WD-189 N m4ill Jnbtntuft. Made,this WARRANTY DEED (TO CQR"OltATION) .- 'l. UH ilU; 3704. PACE140 [vj)- I i9 IV @ FORM 34 <.. marrnuty Irtb 5" day 0/ ~ \ ~-- ,.4, D: 1962 , BETWEEN HAROLD ZINN;' individually and as Trustee, and FAY ZINN, his wife 0/ the County of ~. Dade '. and State 0/ Florida part ies urthe first part,/md CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal , IKcorporation F lor ida , hal/inS it. principal pLree of Florida existing under the laws of the State of business in the County of Dade and SUIte of and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State 0/ Florida, party of the .econd part. WITNESSETH: That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the ..m'of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration~ to them in hand paid by the said party/of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby acfmow. have ledged, granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, it. lUCC_rs and assign., forever, the followinS de.cribed land .ituate, lyinS and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit, That certain Outlot numbered 24, lying westerly of and opposite to Lot 24 of First Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at page 78 of the public records of Dade county,.' Florida, which said outlot constitutes a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west and between the northerly and southerly lines of said Lot 24 produced westerly to Indian Creek. THIS CONVEYANCE is made subject to restrictions and limitations of record: zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and taxes for the year 1962. .10'..;: And th,. said part ie sol the fir" part do ,'" -. ~- - -- hereby fullY warranl tlaP titk to said land. Ond ~~~.. r...... ." th,. same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, hereunto set the ir IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the _id part ies of the first part have hand s and Sf!al S the day and year above written. lSeal) lSeall Ii I I ~ , '0 ~ "H 3'71l.f 141 ~[l .; Q!t P^GE . ST A1'E OF FWRIDA, COUNTY OF J Jlrl'tbg Cltrl'ttfg, That on thu day personally appt!aTed before me, an oQwer duly authoriud to adminuter otUhs and take acknowledgments, HAROLD ZINN and FAY ZINN, his wife to me well known to be the person S described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and aclmou... ledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose. therein expressed, JIIItt",lIl1 my hand and oQreial .~l at and.sttUe of Florida, this 06' ~ "... f.d,<c~ day of NoUJry Public, 5uue 0 My commission expires STATE OF FLORIDA. Notary l'ulilfe, ~ate ~ l'Ior1il8 8' t~..", " "'Y Commission Expires Sept. 1, 1964 COlmtyof egnded by AmeriGan Surety Co. 01 N. Y. J 1trrrbg Cltrrttfg That on thu day personally appeared before me, an oQicer duly authorVed to administer oaths and take ackrwwledgments, to me well knowiJ to b~ the person ledged before me that expressed, "\lurllll my hand oM oQicial ~eal ilt and State of Florida, this described .in.Md who eXecuted tfle foregoing deed, and acfcnow. executed the same freely and voluntarily for the pw"poae& therein . County of ' day of . .4,D, 19 " ,:,,..,.",< .a. \;l! 5'1 ~ I' [l>. $ ~ . II l! ;! ~ r r a~ ir i f ~ - o '-: ~ i ;! ..... .. ~ ~::-[.... ;;i''tI[i'<>r.= c ilo.. t:Y = !:r "'32:;0" cH\ ~ !'> ~ ~ 1;' ~ 1.!'" H\ ~ ~ ..... ~ 5' L~ ~ L';h! [ ilo.. ~ ~ L ~~ ~ ,,[ , C"l gs= "'3 'Q' ll'::t: e- .. - t III ~ ;l ~~ (i} .. l=.a. ~ ~ 0 '< . ~ ill s.~ l!l ~~...'.a. '::l i c ...... C1 a: ~ ~ a:.a. ....B r, ~ ~= II I: C"l Ie' C"lC:ita.~ ~ ,-t" ::! to .0 . ~ '.... .,00 .,' ~ .. ~...- ~o <!L ~ tM .. l .a. r ..~ ~ -...-- '- ~ 1;' <! ~ ~. .... ~ a' S. ~ B \:l'> ~ .... ~.;:r a. ~. .., ~ C":l ~ ~~ l~f= t:Y ~ a a I .. ts. ~ ~. ::. = ;-.~;. "pji~l ~a."t ~,~ <l~ po ~ If : Ii.. o ~ ..__ r ~~ I ~ ;t ~I L i - 0') (N . ~N \, ~ (') i-r1~ o:uin P/;' 0,,;: 1n_I"l :ut- C) (") -, Or-'" . =:T: ...,,-1' , rC):::2 '!> .:.. ~ O't_ Cz ::u -I 0:- = :z (D J> 3:: CD .. ..c -..I ,'~ , '"+- ~ - ." - r m CJ 11 o ::u ::u IT1 <J o ;:0 o ~ gl o ~-..I c:,)4 Clt ~ CIt~