WD-201 ~u 5564 PAGE 423 (A.I j) - ')(.; t.' ..J RAM CO'. FORM 34 WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION I Burruuty mrt~ m4is .!nbtnturt. Made, this go t- day of June ,A.D./9 67. BETWEEN k. 1 Loua Bedell Roo er. a sing e woman ------------------------- of the County of tJIId State of Dade Florida part y of the first part. tJIId Ci t Y of Miami Beach municipal . a forporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida. . having its principal p1aee of business in the County of Dade tJIId State of Florida; tJIId lawfully authoriz;ed to transaet business in the State of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: T1w.t the said part y of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) & other good & valuable considerations ---------------- Dollars, to her in 1w.nd paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow. ledged, has granted, bargained tJIId sold to the said party of the second part, its successors tJIId assigns, forever, the following described land situate, lying tJIId being in the County of DADE tJIId State of Florida. to-wit: Lots 4 and 5. Block 3. Altos Del Mar No.2. according to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 4. Page 162 of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida; SUBJECT to restrictions. conditions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the city of Miami Beach, Florida. and any amendments thereto in force and effect. and taxes for the year 1967 and subsequent years. l" >- .....f- A'" <<'" 00 co c<J STATE OF FLOR'tOAI DO CUIV'dE NTARY ",'7rP'h STAM P T A ~ I co =--coNiPTROLlERi!~~~~tk~~ 1 = ~ ~ jU' 19'6' ft:~.~~';n) 3 I 2, 0 C I = p'r,. L '\.'~~V 'I == t0522 ~?/ - ' = * * And th.- said part y of the first part do e s hereby fully warrant the titl.. to said land. and ""iU defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part y of the first port has h..reunto SN her hand and Sf,al th.. day tJIId year above written, (" OfF 5564 424' !-lEe . fAGE STATE OF FLORIDA, ) ss COUNTY OF DADE ) 1 lbrrby Q!rrttfy. That on thi$ day persorndly appeared before me, an offu:er duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, LOUA BEDELL HOOKER. a single woman to me well known to be the person ledged before me that she expressed, b l .Jurtl1rr atrrtifl1. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknou:- executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein That the said /967 That on this day personally appeared before me, an oDic('r duly authorized to administer oaths and take ac edgments, described. in" 0 exe.cuted the foregoing deed. and acknow- executed - t h>c 8aTrn! -fr('(' voluntarily jor t/w- parpos('s therein to me well known to be the per8Ol:&_ > ledged before me that ,- expressed, .itnrllll my hand and official seal at and State of Florida, this day of (' .' > - .O-_._.--(..__-~-.."-"__"_ ~ ~r' "r - > tal. ~ - .., t::V Olo.. ~ ~ ;; Olo.. l"') ""3 o "'J t:l Ci l"') -::l:l ~ :j o < ""3 o ~ ~ .....~ C5~ l"')~ "'J ~.... ::l:l "tl.... o 0'-+ ~ ~~ :j -0- - ~S ~ ~ t:Y '" ,.. lI: n o " o '" lI: .. .. ,(b. ~ .4.,-. --.". . ~_'i?' ~ .~ ..... ~~ t"'.l ~ .t%1 ~o }l =gO.... :'n~ ~ ... ~.... OlD" 1 ~~I ~ '- > -jti, ~ 9,1 '~ c: - - - - - .rR! r- r.o~ as 0) f-I. ~~ - ..J ..,>:.j~ CD I~o c... "Tl := ~ . (') c: 1-10 "-' r- r- r 0 (,") "tfjS ~ (T1 I'T1 (.!) ~ 0 0 C) :::0 ~ ~ ~ ..~--: a~, Af'l u:t 0 00 Jo1 ""~;ooj ~ en' C')lB 'Tl 1-10 />;' p..:C1 ~ 0-' -0 0 ~ ..., ", II> 1> :::or J nO,.. r :II: :::0 r:;' ~~ ~ e! OOl'T; ....... ~ : ":j " rn ~ :', ~ ..... l ..' ~ ~ go. C') -j ..,: r _l.. .'t.. OOfTl p~ ~ ~ ~ I .0::; ~~ ~ ~ ;:!:!C:3: <'l . :llJ> r.~ ~-jZ ~ ~ -<-