WD-222 J :![~ 5719 fAGE533 w \:) ,- c:; "'~ Q.... WARRANTY DEEO (TO CORPORATION I RAM eo'. I"ORM 34 lIurruntl1 Irrb W4is1Jubruturr. Made,this :l. qt1 day of ~ ,A.D./965. BETWEEN MARY RICHTER, a single woman,..l ~ teslding at 21 Barstow Road, Great Neck, EORgY~siand, of the County of ~au and SUIte of Ne'kl'YotX part y of the first pan. and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal ,x corporation existing under the laws of the SUIte of F lot ida ' ,having its principal place of blUinell& in the County of Dade and StlJte of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact blUinell& in the SUIte of Floricla, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: Th4t the said part y of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOL~RS and other good and valuable considerations BuHurs, to her in Iumd paid by the lipid party of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, ha s granted, bargained and wld to the said party of the second part. its succetlllOrs and IlIIsigns. forever, the following de.cribed land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: A portiom of Lot 18, Block 2, Second Ocean Front Subdivision, accord- ing to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28,a~ page 28 of the public records of Dade County, Florida, said porticin being al~ of that part of Lot 18 lying easterly of that portion of the followin descr ibed line lying wi thin the sa id Lot IB: BEGINNING aj; a point on ... the southerly line of Lot 13, Block 2 of said subdivision, said point being 60.04 feet westerly from the southeasterly corner of said Lot '13 and 324.56 feet westerly of the Base Line shown on said platmeasured along the said southerly line of said Lot 13 and the production thereo Thence run northerly parallel to the easterly line of said Lot 13, 57.06 feet to the Point of Curvature (P.C.) of a circular curve of 1141.227 feet radius deflecting to the left, said Point of Curvature (P.C.) lying within the said Lot 13: Thence run northerly along the arc of said curve 324.17 feet to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 18, said point being 90.23 feet westerly from the southeaster ly corner of said Lot 18 and 383.80 feet westerly of the Base Line shown on said plat measured along the said southerly line of Lot 18 and the production thereof: Thence continue northerly along the arc of said curve 72.39 feet to the Point of Reverse Curvature (P.R.C.) within the said Lot 18: Thence run northerly along the arc of a cir- cular curve of 619.00 feet radius deflecting to the right 7.58 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 18, said point being 69.53 feet westerly from the southeasterly corner of said Lot 18 and 411.53 feet westerly of ~:Base Line shown on said plat measured along the said northerly line of Lot 18 and the production thereof. Containing 5992 square feet, more or less. SUBJECT to condit1ons, limitations and restrictions of record:applicab zoning ordinances and taxes for year within which delivery hereor is m And th., said part y of the first part do es hereby fully warrant the titk to said land, and wiU dl'fend .' e de. th" same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part y of the first part has hereunto s<'l her h4nd and s<.'01 the day and year above written. Sign.,d. S''O ...>d and dt!liv"r.>d in presenc,' oflU: ~L ' 1f " ,'~9JA.... J. ~~ ,':'.i;,~ <!I.:-':"I ;r } ),Ci(~t.d f7,~1.;t;;.d (Sea] ) IS..o]) i c OFF5719 HU: PAGE 534 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF l Jltr1'bg Qt1'l'tifg. That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, to me well known to be the person ledged before me that expressed. "uil J .J'Ul1lJtr <!t1'11ifU. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknOt/... executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein That the said , known to me to be the wife of the said , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me. separately and apart from her said husband. did.acknow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equiw.ble, in and to the lands descibed therein; arid that she execu!ed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with. ou.t any compulsion, constraint, apprehension, or fear oj or from her said husband. 1IitU1'.I1.11 my hand and official seal at , County of and State of Florida, this day of ' A. D. 19 STATE OF l"f.{~Ov/<-. Co/mtyo! ~ .J Jhr1'bg <!t1'l1ifg That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorizoo to administer oaths and takeacknowlec:igments. MARY RICHTER Notary .PUblic, Stqteof . My commwicm expkes to me well known to b" the person she described in Gn.lwM executed the foregoing deed, and acknow. e",,,cuted the saf'w f~p('ly im.d voluntarily for the purpo&e$ therein ~."" ledged before me that expressed. ..i.tur~,~~.and official seal at and State o. '. th at day of My commission expires: . l)AYTONIW'lDELL NOTARY;PUBLlC. State of ~I- 1n. 2.,,...3:85 .:..~ , .. "Glrm;I..IQl1 EJqlitllll IIWch 30, .1~ ~~ ~ ..... I!l!; is <: 5.:; '< ~ ~':- g- ~ ; ~ 5.~ . l">l S' g r.r., Q.CI> l ~~ 'e' ~. g; .... ,~~ S' I!l ~ ~.?-- $ ~ .. is r".l::I 0 t:l Fr ~ ~ ~ ~. ;= = 1;". "C ~ ~;J ~ s. is. ;:: "C' ~ ~ /:. = t:l 2: Q :-.. t:l t"I\ ~."" ~.. - ~ "~Q."'. -<"""I ~ "e Q ~ ~ ;:l"'::h" l:; o ~ ;- .... a. 'tlQ. ~ .. .,_ Q. fill C 0 Q .. ~ <:!" 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