WD-189 T , . , .. WARRAi-.TY'DEED l5TATUTORY) '. . ~~L 37M, PAGf148 RAMeo's FORM S , ..~ . . .~ " '. lIarranty ieeb Made thi., 1:,j::L day of ~ It'?- T m4b1 Jubfttturr. , A,D, 1916' , BETWEEN ROBERT B. ROESING and MURIEL S. ROESING of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part iesof the fi,.,.t part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of the County of Dade , in the Stare of FloriM, part y of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said port ies of the first port, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other valuable consideration to them ~ in hand poid by the port Y of the second part, the receipt whereof u hereby acknowledged, ha ve granted, bargained and sold to the said port Y of .the s~ond port, successors i ts~/ ::lI:1tfocand MSigru, foreVer, the followng described land, situate, lyi~B and being ill the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: / That certain Outlot numbered ~3l lying westerly of and opposite to Lot 231 of First~cean Front Subdivision, according to the ame~ed plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at ~a~78 of the public records of Dade County, F10riaa, which said outlot constitutes a strlp of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west, and between the northerly line of said Lot 231 produced westerly to Indian Creek and the southerly line of said Lot 231 produced westerly to Indian Creek. ... ,.... '; I,: :. 'f '.~' ; ~",I . B' This conveyance ls made subject to restrictions /~'\'u:,:j,~,~.I.j{) I"" 't.. ,,.,,, and 11mi tations of record; zoning ordinances of ./:>".,. ..,., .-'.:,-\. ~" (1 \ the Cl ty of Miami Beach; and taxes for the year .,", : "'~; ~; ; ~"'Ii 196o~ :",~ ., ,M.: . ..", ~'-;<./ '. ..,..... ,,-' -- ",'" i -) ,r"1 "';':"iJ' ...,... , ,;.~ \ )1'111.:.,\1\ . '~"'T. ~ , r. And the said part ieSof the first port do hereby fully warrant title to scaid land, and will defend the scame agai...t &he 'awful claims of all persons whomsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sard port lesof the first port hand S and _I s the ~y and ycarabot.e written, ha ve hereunto set their '\, , .. ~'; t ~ m ;f/U4 PAGE 149 Slnte Of Fh1fida, County of !lade, ' Tn; Instr me was filed for record tn~ey of .:;1<, ~ 1~6 at .' e;, M. and dU~Cll.Ided ill OFFICIA'fR"ECORDS Boo on page'/ r file No. GaR / ft>/J ~ J &tatl pf Jrbniba. <Ihnmtgllf ~ } E, B. LEATHERMAN C1eik Circuit Court Br. ~~7~ D.e. J lllrrrbgC!!rrtifS that o~ this day personally appf'fm>d befort' m.>, an "Dir.>r duly authori:;f.d to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, S~ ROESING, his wife ROBERT B. ROESING and MURIEL to me well known to' be the person S de&erib.ed in and who ext'cut..d the for'>8oing deed, and acknowlfldg..d b.>fore me that they executed the same freely and t'olrmlarily for the purpose ther..in expr.>ssed. JIIIiturss my hand and official seal at oM County of ~ day of ~ and State oj ~ , A, D, 19 6' ;~ .' ~ \ .~~.. . thiJ (l My commission expires: Notary Publl S My Commis c. kate. of Florida at Largt' Bonded bv ~I~~r;~".i"~s Sept, 20, 1961 R tlIGL.1 Cu. ur I.... '" ... .. ~. ~~' ,', . ~... '. """ ,t at ;0- ~ ~.~ mI ',. . s:,. '<. <I> - :-- ~ ~ '<1> ~ .- ., gs. .s. .... ~ Cl" Cl" ;.0- - ~ <I> ''< =. .., ;:: ~ ~ "'-0 = 0 0' ta t!tl ;:l ~ s. ~ ~ g- o M\ :::. ~ M\ ~ ~ ,<" ~ ~ ;;! S' ~, - ~ '< r ., .. ;:: 0 <I> i" [ g ;:: S; ta '" .. 1;' ,. ~ a- 3: ;.0- S. ~ = ~ = n - <I> l <I> . 0 ., ! ;:: C5 ui ;.0- ~, \)' ~ c +-+ .s. ;:l i=:: ." 1l: ... ~ s' r.= 0 ~ ;0- '"' :II Q Q 3: - <I> = S- t;. .. 1 s' tA a ;0- '"' C" S ~. 1:' "tl Cl" 1} .. ~ ~ - ., -..--. ~ 1;' .. <I> (I). Q ~ !=' ., Q,. 5: ~ <I> .... g i" " ~ >C e. .. = t:Y ;:: .. ;:l ~ ;0- ~ 1:' " ,. ;, ... " . ^' .' , . ~ " , '.. ...