WD-189 L ~ m 370~ :~~~ ~~6 . Wi) 17'1 L I WARRANTY DEED c FROM CORPORATION} ~,,----.,-,........ ~arrantp ~ttb Utbis Jnbtnturt, Made, this 2nd day of November lltttDeen IMPERIAL APARTMENT HOTEL , INC. , A, D, 1962 ' , a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida munici!ipa1 corporation of the County of Dade part y of the second part _itntssttb: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOL~RS and other good and valuable consideration and State of Florida ~ to it in hand paid by the said part y of the second p-art, the receipt whereof is hereby ack- nowledged has granted, bargained and sold to the said part y of the sfcond part, its successors ~ and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Those certain Out10ts numbered 21 and 22 lying westerly of . and opposite to Lots 21 and 22 of First Ocean Front Sub- ,. division, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded ',..,in Plat Book 9, at page 78 of the public records\.e.:e: Dade ~~ounty, Florida, which said out10ts constitute a strip of ~, land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west, and between the southerly line of said Lot 21 produced . :; westerly to Indian Creek and the northerly line of said ) , -~, Lot- 22 produced westerly to IndJ.an Creek. THIS conveyance is made subject to restrictions and limitations of record~ zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and taxes for the year 1962. ~~" And the said party of the first.Pa.~t doeshereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In _itnts. _btreot. ..~-'~':1 ',:"1., the said party of the first part has ca.useFifij.r'~' .;....* ~ presents to be signed in its name by itf~""_ .~ .\~ officers, and ,its corporate seal to.ttf~, 0 1 ~ ~ attested ~y tts secretary, the da'Y ~~,. c;') \.~1 \ : above wrztten. ' -:.. "~:) '''':" \,;;'1 ./: _ . . ",;' ... ~..1 .- ....iiIi '.; vi' .... ...~, IMPERIAL APARTMENT HOTEL, IN~ h l~_w..,1' "''II ......"" " , ". ~ . >' ,. w Secretary, e President Attest: ./ ~ta(~an~~nct of us: ~.'C-~ ., , ,) 'i '''q~ 6tatr of .:florilla. €ountp of DADE r:H REI; 3704 rAGF 107 J IJrrrbp. €rrtifp that on this 2nd day of November, A, D. 19 62 , before me personally appeared S. J. HALPERIN '~. and LOUIS SPATZ, Presidrnt and Srcrrtary respl'cti~i!ly 'of ~. IMPERIAL APARTMENT HOTE, INC. , a corporation under the ~s of the State of Florida , to me known to be the persons who signPti the foregoing instrument as such officers and severa/!'V acknowledged the eXl'cution thereof f'Q'bt their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and 'thaf ' - they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. } .~... lIIitnr" my signature and official seal at in the County of ,\,~H.i1'", \\ , " ." f ',. 'I'l"':f:. -'," ,,.........,, "\ \. ~ V iJ I {, ~/~~_ . ," -~ .......... ..... " 1I ) '~ Flo~i,J!a,..J~ > ~' :"j .... '" '"," ........,.~- to " " . " . I., . "'... ' -. .~:~:~~.:. :: 'l ,>> \~ ' .. ~. , ~....'~ .-'P ~J1 "L, .. _ ~ ~'.;{ \' .: ; l ~~){i~ '" ,,". .... ,,:. ' .;: , {~.#.. ....., ~ ;' r, ..~.... ,.'", ~...: "",:..,:!, .:,>,0" ,., Notary Puqlic, State of Florida. . at Large. Miami, Dade ~ and Stflte of the day and year last aforesaid. My commission expires.. : b', ~ "'.......o~ ~~-..'" It::-:;;.,~::: """'~~ . ~ ... ~ ~ !::..~o ~ ~C")~"'..... ~ :::.~ ~ "'-3 . ~ ;::..~ ~ ...C")~ ~ .... 0 ~ en o ~ .....en -...~ ~~~~ ~01:>.."1 It::: ~ :::r:: en.....~~ ....",I:>..~ ~ ~ ~ 1i:' 'Sl" - ~ "-' ... "'"":I ~ 1:>..- ~ ;;.,..... ~ '" I:>.. "'..... -.. "'~ ~ ~.~ b Q '" o ~ ,. "cr""" ",:"~r: ......~.<.:;.. .~'$;i-- .' ".'u,_....."~-"-." ~ 0 .....<:l-'~~ ..~--. ........~"'..-. _w- It O::l ~ ~.~. b 0'" S' ,,0 . "'" ..,. ~ a - 'JO~ ~........._~ ::1""""I:>..~'O....."l:S - ... 0 ~ ""t: ~. ...._ ~ .....~ '" a ~ ~:<~ -" I:>..~ ~ - - .".. .."..,.. ~ 51 ~ 5 ~ .... I:>.. -, .., ~ ~ ~ :- ~ l;: ..... '" '< .. ~~lt~ .s:. "''''''''''''0 "tloltl:>..- ~~ -~ ~"tlli ~,g ~.~ '" .... ..".. ~........"'\. ~ ~"'~ :3 '" ...... 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