WD-189 F WARRANTY DEED eTO CORPORATION I ~ FORM 34 ml't~ ;or ~, m 3704 pm 108 . . . Ilnrrauty m4is 3Jubtuturt. Madll, this /#" day of ,.4,D,19 62. BETWEEN SIDNEY P. LIPKINS and CIAIRE LIPKINS, his wife of the County of tmd SUIte of part ies of the first ".rt, tmd CITY OF MIAMI BEACH . II corportltion existing under the laws of the SUIte of Florida business in the County of Dade tmd SUIte of , having its principal plaee of Florida tmd lawfully authoriz;etJ to transact business in the SttJte of Floritk, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the Mid part iesof the first part, for tmd in consideratUm of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration them ~ to in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the ret:eipt whereof is hereby "dnow- ledged, -- have granted, bargained tmd sold to the Mid party of the second part. its SUCCfWOrs tmd assigns, forever, the folWwing described ltmd situtJte, lying tmd being in the County of Dade tmd SttJte of Florida, to-wit, ., That certain Outlot numbered 9 lying westerly of and opposite to Lot 9 of First Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, .at page 78 pf the public recoFds of Dade County, Florida, which said outlot constitutes a strip of land on the easterly shore of Indian Creek lying between Collins Avenue on the east and Indian Creek on the west and between the northerly and southerly lines of said Lot 9 prOduced westerly to Indian Creek. " :\ ... ~ , , t- \ I This conveyance is made subject to restrictions and limitations of record~ zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach and taxes for the year 1962. And th.. Mid parI ieSt./ the first part tIt. hereby fully wQ;nmt thp title to ..id land, iu.d ",iD de/end Ih.. Mme agllinst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the said part ies of the fir" parI have her_to sel , their " hand S tmd..!lIl s the day tmd yellr IIbOtlf! written, ~ (Seal) (Seal) DH ~EC 3704 rflGEl09 STA1'E OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF 1 Jlrt'thg:<6tttifg'. rhGt~on thi& day personally apfX!ared before me, an oDicer duly autlwri:ed to admini&ter oaths iioo.4Gk....ii6knowledgments. to me well known to be the person ledged before me that expressed, !\nlll J;urt~,t' errtifll, . deft)ribed in and who executed the foregoing deed. and aclenou'- executed the same freely and voluntarily for the pur~. therein That the said ,Ie_tome to be the wife of the said . on a separate and privale .~.(tamination taken and made by and before me, .eparately and apart from her said hruband, did aclenow- .ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing. relinquishing and conveying /:.,:-,' , all her right, title and interest. whether dower, homesteod or of separate property, statutory or equitable. I\,\:i..)~ '... in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she executed' the said deed freely and volunUJrily and with- ( ~,,~ .~PUt any compulsion, constraint. apprehension, or fear of or from her said hwband. e" ,,'.:: Jlt,tnrss my hand and oDiciol _I at , County of and.8tate of Florida. thi& d4yof ' A. D. 19 Notary Public, State of M " , -m881: COHEN y comrn~ss~on exp~r""",. C St te of New Yo"" .' ~O't~YP:L~~?t~40,~, \ Qd~'ll~:: M:"~ 30, 1\l .a.~! ~i1'?-- ~! l!~~r~r~~~i;. ~-: ;rol~ ~ ~ [~ \C r = c a;ro ::j2:ClOOo" C~ !" ~ ~ S" iq. ~ 'JIll s. l ~ r l"'" a E" l ~~ ~ 'l:l [ i "Q' ll' ~ .. - t P .. a,~.a. gSlQ"< a ;;.ttl IS ~ ~ .....,a. a: ~~a:.,a.....Qr ~ ... ~ = ;roit;l\" Q ~.... Q 8 Cl-' i ~ ;;ro ~ ;l\" ~ e '-< Q. ~O: ~ .... Q. 's' ~:' ~ . Iii' ;;. ~ 8 i;l" .... ~,;J- a. ~. a a~ a,J:f: ~ ~ E ~ a..... ==~ ;ro~;ro ::;.. :;. Q ~ -.< z;. STATE OFcf:L;'ruu;?'/flIby ~ COlmly of ~ ~ l lIIrrrbg cnrftifg That on thi& d4y personally appeared before me. an officer duly autlwrUed to administer oaths and take rwknowledgments, SIDNEY P. LIPKINS and CIAIRE LIPKINS, his wife to me well known to be the person S described in andwlw executed the foregoing deed, and acknow- ledged before me that. they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes. therein expressed, . . '" . ' .,- JIIitnus. my hand and official seal at' ~ ~ ..'q- ~~,O ~'l-:!" .;\ 1>>.4 Se_~ 8f FlfWi.J.., ."1. M (4./;;t..< &' d4yof . ,A, D:"l~l" '\'t\ ~, A.' , , "i!t~,~+.~,"r=:" Stat ..~. ."';.. '. . I (' \! 111 ; A ,''I'',ii~.'\ ,I...... '" . -- .. _Y"""..," __"-"""":'""=,"..... "./'.... 1"" ' ' . - .. .. ,iP..'.. ,.-' v ..;_.~...~"' ~)' . v ::. S; My commt.sion expiretl ] ~ tI:l t/) ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ l::l ~ ~ ::I:l ~ <: cs ~ i 1M = ~::: ~= ~~ ~... ./-= ... ~ '- (J) (1 :II I: .. . -...- !=' ~ ~ *' \\\ tl:l~lI:1~t:d~ t":lfJi ~' ""' ' '"0 t:080=-- o~ v .. p:j =-- Co- ~;! &; ~I ~ ~ro~ 4 n 0) ~ ~I~j rm ~ r k'"~8" ~ii'~~ m. e:- rn . , ..~ .' o::oco = ~ I ~ =-- -,~E;S p^' :z: 0 1'\S' COSt'l an~ ." CJl.,. \I>- m ~ '~_,", c.o 0 0 G..)t:l ~ ~ g ~ .. '-v-' ~ l} (~.-~ , a>! ~ ~c-- J> ::0 1-6 Pl- ~(j - .3: ~ ~~ r~ 'l--l:u :::0 ~ (j r03: CD, m ~ If ~~ "!>Ol> .. (") s, Cz pO :tI ..& 0 C":l ~o ==>1 --l ~ :u .~ ! \~ . , 0 ~ ,""" a ' , ~ '.."