WD-195 2[~ 5483 PAtE-420 f /lilt) -HjS"} WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION I iItAMCO.. FORM M mnrrnuty il'tb m4il1 Juiltuturt. Made,thi3 do. S- dayof ~ ,A.D,19 67, BETWEEN DOMENICO PAOLANTONIO and ANNA M. PAOLANTONIO, his wife of the County of Dade and Stqte of Florida part ies of the first part, mad CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal , lKcotporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of and State of F lor ida bwiness in the County of Dade and lawfully authorized to transact bwiness in the State of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerati~ to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof i3 hereby IICknow- ledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its succeswrs and assigns, forever, the following de.cribed land ..ituate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida,to-wiJ: Lot 4, Block 9, of ALTOS DEL MAR NO.2, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4, at page 162 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. THIS conveyance is made subject to conditions, restrictions and limitations of record: applicable zoning ordinances and taxes for the year 1967. >- WI- 0-' -:~ :5 00 o u> sutA-l-E OF -FLO'F-iToA I '" Docu:,"El'ifA.~~(,~((4'}$;STAMP TAX I :::.: COMPTROLLER f(;?:{C',_~1\S(U-:~ I u>:=:= ,; 'Ii"j:'''';.\~il I I 0 3 0 I ~~ P.':, .c_ APR27'67 "" \:,'.~;'::.-l/ 1, <:=.II ::.:. H',','~') ~.I.::=;r~~,~Y , I C) .:.L:...::::::=-____.....-:.."',,'''~,..:------ And thl! said parI ies of the first part do hereby fully Warrant t~ rid.. to said lmuI. and ",il,l d..fmJ th" same against the lawful clai1n$ of aU persons whomsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part ies of thl' fir.t part have hereunto set their hand s and .ealS th.. OOy and year above written. SigRf.d, SI'<Iled and d"livI!red in pr"Sl!nCI' of w: i2- (5f.aJ) ~ 8tI5463 PACE 421 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF .J llbrtby <l!trtify. That on this day personally appeared before me, an off~er duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, to me well known to be thl' pl!rSOn ledged before me ,hat cxpreued, "1l11 3J llfurt1}rr (lltrtify. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknow- executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein That the said , known to me to be the wife of the said , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart Jrom her said husband, didacknow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with- out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension, or Jear of or Jrom her said husband, 1IIIUlltBB my hand and official seal at . County of and State of Florida, this day of ' A, D. l~' Notary Publ~, State oj My commission ~pires STATE OF FLORIDA, COlmty oj DADE J Jltrrby ClItrtify That on this day personally appeared before me, an offimr duly authorizoo to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, DOMENICO PAOLANTONIO and ANNA M. PAOLANTONIO, his wife ytp rv well known to bl> the person S described in an 1 who executed the foregoing deed, and acknow- ,,':;"'/~il!i~1.I.eJo.re me that they ex..cuted the same freely and voluntarily for the purpo_ therein '?~:"~:~~~ my Mnd an~ official sealal ~~ ~ . County of Dade ~'".".t'.fl':tJ..8w.ei Florida, this ~ r--o(. day of ~ ,A. D.19 67 ~;:I)'i;;Yr~ission expires: ~ ~ rI.O",liJ NOTARYP\lBlIC,STAT.E~FlORIDAatI.AllGE _ Nota,ry Public, State of Florida MY ~nMuf~tlnlU-EXPliu:s S'E8. is'' 1968 -att.arg~ <-o.....m':D TH"OUGH FRED W. DIE$TELti ~~ r<< .5' ~ ~ :;'.?-- ORS1 fa ~ as 0...... l!~'" OQ- ~ ~.S l!<:'~~ 5~!=';5'" a e.. - s.:o '< :c 0 e l! ...... a. 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