WD-198 ~n 5505 PAGE212 bJD-I'l ( WARRANTY DEED (FROM COR~Oft:ATION TO eORPOft"TION) FORM 35Y. SEMINOLE PAPER. PR Iturruutu fDrtb m4is1Jubtuturt. Made,this /6~ doyof May ,A,D.1967, BETWEEN PHOENIX INVESTMENT CO., ,II corpora.twn existing under the lGws of the Stllte of Florida , having its principlll ploce of blU;ness in the County of Dade IInd Stllte of Florida Gnd lllwfully lIuthorized to trllnSlJCt blUiness in the Stllte of Florida, pIIrty of the first ptJrt, Gnd CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal JC corporlltion existing under the laws of the Stllte of Florida . having its principal plllce of blUineuin the County of , ,j" Dade Gnd Stllte of Florida Gnd lGwfully lIuthorized to tronsact blUin~s in the Stllte of Florida, pIIrty of the second pIIrt, WITNESSETH: Thllt the sllid pllrty of the first part, for Gnd in considerlltion of the sum of ( S 10 ) DollGrs ~~~ otherO~ood and valuable-consideration; - - - - - - - - - - to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof u hereby IJCknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second pIIrt, its succe8Sors cmd assigns forever, " the following described lGnd situate, lying cmd being in the County of Dade IInd Stllte of Florida, to-wit: .)." Lot 1 in Block 3, of ALTOS DEL MAR NO.2, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4, at page 162 of the pUblic records of Dade County, Florida. THIS CONVEYANCE is made subject to conditions, restrictions and limitations of record: applicable zoning ordinances and taxes for the year 1967. Andth(! _id pIIrty of the first pllrt dO(IS hereby f'ully warrant the title t.o/IIJid land. IJIId u-ill d('f~nd the I l sam(! G/{a;nst thp lGwflll c1l1ims of all persons whomsoever, ~r,' >~ .' ); ~~~ 5505 rAGE 213 In WUn... .~tr'&1f. the Mid porty of the fir.t part Iuu cGUHd thue pre.en" to be dBned in it'~i~rt,'fJ'{1!~oper oUicer.. and it. corporate leal to be aUi%etl, "ttUled by u. Secretary, the day and Y.'.~i/iifliej~ . ENIX NVESTMENT CO. ,......~ . .;.~,,~ 0 ~ '.):...".. t ..... ,.... ,.-:;:. .'C.,y... J ~UII: ~ ~ ~ci4,G e~~./ By \>.\:7\Ao. ,''.-.. ;) t .. - : ~ ~.,;-,.,._. Secreta....., Pruident. .. 4- ., . .. .. -......;" . . J c"'J~.~!" .ot.'-"j~"',;' in the pr.._ of au: 14o". ~...~. ;....~ . ~ L 0 ".,. I IV;: day of May POLLY DAVIS .tat, of J;1ortbl. Gtountg ot DADE 1 )trr,bg Gt,rttfg. toot on thi. A, D, 19 61 before me per.onally appeued and J..., E, f1 / I e N Pre.ident and Secretary re.pectifJely of PHOENIX INVESTMENT CO. . a corporation under the law. of the State of F lor ida , to me known to be the per.om who .igned the fore- going instrument a. .uch officer. and .efJerally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as .uch officer. for the u.e. and purpo.e. therein mentioned and that they afJixed therflto',the;t>!..ff:'" i, dal .eal of laid corporation, and toot the laid imtrument i. the act and deed of .aid corporq#on~;,""'" ",;,! ':"-:.. .' -\".-...1., ".'" ':, .UUfBS my hand altd official .eal at Miami t;;/ 0;-. S .~ \. . . :-. . I ...J . c.:a:;~.;'. . = w..a: ;-.. ,~ c.:_~! in the County of Dade and State of Flor~da ~..<~ 0 ' ,'" . ~:: -~_~-"'~;,, _;"~ (..,~' C,)-~ ~:=.:~~:~~~~; ~.~a~~i;' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES lAN, I, 1979 At Large ~ ~ f ~ llr' ~-- --~-"~--.- ,-- -..- ,'_.--~.~_. .... " ....",., ,.'-'......,. ..,-." '-., ,...,t"\'h:l'f Q (":l ~ _. Il . ~ 1::::" a a -Q ..... ;l il :Io-l:'e t:I 0:;: ~. S Sl < ~ ~ ~~. ~;l e a' Q.Q '<~ Q ESl...... a" f!'- ;.0... ,~ ~ &;3 \Q r. = t:I e So e ::'l- $!: Q ",," t:I fot\ !" ~ 5- ~ 1;' ~ ll;.' fot\ ~ s. l ~ 1;' l; a E' Q ~ - ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~l 0; _ c.::t:l eo ... _ Q. CIa Q... "tl'J Q Q 11- . l~.a. ~"'Q'< Il .. tl'J Il S ~ ",' .a. ".;.0"" . ",- ... ~;:: . a: Q ... Q Q ""J- ~ ...(") (":l ... (":l t:l::I ;.0 Q.:Io- L,.. e.... ~8 = ~ as. Q S' a.:Io- ~ 5- ":<: ""'. '-...~~. ~.. ~. So ~ a 0- It ~ ;:z. ., $l. (":l Q ~ l~ f: ~. ., ;: Q.. 1::_, Q ~ S. 5.. ~ ~ ~.O ~.<;" ..,.'~"' --~'-. ~,.:,..,...'- ,~ .." .-- :;"-.pv r t:lI' o ~ ~ i o r ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ i ~ i Q I . . . ~ :.. ~ ;l :.. (":l '""3 C 'OJ o ~ (":l ~ ... ~ ~ ":i. o 'OJ ~ C a: ..... ,i- (":l~ ~~ ~~ :..~ ~= ~...... cse.= (":l o '\1:1 l.~ :..~ ~ ~t:Y '- Cl ;U ~ W II :;:: . .G.\ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ fPJS' to ~ UI g~ .~- i !J:l'''O... - c 0 .,", i;;id.:~ ~ :s: jS n t ~g.! '<l ~ r- -c;:: ~ ~ ,., . ~tti i~i -< i.o~ " 'y,'>$; :0 w~ ..J "'f'l ~ f It 1"1 a c; .., ~ ~ -~ . I" i-l ~l:1o ~ ~ o~~ ~ .~ l~ ~ -- l~s :a. ;u r ~ c, W ~ DC')/11 to ,.,C.l> ~ N en n::;:i - I-' g ;;j '-..j a~ N ~ GOITl ~ ... "tl ..... ~ 1:.' ~ . o:u .. I>;' >-rJ 0' ""c:z - I ~ ,g; ~ r E.... r-~~ - <> , ~ ~....z P I~ ~ IN8 t ~I ~i ~ ~~ 1__ '=LI