WD-189 D /' FOJlM U23 FLORIDA WARRANTY 1).1> .. (Protll COI'pot'atiotll) 63, ,____._u _ _ . ----"'-~ 63 ,Made this 26th day 01 April , A, D, 19 Between BALMOR TON CORP. fS corporation eJ:istint under the laws 01 the State of Florida ;kavint its prinoipal place of business in the Oountyof Dade ~ tate of Florida party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a Florida municipal corporation. County of Dade, State of Florida. , and ( }' ! I'~ \. ' I' ..~ ~~'- ,1:~' ':1,1': " ;::J~,(:~:'j '-.'~"_.~ _I '"(: ":..,: .~~. t'~10'l'o1.. .&. .\1.f .:~~~~: . ,~~!t.,.~~"j ~..:U&.& ~MIMI." ., -ex part y of th:e second part, Witnesseth" That the said partu 01 the first part, lor and in consideration ';if . the sum of Ten (~10. 00) Dollars and: other valuable considerations- - - ~ to it in hand paid, the receipt whereol i8 hereby acknowledted, MS tranted, bar- tained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth trant, bartain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the said party 01 the second part, and its successors ~and aBsitns forever, all that certain parcel 01 land lyint and beinl in the Oounty 01 Dade and State 01 Florida, more particularly described as lollows: f'''''- !i'o,..,.' :. .3 jl6J.L .1. , -'''''''''''''r.r.rrfJ''' " Out-lot Six (6), Out-lot Seven (7) and the North one-half (NI/2) of Out-lot Five (5) of FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at Page 78, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said Out-lots lying and being between Collins Avenue and Indian Creek, and bounded on the North by the North line of Lot Seven (7) of said subdivision, extended West to Indian Creek, and on the South by the South line of the North one-half (Nl/2) of Lot Five (5) of said subdivision extended West to Indian Creek. Subject to conditions, restrictions, limitations and ealemeU:'ts of record; to the provisions of zoning ordinances of the City of Miami ~ach and any"amendments thereto in force and effect; and to taxes for the year 19'63 and subsequent years. ~ ' Toe;ether with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, with every pnvilete, ritlt,t, title, interest and estate, reversion, remainder and easement thtreto belon!!inl or in anywise appertainint: . - To Have and to Hold the sgme in lee simp~e forever. - L : ~ And the sald party 01 the first part doth covenant with the said part y 01 the second part that it is lawfully seized 01 the said premises; that they are Iree of all incumbrances, and that it has lood ritht and lawlul authority to sell the ~q;me;. an. d the said party 01 the ftrst part does hereby fully warrant the title to said ,j.~~ litJfiwill defend the same atainst the lawlul clalms 01 all persons whomsoever. .';'J.,"tfo:;j'.:f~~ InWitnessW'ltereof, th88~ party 01 theftrst part has ~' :.":} 7,j 'I,j ',: ": ~,,'; caused these presents to be sitned in its name by its Pr68ident, ~ ,~ '. ,.,1'(' ~: ~ and its corporate seal to be a~, attested by its ~\ ~~:~; l~~7!~~l '_.. ~ Secretary the day a~ year above written. .. ,~ .........,~ 0.,;" ~. ' . BALMORTON CORP. -''Jttt6ll1tf . _ __A...M.-o' .' ./ Secretary. Byk/ilU.A..:.^.,.~f.:li~l/L':r-- I '.. Pr68ident. !;?~ . l ~. m 3695 ~Gr 662 State of Florida, } County of DADE, I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this 3() 7:t' day of ~ before me personaJly appeared BENJAMIN CRA YES LEON CRA YES President and Secretary respectively of -13AL~OR:rON CORP. , a corporation under the laws of the State ot Florida , to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foretoint conveyance to . CIT'Y OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, County of Dade, State of Florida, , " , and seve'rally ackriowledted the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such offlcers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed tke..reto the offlcial seal of said corporation, and the said instrument is the act and de~ of said corporation. . .. )VITNESS my sitnature and officiaJ seal at in the Oounty of Dade year last aforesaid. , ~ - n ;r 0 > "0 I: I:!J II > '" z ! ~ ? > z .... J: :!! :I: :II 1'1'1 m .. ::0 III oj ::0 > z 1'1'1 n > r J: ::! III ~ > ">Ul ,.. .. c o II 1'1'1 :II > Z o Z Q> )> :0: II "0 C 1'1'1 .. .... a ~ Z Ul Q 0 Z .\ _:",.. .;__,'~.......,".... ,,,,,~,._.__...,," "c-_ 1 -- '. I . - > i " r \'1 I .\ - . ~ .A.. D.19 6~'. and Miami Beach and State of Florida, the day and ~.~~. Notary pzt,bli , State 0 orida at Large ~-' ~. ~:I} a I,~ . ~~ ~filg ~, S' .~ Iii '\ .Q W ~ ~ Id(P I ~ +_< .~r .~I i ~ 0- ~ = i ~ t\t' . ( ~ o (") ~n" ,'. CJ ;0 ':u ~'" Oor- "'_fTl C') ::0 .~ 00-1 . c: ::r '"rJ=f1T1 r- ::u )>0:;:- .0...... ,,....., . ..-:...., ~-., ,0....... " :u o J: n o ;II '11 o :II )> of o z~. a, ~ ~ c;-~ \ C.J - ." - - . <:n ~ ~ Q) ... ~ ~ r .;;... fTl fi 0 - ." w 0 . ;0 ;0 - ", ,..., . . ~-) 0 - ....... - _-<(I ,d