Quit Claim Deed 189 A . /' ~.--. "' -.,~ '. QUIT.CLAIM DEED FROM CORPORATION .. m Q70A P'if 150 PkJCO'S,~RM\~ ~ PAIICO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 38. FLORIDA (fuit-Qtluim IIttb 'al4is lnbtnturt. Madethis +~ OOyof ~~ "!'1; BETWEEN WAGS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, INC., CJ ,J ' N Y k a'torporation existing under the law. of the State of ew or ;}im part and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida munieipal ~j) - J 6::1fl ,A.D.19 00. , party of the eorporat.i.o",n ','.r,.'.'.; })o ..,<' .. .~ , ",. , ,,,'::i."':. .' ~.:.. WITNESSETH, That the taid party of the fint par,;forand in comideration of the mm of TEN DOLLARS and othet good and valuable consideration - - .- - . in hand paid by the .id part ~ of the .econd part, the r7ceipt whereof is hereby tlCkn ' ; \ .', '~~. l-emised, relecued and quit-clai1!ted. ~nd by the.e preten" doth remise, releMe, and quit-claim unto the .id , ! sueeessors ipart y of the .econd'part'"arilt"lts / J!lJmtXand fII.ignt forever, all the ellate, right, title, lien, equity, intll'J"e.t, claim ~, demand ivhich the .id party of theXfim part hath in and to the following 'That' <tertain oiit:iot numbered 1 lying westerly of and opposite to Lot 1 of First Oeean Front Subdivision aeeording to the amended plat thereof, reeorded in Plat Book 9, at page 78 of the publie reaords of DalIla County, Flor1da, -wh1;-ch sa1d outlot const1 tutes a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west, and between the northerly line of said Lot 1 produeed westerly to Indian Creek and the southerly line of said Lot I produeed westerly to Indian Creek., This eonveyanee is made subjeet to restrietions and limitations of reeord; zoning ordinanees of the City of Miami Beach; and taxes for the year 196.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .ame together with all .ingular and appurtenance. thereunto be- longing or in anywise appertaining, and all the ell ate right, title, lien, interell and claim what~ of tie .aid party of the fir.t part, either in law or equity, to the only proper JUe, benefit and be_f of sueeessors . part y of the second part, its ,JU15 and ass.gnt forever. , describ~ 101 Dade' ,==-' Dade Florida jj( ;.:'"f'~ \ ,. , 'f . ' \ ' IN WITNESS JfHEREOF, the .~~ty of the fir.t part hat caused thes: ': \ I I 0 l 'I b . ed" b . 7p id -- J . ' '';;';;'.'.:... ..,.~.. J> \,,' pre.ents to e s.gn zn Us name y us!. res enr, ana Its corporate seal to ~ ",".' '.' lll'l' q . ....,." . " .. :.' .;;/:;~~.<!t\_{~:._t;;j~:;"eaf!ixed;lIttes,ted by its Secretary th!, .<!:t! ~ f~. ~; ~':Q' '\' < r....\~.:,::;,,'__- ' and yea,. above written. ,.....,<\ M .1 ......'.. "'~"~'I-\;;J 'ot:t.~) ; 6P ':.;." '."",(} /- "::' :r'-" ' "~,,,". ,r; I> \1).'. ....... ',y ." C7.:(, .,.,' '1, J>..9j;,.1.f,;or~/JU! l, ,/:' Seal), ,-I.,' h, ..,,' ...... <'1" U) . ..',', "- " '" and State of cond part,' ,p~e :::, or 'pa~~~ of land, .ituate, lying and being in the County of ~...' St~e of .. " ,~Florida .', .~.' , to-wit: S TRANSPOR'l'ATION SYSTEM, INC. ~/.' '.// /} ... --.. ~ Vice C:~ ,Ii ) HH . ~ \ . '. ~ ' ;/ -~~'7~,;~----" ~:~ GH 37CU 151 m '\.P;t rACE ~ . &tatr of ~ NEW YORK } Clhnmtllm " " , "NEW' YORK " and County, hereby certify that before me came Nathan Chetron I, the undersigned officer duly authorized to take and ("!rtily~knowl{!d~m.f'nts of deeds ip .,aid Slate and Bertha r), Ryan as . Secretary respecti ve:y of the Vi c e president and WAGS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, INC. -- ' 'a co;;poration under the laws of the State of New Yorlc ; that said perS6I1S/JO appearing before me are the individuals and the officers aforenamed of said corporation described in and who executed the foregoing deed; and that then and there .id individuals as said officers acknowledged before me that the seal affixed to said deed is the corporate seal of .id corporation, that their names offi- ciallyare by them respectively subscribed ,thereto, t1&at.aid deed WfII signed, sealed and delivered by said corporation in the presence of two subscribing witnesses pursuant to 14w, and that the same is the free art and deed of said corporation. . thiS~."",,''':~'':; i' "'" . T.~- _,~<\.. ,'" ~:lO '........ I , ~......'. '-.oJ 1.~.,.," ""'. ~ ~ ~' .,' 1-1 ...oJ> ~ )/ A ~..~,..~... :J\~~1 . .,~J'. ....,_.>";.::it!~~-4< ~()'~~E lfotary Publie, Statef'i.~,~'W ~'i ' \'F ; C'T --:'>r"" . .,' ->,,-:~" ,'-;" ~. BUttf'BB my hand and official seal at the City of New York ., c~ . County of N e-,w York day of ~ New, York and Sto.te 0 f . . A. D. 1996e.. 'i,;.-. My cOJIIIll1ssion 'laXPires:~ .30.11(,"'/ . HELEN. ARONS. Notary PubflC Stili of New York, #03.5108900 ~ \Jua~nlau III .rJIUI'^ e.......l~ CommissJon Expires March 30" 1962 ________~-,_:.:.__~~"'lI<~....,..-..........--. . ">". --~,.,--''''', ,,1k ......t ~ ~ (\ ~ ,. ~ n o ~ c " r. ~ , z ~ g " ~ o " ~ ~ o z "pIll-! · J1; ~$ S ~ = ,&!e If ~ II f ~~ '"' IT r il~ r I ~r ~I ~ i tat. ~. - t'l) ~ (') H ~ ~~~ 1-3 t:EJ ~1-3 ~ s;: HZ ZOO (,)'tI . 0 :;0 ~ 1-3 H ~ ~.'/' \~ ... ~ o " o ,. ""3 C 3: ;; 3: ~ ~ ~ H to f;1 (') ::r: W N ,,' ;~..~.~ i~(?~_ fie ,...... . .. ,_....L....~. .li'".!' .- .' "'.(:,.'!~ .-~ 1: ., .. ~ '''''. . "'- \,..- ~ ,.i~~ \ ... t ...., . '. .-"'1 ,'" -:l: r',. "~.J ('.\ ~~ ~, t--lt. ~'-J ~1 " ~ o 1> ;:J ;"71 "'l =--> ~ ~ r > '~ ~ "'" ..... ""~ ~ 1= 'r~ ~ '~ ~' ~C ~ ~ ~ "'~ E[ ~.. ~i."".'.,' . .'. 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