WD-236 ; , "" DOCUMEMTMV''!""""" SURTAX - \= 35. 7 5 \ orF ~~I.JO 723 p(',' 1 ,;'f,;,j' PAGE !...\...v....... WJ~ ~ -.rv, , - , , c::> .... "_'(1:/7 'B't" , _AM BECKERMAN ~95 BILTMORE WAY ROJW: ~L&:S. FLORI Db uJ P ./.:J ~(I .oS. ~ In ..... " r)'/ I _~ 1'/1/ f'.I'J'.""'" '.." r" ,,> .. WAUAIIft I)BJID 'l'RJ:S D1DBll'rURB, made ~his 25th day of July, 1969, between JOSB LBVY and HILDA LBVY, as ~o an undivided one-four~h in~er- eS~J NOISES PRARCO and BELLA PRABCO, his wife, as ~o an undi- vided one-fourth in~eres~, MBNAJBN MI'l'RABI and LURA MI'l'RABI, his wife, as ~oan undivided one-four~h in~eres~, and ~OK MI'l'~I and BST.BBR MI'l'RANI, his wife, as ~o an undivided one- four~h interest, Sellers, and CITY OP ~ BEACH, a Plorida municipal corpor.~ion, 1130 washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Plorida, Buyer. I WI'1'IIBSSB'IB, 'lhat the Sellers, for and in consideration of ~~e sua of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valaable consideration to Sellers in hand paid by Buyer, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said Buyer, its successors and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the county of Dade, and Sta~e of Plorida, to-wit: Lot 9, in Block 73, of OCBAR BEACH ADDI'l'ION NO.3, according to the Pla~ t~eof, as recorded in Pla~ Book 2, a~ page 81, of the Public bcords of Dade County, Plorida. SUBJBC'l' '1'01 Conditi6ns, restrictions, limitations and ease- men~s of record, and to taxes for the year 1969 and all subsequent years. And the Sellers do hereby fully warran~ title ~o .aid land, add will defend the sallle against ~he lawful clailllS of all persons whCllllsoever. IN WIT.RBSS 1fBBRBOP, ~he .aid Sellers have hereun~o set ~heir hands and se.ls the day and year above written. ..i......04 by. / 0_, ~ 'A.,(}u/l~~ ~~ 7 ~~- -'C) 'i!f~~) . a~~~ ,,;(~;;:;;;o :::~ '~".-~~c. ~~') /' "Bella Pranco SBAL SBAL SBAL SBAL KESSLER. __ II: BECKERMAN, 495 BILTMORE WAY. CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 33'34 I l '. BH 6529 PACE 724 " tn, !1-v!:f MQ-- ~~~ /' ) ) ~4 ~;!~ ~., / STAU 01' r L..O~'.~ I) ( courn 01' D~.oE J S...L ~~A/k~, Men j.n Mitrani ~ :P~M; LUDa Mitrani SBAL SEAL ~ SBAL ~Dok iii . ~ ~ ..r.;.ni'7~ SBAL I BBRBBY CDTIIY that on this day penoaally appear.d b.- for. III., an offic.r duly authori..d to admini.t.r oath. and take acknowl.dgm.nts, JOSE LBVY and aILDA LBVY, hi. wife, to III. w.ll known to be the per.on. d..crib.d in and who ex.cut.d the for.going de.d, and acknowl.dged to .. that th.y ex..ut.d the sam. fre.ly and voluntarily for the pur po.. ther.in .x- pr....d. WI'ftIBSS my hand and official ...1 in the stat. and couaty a for..aid, this 7 ~ day of Q..u. y L.- 'r , 1969. ~-L'~ ~~V- Rotary Public I ..t...}f4t/"", ,,": :,,:"~~....<t. "~'~', " '" \~~-" .";: ", "'. .., ".~ ; /~\ O_~~siOll expir... '..\ ' ", 1 ~J IG I;,/h/ .... \ "). .,\...\C: ""': . ~ -".' ..~~ .....:.i-.,.. ....::'~ . <'" .,~.. ...~.... < , "".." \' .' f. ItU1.\" , ' ,,'... 