WD-229 .1-- r WARRANTY o"EED 0 (FROM CORPORATION TO CORPORATION)' .. OFF 5719 NEe PAGE 525 ........... yVD-~qC; RAMeo's FORM 35Y. . . lIurruniy Irrb m~i.6 1Jubtuturt. Mode, thil '''? My of #" \I Em tf8 EIe. , A. D. 1965 , BETWEEN AMSONS CO. , a corporation exilting under the laW& of the State of Florida . having it& principal place of bwine&& in the County of Dade and Suzte of F lor ida and laujully authorized to tramact bwine&& in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and City of Miami Beach, a Florida municipal corporation ~ exilting under the law& of the State of F lor ida . having iu principal place of bwine&& in the COJlfltX of Dade and Suzte of Florida and lawfully authorized to tran&GCt bwine&& in the State of Florida., party of the &econd part, \ WITNESSETH: That the laid party of the fir&t~ft, for and in con&ideration of the &um of " Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration ~ to it in hand paid by the Mid party of the &econd part. the receipt whereof iI hereby acknowledged. hlU granted, bargained and &old to the Mid party of the &econd part, it& &ucce&&or& and lU&ign& forpoor. the following de&cribed land &ituate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The easterly 60 feet of Lot 6 Block 2 of Second Ocean Front Subdivision according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28 at page 28 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida This cenveyance is made subject to restrictions, conditions and- limitations of record: Zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Floridal taxes for the year in which delivery hereof is made. >- ....... oZ: ",,,, 00 u , ...... , ,..."-... . , : (' ~ ,-' () . ' -_.<^-1'_','I'./ /....1' ...<1"f'.^,,1.';"v""-'-~ -^'.~ '. ... '"' - . ,_."......'v.J- ... "-"-"-~....... -... '" ,...."-~ '" And the Mid party of the fir" part dOf!$ hereby fully warrant the title to MJid land. and will a.-fend ,he &<1m" alla;n,., thl' lawful daims of all person& whom&ol't>er; , . ~ I \ ; {",.o' ~'~I.,ith",'l'",,~ ,'1; {; I "'-- - In BttnufI BlJrrrof, the said paTty of the fir.t part h.GI ClJUled th_ pre.en,. to be .igned in its name by its proper officers. and iff corporate seal to be affixed. attested by its Secretary, the MY and YeG1'ab. ~~-".~ . Attest:~_By , eta . . :-~.'."."''''. Signed. sealed IUId delitlered in the presence of us: .. ~ .' ... 'So Q .,'. -J.-.... ~ " ..'~'. f~S of. ~~~._'~/rJ ~ :CO'C;;olJ) '. ~ ) /}) v __ '"' ~~ f ~ U :<] l : ~ ~ y"..... c...~ . . c::. G) 1'.1 i : .'" " 0'" ,L-J " . &tatr of Jrlortlla. I '.~(::,.~.~!.~?...~;~ '~':iL~....._..."".~ f<U 5719 PAGE 526 \.dl~U.,"tl. ,. ............ . ~ . " ..,~ ,I ~ , ........ \, t -. . I' #" '$...~~ ~':.=........~.::. ;..~ :~..~.... ~ I,;'"'... .. V;l ':. - ~", ....--. ..,.... Ii ;:' : Q' "'''''~ . -;t ;)r; i:;;L.. f --- C ~. ..A>At;? .... ......~..., '(&IIl), ;<._;; Notary Public S~1o.& Cl~,,1'16ri&P . f . . At .T...... -- '__ ":..>..."'*""~':'.. .' ...;:'"" Not P bl'. . . .~rge " ....". ,'" ~ ;.....ary U 'C, St?'e of Flor;,~a at LatgeM "..- " . "./ .. \ . '.':- ~.'!! 'CommissiQnExpires. Jun&8i-l%7, y~.comml.Sr:U..oJ:1, ~~l?JI~_E! L._.:. c, .1 .'. ___ QUndedB}! American Surety .Co. of N. Y.. . ~......... ..~ mI f4 - f'O 0" CllountV of J 1trrrbg Cl!rrttfg. that on this" My of A. D. 1965 . before me personally appetued 19 L..e~""IV Q~ and C HI9-P--I-ES 11. R.Of3~NI8I!["R.6- DADE IVfJV~'" 6t:~ mVS,5 President and Secreta", respectively of AMSONS CO. , a corporation under the law. of the State of F lor ida . to me known to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers II1Id severally acknowledged the execution thereof ~t) .betheir free act II1Id deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the offi- cull ~eal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the art and deed of said corporation. IIttnrl1l1 my hand and official seal at in the County of Dade the MY IUId year last afore.aid. IUId State of Florida ~, :.. t:tI CIl ;;j :.. "'l "':l o "l t::l '.t'Il ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ 8~ :;: ~.~ ~:.~: ~ ~ = o ~ ~ a::~~i = ~~ ~~ .~.~ ~ '- - ~ ~.'-~~ ,:'"' ~ \ ~~~g[; ~I HM .~ :\ ~~ ; 8e "-.J ~~ r rt~. U1 CD i~ f.oa i'~~ I~~ l~ I ;~ E! I. Ii J ~ Q ~ ~ ~ C) <;: n r nl ::u /~ fTr O'~ 0-:-'" p;U,- uon nJ~< n '-I :-;' Oni" :"o::! rC_'I.. >~~ . .- Ii ':1' ~ ~ ~ . . 0; ..... "T/ , m o ." o :n ::0 m \) o :0 D :a ~ 3: n o ui a :a 3: III II :;:: . ~ ~ ~~ ~f iS~ ;j~ ~