WD-203 A State of Rorida, CountY llf lJi1\Ie ~. Th~ instrument was filed for Neon! tho ~ day IiA .' 1967 .t~'.'6'ile M. and duly racordad In OFFICIM. RECOR S rillS. ~2<') ~. 'cr35'l 800~ Su:>~:? on PIg. --0 ~~ Io\'tc ~ '" ~ _ ,. Ala No. 1711 \"ov ~ C;~ . q. 1 EATHEftMAN Clerk Circuit Court J)~ Printe<BYn. T ...$......C- . ::~..." IlooQdpOrlandQ, Florida Uarranty Jeed Wl}iu .1Jubeuturt. Made this ,;( t&t. day of MAX WOLF and EDITHB.WOLF, his wife, . of the County of. Dade ,State of Florida CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation whose post office address is City Hall, Miami BEach, of the County of Dade ,State of Florida n.) yrl r.l'> C/ IW /) - ').0) A ~ i , --- SHAPffiO, FRIED AND WEll.. 407 Lincoln Road - Suite 10-B MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 669,02 F.S.) ../ June 1967 , fSttWttU , grantor., and , grantee., UHtutssttl1. That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and 00/100--------- an~ ~~~; ~o~l ~~d-~!u~bi;~:rid;;~I;;~-t~~~d~:a;~r~h;nd_;~idb;~id-;;n~;~th;~;ci;:.h;;;~is~:~:~ acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the fol- lowing described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to.wit: ~. Lot 1, in Block 2, of Altos Del Mar No.2, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 at page 162 of the Public Records of D.de County, Florida. SUBJECT TO covenants and restrictions, and easements of record, zoning ordinances. The said Grantors reserve unto themselves the right to occupy above described property, its improvements and appurtenances for a 1 period of five years from date of filing of this Deed or s.ixty days after demise of the survivor of them, whichever be the earlier, in accordance with an Agreement by and between MAX WOLF and EDITH WOLF, husband and wife, BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC., a New York corporation, and the CITY OF MIAMI 'BEACH, dated the 'l. 'I day of JilNe. 1967. .'th,. .. ! wi: <,QA. ,J ~~ I 1Cl(.) ~ '" = and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the. title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all per .ons whomsoever, · "Grantor" and "grantee" are used far singular or plural, as context requires, '''(I'~ hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written, our p esence: ~~ ~.X~~ . ..:... WO _L _F. ~~ EDI TH8. WO~ \ -, /' (Seal ) /' STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: ~QgJ'lTY OF NEW YORK ) . ... V'.y ~""~~W~~:r CERTIFY that on this day before me, an offi~er d :' qualified to take acknowledgments, petsona11y ;~~~a~~@b~~ MAX WOLF and EDITHBWOLF, h1s 1fe, .' ....,.":\). A...< ~ ,0 -\-: ~:-,. 1 ;,'l".L\.... ~ . : (I'! f ~nm::to be the person S described in and who ex d the foregoing inst -.... - ~ \,~~Jh.o .! 'y executed the same. ~/,X: ~J,\1B~,piy hand and official seal in the Co~mty and State ~'J'P ~~\~~ 1/,,1t1l''''\ /. \1 . " BERNARO WOl-F - . y ,-ommt:mon expIres: Notary Public Stlfte of New Yqrlf .- C~*-"f..,_m.- . ~~f!!'I~.~~:~~~' ..._~~..:..__...... . June '/' I.. T r~ '~ ~... ~ " '0 Q 2'- ' J C c::ll e::: ..:ta:< U "( CO ...J 0 &on :;:E;:,lL. .. tea . U 'tJUC ~ W C'\,j '~t:: u J ~~ ~ \ C:: -'LU ~ n.: .==:: idUC) :t I ....l:4 N 0 0._ ..1n:: <t f:: ~ ~ '-0 '" u.. cou m ,..... 0 .;c a &on I.J:~ <.0 ,9 ~ {,O a: en lu .- ~ ...; w f i fr; ...J lQ ~ u ~ ~u. c.., ~~ a- ,,. ~~ ..... ~ "" II L&.I t ~~ ~ SP ~ CjQ .....""., ~iJ~ -- ~ ~"'- 1 1ir1~ r- I:l " , ~ ") ~ ' ~~ ~:~ " ~ \.<.....~~ .!,