WD-189 S r /liD -1Yf 5 " ~f: 3704 PAGE j 26 ;~j. . ~ R AM,C~'.S FOr: MS. '11 ufJ e1 l!l1t n r r'<<ll4~ Iii --- l ., ''"' l iiijiS .Jubeuture. m~ , ;4,D, Iv,1 day of Made ,hi. BETWEEN FLORENCE FRIEDMAN, a single woman, as Trustee of the County of <";, , in the State of Florit1&, part y of the fir.t part, IIIId CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of the County of Dade , in the State of FloridtJ, part y of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the _id part y of the fir.t part, for and in eomideration of the .um of TEN DOLLARS and other valuable consideration ~~ to her in hand paid by the part Y of the .eoond part, the reeeipt wh.ereof is hereby aeknowledged, ha s granted, bargained tmd .old to the .aid part y of the .t'eond part, successors its 1tt1ItX and OIIigm, forever, the fol~ng deseribed land, .itlUUe, lying IIIId being in th.e C()~ty of ,'C::: _ ~ . ~ '. ~ ... - ., And the laid JlGl'fY Dade and State of Florid4, to-wit: ~hose?gevtdiftOOutlots numbered 29 and 30 lying westerly of and opposite to Lots 29 and 30 of First Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at page 78 of the public records of Dade County, Florida, which said outlots constitute a strip of land. on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west, and between the southerly line of said Lot 29 produced westerly to Indian Creek and the northerly line of said Lot 30 produced westerly to Indian Creek This conveyance is made subject to restrictions and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach~ And taxes for the year 1960. E. JUH __r"...r_""_~ ~.r~,~..r.,,-'--..;-'./'.'" ~ ~- the .me agaimt the lawful elaim. of all perllOn. whomJOetJer. of th.e fi,nl part do e s hereby fally warrant title to .id land, and will defend hereunto .et her hand and _I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the laid part y of the lint part ha s the day /IlItl year abot,,. IClritten, i ~i~-;;:~~k-!.~='_I I!~~'h"""""'''''' :m'~-=' ,....) ..~13...;':['.r.u6.teeL......m... ......... (Seal) , I J r..- etm pf JTlPrtba. G!uuutu uf h O-~ m 3.7(14 MGE 127 . } .J lltrrbg ((Intif!) that o~ this day personally app,'art'fl befor,' me, aIi offir/'r du.ly auth'nri.2:t'd' 10 administer oaths and take acknowledgments, FLORENCE FRIEDMAN, a single woman to me well known to be the penon de8Cribed r,t and who execut/'d the foregoing deP.d, and acknowledlwd b,'fnre me that executed the ~me freely and t,oluntarily for the purpose ther"in /'xpr,'s8/'fl, and in the capacity therein stated~ day of My commi.!&wn expires: Notary Public, State of Florid1 ?t large My Commission [xo:r.:ls Ma' e". 'lS52 j:=I.'nnrlArl h)' lImct'"'''''':' t:-.II-r.:.+r )f N V t .a. C':l - ~ ;.;- .a. C':l Ii' 5. .. ?-- ~ C':l Q ~ - -c ~ ~ S'l ~ }I -< [ l lt~~... '~ ~. ~ C':l :- '-<' Q~, , .a. g '~. So ~t'J: ~ 1:!' ~'~.~ .. .,' - ., .. " ... "' t ~ 8 '8, ..'~' ;.;- a. .., ~ !",' ~ ~. "0" ;:t. ., .... ~.' s. ~ ;:lj ~ \:l "' $' So l aq;'._ ~~Q.~ ~ g' "'" .. "' !:' '" ~ s: \~~ lil ~ . .. s..'a .a. 1;' ':< .. ~ - .. ;3- 1;' ~~ 03.a-_c.L '4 41UlStateo/ ~ ~ , , A, D. 19 (../, ~! IS. = t:I t:I ..... ....... - t:I S 'pl ~ ,/. ',~' ., ~ ] 1 u '. ",~\.'...~J ; 4i" ~~'. ". , 01 . . :. '- \ ., :]1'\ ~~, ~/) - . .//;~...'~' , . Notary Publk, StatP~' J. 0 . . , " of' "" ' . -),yi'.'t~ -,j 1..\\\\ JlllitnrJJ my hand and official seal at County of .f}. o-..cls.- ~? , this mI = - ~ QI" if ra ~ ~ ta == ..-+- = \!rJ ~ ~ t:Y ""3' C ..., ::ll C ;:; ... ...' t, , :,,~ ... , , '" ~ ll: o o ui .. o '" ll: Ul