r: t:Y (') 1-1 ~ -..- Olo.. t:l:I fIl ~ Olo.. ..C"J "'3 ~ l::l a ... ~ c ~ ~ :s: ~ ~ I:Il ~ (') ll: t., . ., .Ii " '!'~i8l 1@ ~ a. ~J: 9: l!i 1 1 ; '!; .. ~. i I t ~ r } ~, ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~. - II I Ii I \ ~ ~ t"' tn 1-1 ~ ::l ~ i 8 tr.l 1-1 !2i tr.l 8 ~ o r fTlrr. o:oro >;;0;:' Oor 1"1_1"1 :0:1> O(")-l Oc= , -1"1 .,,-1:0 r03,: ~O:l> Cz :0 -i - ~ ~:i C"'l~ ~= ~'... ~= ~ ~t!rJ ~ ~ Cf Gf d5 '"" ~~ ;t~ ~ ~~ N ,0 en ::0 o ~ Cl :II iI: .. . _;-,.#' ~ o o 0') ~ ~ ...} ,} N 00 ~ """ U