WD-235 r" \_j ..dated tor La..,...' Title G1IaI'IInt,. Fand, Orlando, Florid. m 5884 ?ACE526 ~ \ J -~ LtJO- ;) ~ SHAPmo, FRmn AND WElL Suite 1000B, 407 Lincoln Ro.d MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 Ifarranty Bud (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 889.02 F.S.) W~t. Jnbmtur" Made this I t day of March GEORGE ABBOTT, a single man, of the County of New York , State of New York CITY OF MI~ BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, whose post oSee address Is city Ha 11 , Miami Baa ch of the County of Dade ,State of Florida 19 68, Ittuarn , grantor-, and , grantee-, .ttn'..,t~, That said gantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and 00/100-------- ($10.00)---------------------------------------~----------------- noDan, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the fol. lowing described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Floridal to-wit: <( >- 00 o .. ~ ~; ~ 1&0. :E ~ _ .....::>::> - o u '" iI'l- w 0 ~.o In LQ . .~.4 Lot 3, in Block 2, of ALTOS DEL MAR NO.2, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 162 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SUBJECT TO covenants, restrictions and easements of record, zoning ordinances and taxes for the year 1968 and thereafter. = . c.o -oJ ~STATE OF FLORID~ e DOCUMENTARl SUR TAX I $11.00 I . ~ STATE OF FLORIDA 0:> STATE OF FLORIDA . ~ STATE OF FLORIDA _.en DOCUMENTARY J.'e..POCUMENTARY ._. DOCUMENTARY 0" . . SUR TAX - SUR TAX SUR TAX ' :J \ $11.00 f~ \ $11.00 I'w I $11.00 I; , Lu c::J: ::E: :I!: ~ >- ~. ~ (.D ..o~ .... <> .., ~ P.L == MAR29'68 10622 c:> , '.~.' '."", ~ ""-",'.'.".' '. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the, title to said land, and wm defend the same against the lawful claims of aD persons whomsoever. . - "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for sfDgular or plural, as context requires. In .UU.. .~mnf, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year fttst above written. Signed, sealed and eUvered in our presence: (J. v/ ~ ~ ~, ~- ... ~ ~.. ~ ~ )( . GEORG~ ABBOTT, a single man '/\1 02<( 0 - . -'LU.... .. co::> :: ::E.. ..:' ' . . -. ~ STATE OF FLORIDA 00<:':::" ~ ia" ~"'::'; - '" '" I $5.S. I ,,3~' 1.,.. d:E I $1.10 I STATE OF NEW YORK. . . n_ , , .....a..- ,. 'v t _.-... ,"~ _.~,-_c__~_____ COUNTY Oll' NEW ,Y9:Rl{ ". . '. ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an ofBcer duly qualified to take acknowledgmenti,' personally appeared GEORGE ABBOTT, a single man (Seal) . (Seal ) ( Seal) ( Seal) ~ to meknowhtO be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instmment and acknowledged befOre me thtt'.\~ executed the same.. ,/.. WITNESSrny. ha~.' d official seal in the C.QQnty and State last'aforesa' 19 68 . . .', . ~ MYcom~ 2,,/ !'It r ".}\ .,; 'V . / i ~ Notary Public CECEL1A K. LORD f'lOTARY PUBLIC. State of New York I /~ No. 03-7597350 fiite/of Florkl./COU..... f ......_ Qualified In Bronx ~ounty , n., 0 ___ Certificate filed In ~hl~'~~~flled for I8COI'd t~? dayof~- iW YOr.k County Clerk's Off";e I.,..,. . . 8lId dulY roconletl in OfFICIAL RECORDS' '\Dire-s March 30,196 'oolc_ .r:. on ..... .r-.z ~ File No. 68" ..s- S- J .7 e [, .. LfATHERMAN ~ 'il' CIrcuit Court By ~ ~I"I. C. \:~ Ilf- -.;~: L/" ./ / / ".~>/ :,-;;~...~."'''"...~ "Yr- ~~~. ~~l a: 0:: o lJ- o 1LI ..J lJ- W i"" M Lf) Lf) == \ ~ "),t\ ~\ " ClC) N . . ~ - ::E Q,. en N c~ ". . i ZI- . <1:0:::< ~:::l~ n::O . ,llJU 0 ::::....u ';i 3' uJ u.lUC. .J a:: <t aioo w:.l: a:: w -I U r-. ."-.J'.' ~ . .~ ''''''_/'' , co 500 ,~ ,. ~ ;'<"" ~,'I 1 ~, !~ ~~ . Q .. 1 8~ .. .a =, " ~ ~'~ ~ .'>ot\ ~ ell ~ . E8 0 If) ~ '-^-. .. co ~J '1 5 to ;.;~e en ..........e - =::"< -., - ~ ~ ;J.....c t:-l il\~::d . ~.... .-"40\ o.~ 0:: F)'.C ~ '" .r:l .. \" : ?"'~ cc ~ ~ .~. " " ::IE =~~ ,~ s ~ ". :. ? ii!:" \,. ,., -:::> ~ ~ ._,,~, .~ b \ .I (-, \