WD-182 m 3078 P,~LE 276 WARRANTY DEED I TO CORPORATION) @ FORM 34 Warranty Ittb lNtr I~-V m~ill J'ubtuturt. Made,this 20th day of March ,.4.D.1962, BETWEEN W. D. RUMBAUGH and LELIA MAY RUMBAUGH, his wife of the County of Dade Florida and, State of part ies, ~f the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BE!\CH,. C/O Ben ~hepard. 1370 Wash1n~t~n Ave.M1am1 existing under the laws of the State of Florl.da.. ,a municipal ,>> corporGtion Beach 39, FJ.a. '. , having ih principal p14ee of bUliness in the County of Florida Dade and State of and lawfully authori:r:ed to trlJllMJCt bUlinea in the State of Florida, party of the 6eCOnd part. WITNESSETH: That the Mid paries of the first part, for and in consideratUm of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other valuable considerations to them ~ in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof u hereby acknow- ledged, ha ve granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its succ_s and and State of Florida, to-wit, .~ _igru, forever, thf! following delCribed land situate, lying and being ~ the County of Dade Lots Five (5) and Six (6) of Block Four (4) and Lots Five (5) and Six (6) of Block Thirteen (13), of ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1, a su ivrsTon;--according to the pl.at triereo:t, recorded in Plat Book 31, page 40 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. 4:/. "{"-.1,' " I ~ :: I ~. , \ ~.-:-, . , ~ ;. ~ ; I .. . , - I :-... "'I 5 1. .... ~\I " .. This conveyance is made subject to conditions, restrictions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and taxes for the year 1962. . I -p~r ......'>0- 'STATE oFFL 0 R I [fA' ~_.~ . DOCUMEN.!AD,'" STAMP TA~' 0<:=:......., ~. nA.RZ6'621t...' ?f Gl,~ ~ . . 900 Og $,.... .' . c.tlIoIl>TllOLLEIl == .4',6,190118 - 0 - ,... , ,... J.U r- pZ ....':::.> co (.) $" STATE oFFLOR1D" DOCUMEN..!'AQv'STAMP T ^~ g l\aRZG'6Z :. 660 o~!h~, - :- foM1'TROLLl!R ::: : . P,B,I901l8 =- II*<- ' >0- W r- And th" Mid parties "I the first part th, ,h,. samf! against the lawful clairru of all pcnmu.who~" IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the said part ies of the first part have hereunto let their hand s and S,!al S the day and year above written, , . ;'(\ ';:/'1 'i." . , m 3078 P^CE 277 That on thia day personally apJH_ed before me, an oUker duly author~ed take acknowledgments, deft:ribed in and who executed Ihe foregoing deed, and acknow- ledged before me that executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpole' therein expressed, 1\nb l1lfurt~rr (ltrrlifll. . known. to me to be the wife of the said , on a lepar'Gte and prifJlJte examination taken and made by and before me, leporate aport from her said hruband, did acknow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestood or of se ate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands deft:ibed therein, and that she executed' the said de reely and voluntarily and with. , out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension, or fear of or from her said and, lIitntllS my hand and oUicial.eal at , County 0 and.state of Florida, thia day of Notary Public, State of My commiuion expirf!8 STATE OF FLORIDA, COlmly of DADE J JlnrbgGttt1tfg T,"", on thia day personally appeared before me, an oUker duly author~ed to aq~ OtUhs and take acknowledgments, W. D. RUMBAUGH and LELIA MAY 4i~~~::::he:h;:';i~e described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknow- ~,fd/id b~fo~ m;"~: )"they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the puTpoM!I therein · ~p.~"e4,'.( ZlliP'- '. . ..~, rr.. j. ~ ~.,;QI~ /' : T .,;,.~f~~~}.8nd and oUkial seal at Miami Beach , County of Dade ~t~/j'..~r~>:,hia. 20th ,,,4, D,l~ 62 .-<::~4ipn..expires : !:' ~ ~ lll'" o ~ II ' -0 .. l!l ~ il 52. 5;" '< CIl.s.. ~~ ~ r l~ s' l~ l ~~ 'Q' f;':t: .. l~ l!l .. to:! ",. ~c .-. "'.., ~ ... o l.... ! lor ':'t s'-<! iii' S. '" -"'~ ~ ~~ ::;. ...", " ;! S l:l l:l.. =. ::;. Q ~ () ~ ~ ~i caf ~is. 1:' = t:l t:l H\ H\~ ~ . . 5' l!l ~s.~ ;:l ;lo<~' r1lii!~!='. os'" ... "tl;l -i >c g.~l ~~ Ii. ~ !il';:t,a o 5..- a. "l .. .,_ 1:1. o g ~. ~-. - 0 l!l ~ ~ ~.s.. s:.s.. .... 0 R ~.t:l:I ~a.;lo< o g 'Q .. !;lo<~l ':'t ~ . Sr a.li'~ leJo : 1:1... .. E.~ i6',-< 1:' ~ ... t:l:I CIl ;j ... ~ ..., ~ l::l ~ ::a ..... i ~ = g, () H ~ "P"'r!l 8l!; \ $=t~Clo :I: i$ ~ ., .~. ,.!- :r=o t:2 :1 0 I ~~I ;0 ='0"" ~l ~I\\~ ~ ,.~s " ~~ ~ i ~ 6 i 5' ~ Q tl'jll'> I'.l 1:1 ~ I ~ 11 ~ 11 g. I\) o Ie o "'J :3: ~ H I-' 1.0 0'1 I\) ~ () ::ll .. ~~, " '> \ ' :e: . tl . cs :0 ; ~ ::ll t>:I 1-3 ~ ."'i.~ - .'. ,,~., -.-,', .. ~ ~ 111 = ~::: ~= i= ~+-+ ...= ~ ~s .., .., ty (I} C1 :II I: .. . e r~-'",l"~' ....... " )- .::.; _:;"} ;'", :-~ :.0 1\) f an "'"::-'- .~ i.!J ";, '.l , V1 -.I