WD-227 r " ~ m~~5719 rm523 , .. \fib - ~~7 WARRANTY DEED (TO COR'-ORATION) RAM CO'. FORM 34 ..,.-.:-....' Itnrrnutt! Il'tb ID4ia 1Jnbrnturr. Made, this 12th day of July .A.D.19 6h BETWEEN WILLIAM J. KAPPEL and SARAH M. KAPPEL, his wife of the County of ALLEGHENY and State of PENNSYLVANIA , municipal a Florl.da ,Jt{Corporation part y of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, existing under the laws of the State of Florida . having ie. principal place of business in the County of Dade and Stllte of F lor ida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part ies of the first par,t, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and v.al.uable considerations Dollars, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow. ledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part. its successors and assigns. forever, thp. following de.cribed land .ituate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, _it: The easterly sixty (60) feet of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 2, Second Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, page 28 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. THIS conveyance is given subject to conditions, limitations and restrictions of record~ applicable zoning ordinances and taxes for the year within , " -which de li very hereof is made. I '. '<T -TATE of Fls~~qft', SOCU,,^ENTA~ I wt; co ~ COMPTROLL~R " - j"\ G 3 C \ o~ - - ~.. --u' \ .c1~ ...-:r?: ::''':uV~I,.rfl: ~--' DO I; (.,J C"? ::: p.B. ' _\___ ~ ",. ",. =~~.. ..~~^,~.."^,,. ",,". "..."..,.,,"" ." And th,. said part resof the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to said land. and wiU defend the samp. against the lawful claims of aU persons whonisoeoor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part. '-iesof the first part have . hereunto sel their hand S and si.ial 's :the day and yoar abovewriuen. y (Selll. (Stolll) ..... ,..i.' ntrf'5719: 52. ~~l'C' . f~Gt'.-t ; .. ThaI on thi& day person take acknowledgments, to me well known to be Ihe per ledged before me tlta e.xpreased, 1\ub 11 J;urtlt to be the wife of the examination taken a e tltat she made all Iter righI, I ille a in and to the lands d out any compulsi BUnr my h ate of Florida, . known 10 me d yof y commwion exp~res ", STATE OF ~ PENNSYLVANIA County of ALLEGHENY 3J Jlrrrbg (l!rrtifg That on thi& day personally q.ppeared before me, an officer duly autltorizrd to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, WILLIAM J. KAPPEL and SARAH M. KAPPEL, his wife 10 me WtlU known to b" the person sdescribed in an 1 who executed tlte foregoing deed. and acknow- 't\\\\~ I,"IIJ, 2~~~.:~,t~t. they executed the same freely and voluntarily for lite> purpolH'.$ therein :.g;;;~~:t't:''";;:h Pi::S~U)c~~Q'" 0/, ~;.':':NY6&' .,~~..~.~~!~V~_s: NPt'#ip-!1tc-;S~e of ""'" ' ;,Fl1lfuar.LhJ~!."-_ . p'ennSYlvania .s.. C")!@ 5' S ~;. ~ ~ ~ tal Q..... ;I;r,.1O C -;:;: $:I: ~. Ii ;1:<: S. ~ ~ ~ !=' .;1 . e e. _ ...;" '< ~ Q E".... .. a .. f'O ~.s.. ;:r-~ ~;:r -~ 'Q ~ 1.1: C ~ c; S.. "';:r"" ",.. "= It;:r _ f"4\ I:l:I I!OIo ;::10' ;::? _ ~ OQ ........ en ~ ~ ~ '< 1;' <>0 to l; f"4\ loW ..., . t"l to ~ so . _ '-' 5' er~~ ","'" - ~ i 5. Vl ~ ;:r ";:h .. S;C, ~ '" ~ Q ~1ii ""3 q . a. "l:I ~ !:;.::t:.. .. - ~14 C tOt"lQ QQ ~ "l ~~ - ~ .. Q :::,t"l! ?~<')..!t t::l 1;; ~ ",. Q .... g Q' t"l -..j ~--.. "'lI~ trJ C") ~. C")1:l:I;:r-~"" C") Q "'.... Q Q "'., ~ f=fooo...- =O~Q ...... a I: Q;:r- ;:r .... to ;:r "t:I ~ ~ --..~ ~ ~ ~ -.- :! ~. ;; ~. ~ c::ro c !t ~ ;:r- !; ~. :<: C") C")!!l 1;-;:r ~ ... ....Ct! Q.,OQ: ~. ~ s::: Q.., 1:;:.. t: ~ ::.t: ;. ~'Q ~~t;;. 'C' .. ! ~ cs "l ~ c a: - = --.~ CS~ ~= "t:I= C ..... ~= ~ ~ :II >>- 3: n o ui .. o :II 3: '" .. '--;"'..""" ~ a <t> ~ ~ s ~ ~ t:Y ..'-....:..-.--,.".,.---.-.__........~ - !j . en ~ i!lII -.. ,V 0 ~ ..,., ~ """ ~ S? .- l\:) iiJ ('1 ,,... ~ r.: r' ~....... 0 rn ,., "-..:l. ~ {; -',' N 0 <t, -> 7" ~'r\ Cj ;;. (Q ~ ''Tl " ~ 0) C} \.~:' a ....., 0-:;,)',.- -0 ~ I >.-., Z JJ C; '2', ~" rT1'-- ;" )J U -'-.--1 t"'V m ~~ " (1 QG,' C::':'.; U'l 0 ~1: --:1 r- -~... 00 -, r :;::..: ."-' ?'~Z - ~ I j ""'-.."-.,. .