WD-194 WARRANTY DEED (FROM CQR~O"ATIO~ TO COR~ORATION) t,. FORM 35Y. kfli /?y . SEMINOLE PAPER. PRINTINQ-M1AMI ''l~ ,\ J Ofl54 f{[C 14 PAtE 389 Barranty irrb m4i.a lIubtuturt. Made,thi, ;'7~ dayof BETWEEN SHELLNOR CORPORATION February ,A. D.1967 , a corporation exilting under the law, of the State of Florida , having it, principal place of blUine" in the County of Dade and S~te of Florida and lawfully authorized to tramoct blUine" in the State' of Florida, party of the fint part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 9- mun~c~pal ~ corporation exilting under the laws of the State of Florida . having iu principal place of bwine" in the Coumy of Dade and State of Florida and lawfully authorized to tramact bwme" in the State of Florida, party of the ,econd part, WITNESSETH: That the ,aid party of the firlt part, for and in con,ideration of the ,um of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration 8n1""" to it in hand paid by the laid party of the ,econd part, the receipt whereof iI hereby acknowledged, ha, granted, bargained and ,old to the laid party of the ,econd part, iu 'ucce"or, and GIIigru forever, the following de,cribed land ,ituate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot Five (5) in Block Eight (8) ot ALTOS DEL MAR NO.2, according to -ehe plat thereof, recorded in Plat'Book 4, at page 162 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. " THIS CONVEYANCE is made subject to conditions, restrictions and limitations of record~ applicable zoning ordinances and taxes for"the year 1967. '"'' .~ '"'" ~--: ;'...... >- W I- Cl :z: >d: ::> &::l C> "= ,c...> "'. ,-~ "':- ') ,---'I ~ ,~ = And the laid party of the fir" part do.!. hereby fully WfU'ram the title to lIGid land, and will d,'fend the IQml! Gf(a;nxt ,h" lawful claim,of all perlon' whom,oPt'er, ".1: ..... ;j;"r :t.. .,J '\ ~ ~ ''')IY~ ./ orF54 . N[C 14 PAGf390 In .Un... .~rr'l1f. the NUl party of the fiw part haI carued th,," pre.en" to be dined in t" name by i" proper oUwe", and t" corpoNlte .eal to be aUt:ced, auuted by it. Secretary, the doy and year above wriuen. SHELLNOR CORPORATION Aue.t: By J 2.' OI&tuntv ISf DADE J )lrrrbg Cltrrttfg, that on thit _ ' " sYll.." .,' ~\ Ij .", .. ,,~+~ _;0.-'1011....... ..,.. . ...... '.. .. ~.'..t1 .."'I.. , . ._~"':.. _.4f ~' .~~ ,".., JJ. ~ ;.:~! ~ 0 ~,"i'; ~O)i ;.;): ~ 1..") ,,-... r ...., ~ ';7..,.;) : a. a r-~ ~ :.c:.. . ~..~ _~ H J :c:-- ....""... I....,~ ", 0;.. I J ~ ..., .:: ")..' .--- 't ..~."'..'...iC-- ~, I ~ H'" .. \, ...~ ,..... ,...-. , \\\,,,,,...,,, - doy of February SAMUEL LANDAU A, D, 1967 ,before me personally appe41'ed :uric Pre.ident lIDdc5Ise~~H~ of :Y',. SHELLNOR CORPORATION , a corpor~~n under tlie law. of the State of Florida , to me known to be the pcrlOM ~ho .igned the fore- going inltrument as such offif;ers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purp~se. therein mentioned and thtu they afJiud thereto the offi. cial-teal of said corporation, and that the said ins,trument is the act and deed of said corporation, ,\.L/\/tl/". ." . .' ~,:""-'.'*.JUI my hand orad official sial at . Miami '-..... '^...~_ - \ oj: .,':"'(',1:,.......'-:, \ ' eel: :-.. (jiltftJtdf"NtOf Dade and State of Florida \ 'l:tlfC' day,Jihl- ';'fear last aloresaid. ..:' P U ',,:', ':" .. ~,..,.~ ,c~.(Ssion expires: ;.i-"i..;.."~'\ 'I . ). 1 . /4 70 _~d ,. ____~~ ~ ~ ~ z o .. ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ z ~ Z a I ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ *; ,.f;r~~ .: iI'i- ~;i ~ it; ~ <..n: ., ~. -. ~ ;i~~8 t':~:r2.. . to-- (': ~:: i t: C o ." Cl ." "tl.... >0 c;'J;> trlt"" iu ~ : ~ -. jQr)Q !:;J:-' t--O ~ ;: I ~ ~.~~~~..~. Q~\ ~ C^ \ , , .2.,~o ~ ..... ~,~ ;:! < ;l,. 0 '< ~ ~': r ~ ~ 1:' ~~ S' l~ l ~~ l;'~ lt~ ..t"l ;:-0 to "'l ~ ... C ~ ~ 1:.... _ a 1= 0;:- ';(S-:-~ " .. to ~. ;:- it~;I- ~ ~~ ~. ~'g I: 1:.. ;;. ~.Q 'Q' ., .. I> 5:. ~-4_/f Notary Public, at Large ;;' ~ ~ 2';" r~ r~!=' ~ os,...... ,,\::;:1 _: 'C;:- I: "\:: ~ w !:' 2: Q ~~ 1;' ".\j It ~ . ~ "'I> to e ';:t, .. 8 ~;- a. ~;l,. fA .,"-., t .2., ~ ~ '< .. to, ., O. 0 A .r~~"-- 5:..2.,...~~ ~1:I:l ;:-;l,.;':- ~ 8 ~ ~ a;.:- ~ ';( ~ . ago a. -, It J: f: ....t""" ;:--;:- ...'< 1:' ~ Ii u:: c ~ at = - fIJ ~ !! S. c ~ ~ E' S ~ :... I:I:l I:Il ;j :... ~ '"3 o "'l t::1 ~ Q ... i -,.-- 3: J> :c J-4 ""l as ~tl r.o~ i'~~ jtrjS il a .. i:lo so .. 1 ~". ''.:$.~:') . ~)::::'~~~ ..... ~ w en -....J r j!iC o H ~ o "J :s: H ~ H l:Xl t:<:l \!1 :r: t/) gj t"' t"' ~ ::c o o ~ ~ 0 ~ H o !2: " "'l ~ o ~ ..... ~~ ia ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~... ~~ ~= ~ / ~s ~~ :...~ ~t:Y '- Cl :u ~ w II "' . ~ o r fT1 ::::J /<[11 o0-P )> ~c, 0......'_.1 rn~~- C') .-j~. 0(')0i , 0'" "'1c:;': r:::oj; ?'-iZ 5~ ~ ;:~"- IS'. <,~~ .k.-; ~ .~ ~'" ~ ~:n ~ _.~~~ t11 --::::-.,. 0 ...,J_ ..:>.- .1 )>~O 3:~ ';:0 to :0 rTl o N 0 0) :::.0 CJ O'l ..:! ..,." ~ o ~ N c..)