WD-189 M \ -,-..---. ---~--\' ~n 3704 PACf:t_ 4.2 II/iJ- / tlM ,~~~~~~~~~ ........,0 PU.LISHING CORPORATION I . MIAMI 8.2. -FLORIDA .~ .~ @.~ I I An undivided one-third interest in and to that certain Outlot! numbered 23 lying westerly of and oppo$ite to Lot 23 of First Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at page 78 of the pub~ic.record8 of Dade County, Florida, wh!cpsaid outlot constitutes a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west, and between the northerly and southerly lines of said Lot 23 produ~~':\';":,"; westerly to Indian Creek. ",';"'. '...~~::~~;.,' '::::'fI....."" ....v.. ..... ani-I ;- /lj \ 1 a 11 c! 01 tl*: ~)..c;.- . ~_ .0; .- ;;;'.1' t' '~.: .~ "'i. tf V J.. 0 \." ~"" \'ri'>~~.. - ...~ ....:~ V'l...."....,;"."..IIt. /1,;, '" I> .l<' Cl ~IIJfJ'v" _"I fJlll \l\\~\\\\.\ ~ iJngtt!Jn with all and lIingular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto. belonging " or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions; remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, dower and righl of dower, separale estale, property, possession, claim and demand whalsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part of the firsl part, of,in and to the same, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, Oln liaut ttttb mn linlb the above granled,ba~g~ed i!Ad.'.g~~remises, with the appur- lenances, unto the said part 7 of the second part, its i...... .:&Ii. and assigns, to 1 t s own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, their And the 8aid pard AR of the first part, for tnEl..e) VEl. and for ..... /heirs, executors and adm~'lffi~lla-n.r- covenant, promise and agree'tO and with the said pa&J.:i of the second part, i tsr'- -~and assigns, that the said part till'! of the first part, at the time of the enseal. ing and delivery of these present.., aT'1'! lawfully seized of and in. all and singular the above granted. bargained and described premises, with the ap-purtenances, an" ha_" r' . ',--.- good" 'ngM:;-' full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and coI1Vey the same in manner and form aforesaid, And the said partZ- of the second part,:I ~R RUt!t'U!8ROY'R -and assigns, shall and may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold, use, occupy. FOssess and enjoy the above granted prem- ises and every part and parcel thereof, with the ap purtenances, without any let, snit, trouble, molesta. tion, eviction 01' disturbance of the. said part...1.e.sof the first part, ~heiT" heirs oraaigns,or or my other person' or persona lawfully claiming' or to claim the same, by, through and under the grantor_ herem. ,. . ~H SPaCIAL WAIUtANTY D_ PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 36 ilJis Jnbrt1turt. Made th.. Jcr" day of 12_ ~ .. /., , A. D. 19 60, BETWEEN GIlRALDIHIl STANOVICH (r01'Dle~;;~;a;;id1ne Sol .ey) , joined by her husband, MARTIN STANOVICH" of the County of Dade " and Slale of Florida , parties, of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a Florida municipal cOl"l'oratton whose permanent address ;, . dt the County of Dade ,and Stale of Florida, party I of the second part, "ttnt.flStt4. That the 8aid part teR of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other valuable consideration ~_ , lawful money of the United States of America, lo them in hand paid by the said parLX.- of the second part., at or' before the ensealing and delivery of these pr~ts, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgedy-- h.a ve granted bargained, sold. aliened. remised, released. conveyed lPld confirmed, and by these presents dO:.-- grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the said pa~of the second part, ~" its )8ucceslii,s and aseigns forever," the following piece-... parceL or. traeL- of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade , Slale of Flori IlI!-d .piore particularly described as follows: o ] This conveyance is made subject to restrictions limitations of .recol"d; zoning ordinances of the of MUm Beach;' and taxes for the yeaI' 1960. ~ ..' 'J' . ,.,,' 'j .. . {.,' '4.; ';l~ ~;~, I ~.. t.., .'. . ~n 3704 P^';f 1. 4-3-----~---- ... - ------.-- ~~"!@~.~~..r~~'\~~. . .~~.~~3i>1'" ~., I, I ..(. () :IC ~) --,1,-_ ",,'-:~Q1:l. .'1 (~l _ " -I 0~~'R~ ~~~-..-<~~_"'E:':~~~~,-~~~~~~:w?~=~ ~~ ~ ~I?J.~~ j~ ~, I I~ :'J-0":P'~'\ ~ I ,Q o.t o.t 0* " e. ;;: .= oJ ....... C(, It: 'W!+' bi~ n:~ -a.... ~8 ' ~ UI c.t: O~ :i ~ 1 /Z .~"~. ~ , <l ,~~~~. .~...~~~ ~ ~""~~~~~~~~~ ~~i - . - r And the 811id part.J..e.8 of the rll'llt part, for thflllmRAl VfIIllJlond for i:h.i,.. heirs, warrantll the above described and hereby FBDted and released premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the IBid pll1't..-L of the second part, i tB RnnnilluulI,JiD and 888igns, agaiDat the said part..1.u of the firet p.m, their heirs, and agaiDat all and every person or persoDl whom80ever lawfully claiming or to claim the same, by, through and under the grantor_ herein. shall and will warrant and by tbeee preeentll forever defend, 3Ju IIUtwBB IU,rrto( The 811id part1eSnf the first part ha va hereunto It't thAi,.. hanlL!l and 8eaUl the day and year firet above writteD, Signed, sealed and, delivered in presenee of 118': , ldln: and Martin StanO}V1~nt~. ~~eal) &tatt of ~ ILLINOIS . . ~ of COOK 1111. '., On this ~y personally app~ before me, tJRRAT.nT'NR S'J'AHOVICH aDd MARTIN STANOVICH, her husband to me well known and known to me to be the indi. vidua~ described in and who executed the foregoing deed of conveyance, and acknowledged that . tb.ey executed the same for the purpose therein exprellll6d, whereupon it is prayed that the 8ame may be recorded. lu 1IJtttwllB .~rrtof. I have hereunto arrixed my hand and oEci ial seal, tM. ~ ~ J day of ~-(~JI.. I A, D, 19~ . . (Seal) My commisB10fl.:exo1res:' .' --JJ1y Commloslon EXpIres Feb. IS; l~. &tatr 0 f Jrlnriba Qbnut4J ~f I, in and for 88id County and State, docertiEy that' on the' , A~. 0: 19 IQ:Id . hie wife, to me well. knoWD, and known to I\le tQ be the hidlnduaL- described in-and who executed the foregoing deed, and eevlll'lllly acknowledged that executed theeame for the purpoeee tlterein mentioned, and . the IBid.. ...:. ,.,. . ' , . ..' " . .. 1 upon a separate and private examination, made. separate and apart from her husband, then and there acknowledged be- fore me that she executed the said deed for the purpose of conveying and relinquishing her dower and right of dower, homestead and ~arate estate in and to the lands therein delCribed, and also in token of having consented to the alienation of said described lands, and that she did the eame freely lI,Dd vol. untarily, and without any eoDltraint, appreWlzWon. fear or,compUleion of or from her 811id husband, . Given under my hand and official seal at in 811id County and State, on tJ,i. day of 1 A. D. 19_ n") r~ ~"""'""7-~~.T,! \. day of 1 pReO~Y appeared Wore me, ,'" , " (Seal) 1-- z.- l I u_ ~ ~" ~ M 0,' <.D .~. . en ~ < '- ..... ::) Q' ' u"": -J !::u.. ~o Ut) ,. !.l.! '0 <( a L