WD-245 ~ ., wif ~~ t .1~R . TUTBLANX REG .' Made this 26th day 01 SEPTEXBER , A. D. 19 72, 'ttnttttt, ARIZONA LEASING CORPORATION a corpo7'(Jtion mstint under the laws 01 the State 01 NeWA"ork , havint jts principal place of business in the Oounty 01 ~~J?5 and State 01 New York par.tg of the first part, and ~ . '1', . , CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation 01 the Oounty 01 Dade and State 01 Florida part Y of the second part, lIiftttssttl1. That the said party 01 the first part, lor and in consideration 01 the sum 01 Ten and other good and valuable considerations---- Dollars, to it in hand paid, the receipt whereol u hereby acknowledted, Juss tranted, bal'- tained, sold, aliened, remued, released, conveyed and confirmed, ana. by these presents doth trant, bartain, sell, alien, rem;;,se. release, convey and confirm unto the said part y. 01 the second part, and its heirs and aBsitnB lorever, all thcit certain parcel 01 land lyint and beint in the Oounty of Dade and State 01 Florida, more particularly described as lollows: I ,3 I 7 0 ~ ~'/~~.JP/jf~'~;' 'J//,-' , r f.j,,-'1J" / /",~ /.), ,., / / f /./' ,'.,^ ,....- _,. "'''-'''''''.''.._.~ "p_.... . C".) C~ ;:u~ en -j:::! >::10.-- en ><-< 1111111111111111 "~~~~"'A~~~ .- mngttl1rr with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanc~~<~th every prtvilete, ritht, title, interest and estate, reversion. remailuJ,er and easem~nt thereto belontint or in anywise appertainint: mn . ]l{unt UtW tn lItnlb the same in lee simple 10rev~1':' .Ind the said party of the first part doth covtmant with the said' part y 01 the second part that it is lawfully seized 01 the said premises; that they are Iree 01 all incumbrances, and that it has tood ritht and lawlul authority to sell the re........~ me. ..... .1........ and.,........... t.. he said party 01 the first part does hereby fUlly warrant the title to said \\1. ~K:~~~will defend the same atainst the lawfUl claims 01 all persons whomsoever. ,/~. -;H;:j:~~~~]t~!> 11n BUnrSli :mbrrrnf. the said party 01 the first part has .~ >:I: "i;V.:;:;;~ ~ i.'~ ...., caused these presents to be sitned in its name by its President, _ ~ : :.' 1l1i;~1.,ctJ : r-~ ~".. . and its corporate seal to be afftxed, attested by its \.\ ,~."}r-.".....,'~8'ia~te t1;e day and. l' above written. 1 ~.,f{..':.1...{ ~ >: .'c 'A .. -...~:;>~\'~:,;:-'.... ';) ~. , ~': """.,. .;"....~', ~ r . .. "(I'~#,,- : ~ This Instr men Was Prepared By: WILLIAM G.EARLE, ESQ. 1409 Dupont Building Miami, Florida &/c) vi ~H 7963 ;2 639 l'tutt of JIIIBif~ 7:.1, } CltIlIUttg IIf ~ J lbrtbg Clttrttfy Thaton.tJt.is /fr't... dayof j --L r .d.. D.19 7'21. before meper#onally aJ!.Reared fl1~ .t../PSC.HV,'Z- ~ and I...E:l>N;+12 ~ IT - LflP1PCte:r. President and s.f:'C.ru;:n4tft'l respectively 01 ARIZONA LEASING CORPORATION . a corporation under the laws 01 the State 01 New York , to me known to be the persons described in and who ~ecuted the loretoinl conveyance to CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation and severally acknowledted the ~ecution thereol to be their Ir~ act aM deed fIB such offtcers, lor the uses and purposes therein mentioned,' and that they alfl~ed thereto the offtcial seal 01 said corporation, and the said instrument is the act and deed 01 said corporation. . Bttnts. my silnature and ofJi,cial seal at . "in, the County 01 (Jlv ~,...~ . year last aforesaid. " . ::::r ;rm .R-IC:: It and State 01 ~ the day and New York My Commission Expires WAYNE M. \...AMPERT . Notary Public. Stale 01 New Yor!i " No. 30-2241067 ':2 Qualified in Nassau Counl~& Commission El<pires March 30, ., ----- ., "It CIlU~lY. _ "'.VI Eo B. ~ c' ';'.'~ . 't- i. II > t:I:I 00 ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ 00 ~ == ~ ~ l:; a ("D 'II :II o r: o o :II .~ :a ~ o z ~ o ~ ~ ~ "".