01' CO'Ullft or r/....c~',!)A f ./) I't b e( .Is:. I IIBIU!IBY CBR'l'J:1Y that on this day personally appeared be- for. a., an offic.r duly authori..d to admini.ter oath. and take acknowledgm.nt., MOISRS PBARCO and BELLA PRABCO, hi. wif., to m. well known to b. the person. d..cribed in and who .x.cut- .d the for.goi.q d..d, and acknowledged to me that th.y .xecut- .d th. same fr..ly and voluntarily for the purpo.. th.r.in .x- pr....d. official ..al in the day of 6t.... !AA/.Jrr ~,. ) RaUry Public Wl"1'BBSS my hand and afor..aid, this 7~ --,"" ,,~,."'~,,'I' 3J I" " ,,~ .-........ ;" ", ,~..ib.~..i~ , , expire.: Ie Ill1)! ,.,. - ... , ' " '... 1'1 :.,..._..... .r~' 'I ~ U \ \. , ... "- ... "" State.d county , 1969. ~ eV\-e- << KESSLER. r.- a BECKERMAN. 495 BILTMORE WAY. CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 33134 '~ .~ .. ... OFF C'~n9 725 ~(EC u:)~ pm -_..- ' . .' "" , . , ~ S'l'A'l'B 01' F r.. " n Ii) I} COtJlllft 01' D IW~ SS. I BBUBY CBR'tllYthat Oft this day penonally appeared be- fore me, an officer duly authori.ed to admini.ter oatha and take acknowledgments, MBRAJBN MI'rRAllI and LUNA MI'rRAllI, his wife, to me well known to be the per.on. de.cribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged to me that th.y executed the .ame fre.ly and voluntarily for the purpo.e there- in expr....d. '/ . ".1 (1. J or. . '" ~ .,...., 1',.' '," ,.."." ,_ t." ....t., ~" ~ "..".., L .." '-" .'. ~~ '~ ... ". .C'" ""., \ j \. ",. . .. ' , :11,,<: \~ - ~ w '; ~. It,-' ",i", ..' .:'t ~i'>,: "'* : . . ~ .": ? 1* ~IJ ~... iOft expir... ., !to., \",,;"'" .'". ~ ." ~'...,:~;:...""~' {() hl1H ~"t!!,,, \ \ " ;'-. - WITfIIBSS my hand and official ...1 in th.' 8i:ate and Couaty afore.aid, tbi. 7""i/l.... day of &.... A...........rr- . , ,'1969. (J . ~~~~ lfOtary Public / ,.' I L.' !'lAD 01' f'L.O.~. .f,4- ( COtJlllft 01' l\) l\W) e J s-s. I HZRBBY CBR'1'IIY that on this day personally appear.d be- fore me, an officer duly authoriaed to adminiater oatha and take acknowledgaenta, JAHOlt MI'rMlfI and BS'rBBR MI'rMBI, hie wif., to m. w'll known to be the peraona d..cribed in a.d who ex.cut.d the foregoing deed, and acknowledged. to .. that they execut.d the .ame fr..ly and voluntarily for the purpoae ther.- in 'expr....d. WITJDSS ay hand and official a..l in the state and couaty afor..aid, this 7(ft.-. day of ~'\j'- , 1969. ~ ~/~o_ RoUry Public i<''':~. :~ i {; ti",- ',", ......{ ~J,~~ ~_~~" ~,~. ,":/ .~1l... ........:,;,'" ""r,;~.'" '.'.' ;," "., T..... of . ..... ,'" ~\" " . '-=-l ,(,\t. " \ ~"J'\ I '\ - ":--Il ~. ' '.,~, .,.,;t' :.... t c "~;' :"--~ .... ~ -'\C-: ... : ~ .... ~"'LJ.I; \.- -~.' ~ .~ :.;.. ".: "'" . .,' . .' , t:.,..,..~...~.,;. '~...: . '/'UH\\.' ~ commia.ioa expir... {p ~J1'J I St1lte of Florida. County of Dade. ,.- ~ rhiskt.t~~~1ed for record thA Iv day of 1981 ' .' and dU~ recorded in OFFIC~ JECORD 800 n Pal" . ~ File# 69Il1 O.:l.. 7 E. B. lEATter.wt / ~ Br ~ . 'o:f. KESSLER, _ a BECKERMAN. 495 BILTMORE WAY. CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33'34 I .~.