WD-217 ~~[ 5719 'FAGE 511 wo-:J./7 WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION. RAMCO'. FORM ,... Dturruutu JDl'tb m4ia Jttbtttturt. Made, this 10th day of July, BETWEEN SAM BRODSKY and SYLVIA BRODSKY, his wife . A. D. 1965 . of the County of .... and State of Florida part ies of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal , <<orporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida , hotJing its principal place of bwiness in the County of Dade and State of F lor ida and lawfully authorized to transact bwiness in the State of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: Thot the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOL~RS and other valuable consideration x~.. to them in hond paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged. have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part. its successors and assigns, fore1Jer. the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The easterly sixty (60) feet of Lot 343 of First Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, page 78 of the public records of Dade C~ty, Florida. ~ , , , . THIS' conveyance is made subject to conditi6ns;;"'" limitations and restrictions of record1 applicable zoning ordinances and taxes _~or the year within ~hich delivery hereof is made., >- un_ o'" ;35 ~ L! = STATEcip" = DOCUMENTARY = _ COMPTROLLER <"> =P.i1.;':: NOnO'oJ 10522 = ,~_"'."'f.~,~' ,~.~./'Y'_^-"".....,,,^^^-~"I' '-./Vj...^,--~- .,A^'-" ".......,'""''',',.v..._.....~j'_...A "'-"- ~ "".'~ '- "",-",., "-....."'-"-"-^-~ J< And thl' said part iesof the first part dt, hereby fully warrant thR title to .aid land, and will defend tla,' same against the lawful clai1r&S of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said part ies of the first part have hereunto IWt their hond s and seal S the day and year above written. (S..al) IS..al) ,.~ :;~~ 5719 PALE 512 STATE OnfXXEXIIXX ILLINOI S) COUNTY OF' COOK ",) .J lIfrrrbg Cltrrtifg. That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, , to me well known to be the person 'edged before me that e%prelSed. "nil] Jiurt~rr Cltmify. described in and who e%ecuted the foregoing deed, and acknow.. executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein That the said , known to me to be the wife of the said , on a separate and private e%amination taken and made by and before me. separately and apart from her said husband, did.ackrww- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower; homest'ead or of separate property. statutory or equitable, in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she e%ecu!ed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with.. out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension, or fear oj or Jrom her said husband. ' Dlitnrss my hand and officw.l seal at , County of and State of Florida, this day of ' A. D. 19 Notary Public. State of My commission e%p~res Sl'ATE OF~~ ILLINOIS) COllnty of IlDX COOK ) .J Jhrrbg Cltmifg That on this day personally 4ppeared before me, an officpr duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments. SAM BRODSKY and SYLVIA BRODSKY, his wife to me weU known to bp. the person S lOOged lHlo1;~ me that they ex edl ' ..., ~",..1.,(1...... ..f. --\-":'.itur~'i~~~b9nd~ official seal at ;.; and ita.e ~; :~~ ~his ' I O~ . w lJ '\ K . ~".,. '\h:.i.,- ... S'lS ~ ~.~ ...:1 lII-...... 0 1r~ ~iil:W;l "l:l ~ a,a:;:; s. I:i "l:l I\> ~ &:. 2: Q ~... ~."" ~.. " I\> l:l.'" ~ ~;a g Q..;- it 'l:ll:l. ClII ., '-. Q.. ~ g S; ~ ~ ., c. c .r~~~ ....S;~ ....l:l.lII- " " <:! " ~ ;l .,l:l. " .. gg- it ~. "'..= Es: l:l." ; - ~- ;:-0_;:- ;e"< t;" My C~~II.~~es: ,..- ", . It. ,;". '~ij t.. . '., .". 'l:I C":l 18 .......c' ... IS!; l! ~ s.;; '< ~ CI.l- ........ ~ r l~ :.. ,,~ ;:J S. CI.l l ~~ 'Q' ~. g; ., l:l.::z:, R ... ~ 5: ....0 "'''l C":l "'. g !l .... ;:J '- - ... c= <:) ~ ';(!::-g " ... '" ~. .... 1:..t'!):t" ~ a~ ~ ~ s: 5. $: ~ .... ~'Q IS 5:~ C":ll:r:l c c I:i C ;:J lII- ... ';( !:::l Q ell ~ *' described in an 1 who C%p.cuted the foregoing deed. and ackrww- executed the same frpcly and voluntarily for the purposP.s therein MA-'i CotJl:::, , County of BMie . . ~ofrM6.~~A'D.19 65 . I~l!fk l)IOr:~;Y~1~. '~t:.aLe_.o1":iJ1' "1t;c { aLJiK _A. fLU IS a.ti l (fHO 1"' · ~!! i~ = c C M\ M\'!!I!t - c '" Sf !# mt ~ t:Y - ~ .....+-t CS+-t C":l~ ~= o ..... ~= :j ~S ~ ~ t:Y -..- ilt.. I:r:l CI.l ~ ilt.. C":l ""3 o "l t::l t>l CI.l C":l ::z:, .... "l:l ""3 .... o :<: CS "l ::z:, o a: ...._..._"'_.,~~:~'1r.- -.J~ ~ ~j' ..~ -'~ ( , <;Ii',' ,~ ~ n r In ~ ~ An'I 0~~1J l> ::lJ~ ere; rl mC1.. n=i= Onn . c;::; "":1r- .."'" r-'.~ >:0:00- .; -iZ N C) c.n co :II )- J: n o Ii .. o :II J: .. .. ~ ":' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ;g-{ ~ ~ ~ ~ r:n ~ o :'U :u fTI () o :u o . . .-