........' ~......
m4i.a JUhtUtUft. Made, this J 1.5.:0 day of July
Two Seventy-Sixth Street, Inc.
,a corporation
bruine" in the County of
, Dade
, having its principal place of
exuting under the law. of the State of
tmd State of
tmd lawfully 'authorized to trll1UllCt. brume.. in the State of Florida, [H,Irty of the first part, and
City of Miami Beach, a Florida municipal
. corporlllion exi.ting under the law. of the State of Florida . having its
principal place of bruine" in the County of
tmd State of
tmd law,liJly authorized to transact bruines. in the State of Florida., party of the .econd part.
WITNESSETH: That the Mid party of the first part, for tmd in comideration of the sum of
Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations - - - - - - - - 8oHtt:n
to it in hand paid by the Mid party of the .econd fNl:rt, the receipt whireo/ i. h''''lby acknowledged,
IUUJ granted. bargained and .old to the Mid party of ~he" .econd part, its .uece",ors tmd auigm forever,
the following de.cribed land .ituate, lying tmd being in the County 0/ Dade
and State of Florida, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 2, in Block 8 and Lots 1 and North Half of Lot 2, in Block 9, of
ALTOS DEL MAR, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4
at Page 157 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; *
'Begin ~t the Northeast corner of Lot 1, of Block 9, of Altos
Del Mar, according to the~lat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 157, of
the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence South along East line of
said Lot 1 and along East line of N 1/ 2 of Lot 2 in said Block 9, to the Southeast
corner of the N 1/2 of said Lot 2, in said Block 9; thence East along the East
extension of the South boundary line of the N 1/2 of said Lot 2, in said J3lock 9,
to a point midway between the West boundary line and the East boundary line of
Airoso Way, as shown on said Plat of Altos Del Mar; thence South on a line
parallel to and equi-distant from the said West Boundary line and the East
boundary line of said Airoso Way to a point of intersection with the West ex-
tension of the South boundary line of Lot 2, in Block 8, of said Altos Del Mar;
according to the said Plat recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 157 of(!he said ,-----
Public Records; thence East along the said West Extension of the South Bound-
ary line of said Lot 2, in said Block 8, to the Southwest corner of said Lot 2,
in said Block 8; thence North along the West Boundary line of said Lot 2, in
said Block 8 and also along the West boundary line of Lot 1 in said Block 8, to
the Northwest corner of said Lot 1 in said Block 8, of said Altos Del Mar;
thence West to the Point of Beginning; said property herein described being a
X; part of Airoso Way as shown on said Plat recorded in Plat Book 4, at Page 157,
of said Public Records, *including riparian rights appurtenant thereto.
SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions and limitations of record, together with
pulUic utility easements, if any; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach;
and taxes for 1963 and yeaISsubsequent thereto.
*SahLPlat/at Plat Book 4, at page 157, has been corrected, and the locations
and dimensions hereinabove described are according to the Corrected Plat of
ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1, recorded in Plat Book 31, at page 40, Public .
Records of Dade County, Florida.
And the said party of the first part does h'lreby fuUy warranl the title /.0 said latul. and will d,'/"nd Ih.,
,."m., a~ain," Ih.' Ia..,/"l "'aims of all persons whom",,,,,,,'r.
m 3782 PAGE699
In .Unrss _4mnf.
.&tatt pf ~riba; PENNSYLVANIA
QhuWlll1f Alleghany
l Jlrrrhy (lJ.rrttfg. that on diu I,'" ~ ( S;t:: day of
A, J), 1963 , before me perso-:.ally appeared George G. Levin
and Charles I. Plesset President and Secretary respectively of
Two Seventy-Sixth Street, Inc. '. a corporation under the laws 0,/
the State of Florida . to me known to be the persons who signed the fore-
going instrument as such officers and severally ti.cknotiJledged the executiOn thereof to be their free act and
deed as such officers for the uses and PUrPOSe8 therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the offi-
cud seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation,
~~V~lIl1 my hand and official seal at Pittsburgh .//fJ(J
. ~( ::' .'mike c'DU1Jty of Al1eg~y and State of penns ylvam a
:' .::.:; l;'.t~e ~ (lll<iyear last aforesaid. )
."ii:.::;';\;Y.) 6~
: u.J:' ~." I E.S Tft'ER STE'lEllS()!I, Botary pubnC
. ~; .:Jo'(,.,N f)'rff,.'i4.} 'p/Ihllurgh, Allegheny Co" Pa. . . 4~ (~~:~~~~
, ~ >{'. ' i1 G "\,. " _ '~, III Commission Expires
'- " ),ip:tf (., Januarr 7, 1967
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