10985 ResoRESOLUTION NO. 10985
WHEREAS, in order to insure the widening of that
portion of Collins Avenue lying westerly of and adjacent to Lots
1 to 30, inclusive, and Lot 231 Of First Ocean Front Subidivision,
according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, page 78
of the public records of Dade COunty, Florida, it was necessary
forthe City of~Miami Beach roarrange for conveyances, for highway
purpOses, to said City bythe'owne~sthereof ofthe outlots lying
between Collins Avenue and Indian Creek opposite to said Lots 1
to 30, inclusive, and Lot 231, and being similarly numbered~ and
W~EREAS, said conveyances have been procured and are
now held by the City Clerk in escrow to bedsilvered when the
filling, now in process, of the submerged area immediately westerly
of said outlots is substantially completed; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of the statutes of the
State of Florida, title to said outlots must vest in, the State of
Florida~for the use and benefit of the State Road Department of
Florida, before said Departmentshall advertise for bids on the
proposed construction; and ·
WHEREAS, the Attorney for the City has prepared a deed
conveying said outlots to the State of Florida, for the use and
benefit of said State Road Department, with the terms of which
the City Council is familiar; and
'= '~!'' .... ~S~th~ Trust~-~6~e! inte~nar!Improvement,~und= ~
of the State of Florida have granted to the City of Miami Beach a
perpetual easement for right of way purposes in and to a strip of
submerged land in Indian Creek lying immediately westerly of said
outlots, which perpetual easement should be assigned to the State
of Florida, for the use and benefit of the State Road Department
of Florida, an assignment thereof having been prepared by the Attorney
for the City and submitted to the City Council;
THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and the City Clerk
be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said
deed and said assignment of perpetual easement in the name of and
on behalf of said City and, after the execution thereof~ to place
-the same in escrow with the City Clerks to be delivered to the said
-,S~ate Ro~d Department of Florida when the City Engineer shall certify
~-t~a~"~he filling hereinbefore referred to has been substantially
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