October 2017 AgendaFinance and Citywide Projects Committee M eeting City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive October 13, 2017 - 2:30 PM Commissioner Ricky Arriola, Chair Commissioner Joy Malakoff, Vice Chair Commissioner John Aleman, Member Commissioner Micky Steinberg, Alternate Vi si t us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video streami ng of City Commissi on Commi ttee Meetings. O L D BUS I NESS 1.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G SU STAINABLE FUNDING SOURCES FO R EDUCAT IONAL ENHANCEM ENT S IN M IAM I BEACH PUBLI C SCHOOLS Marc h 1, 2017 - R 9 F Spons ored by C ommissioner Grieco O rganiz ational D evelopment P erform anc e Initiatives 2.U PDAT E O N ENERGOV PERM I T T ING SYST EM April 26, 2017 - C 7 M Information Technology 3.D EBRI S REM OVAL CONT RACT S - HURRICANE IRMA Public Works 4.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E FEES CHARGED TO D EVELOPERS TO APPEAR BEFO R E T HE C IT Y'S LAND USE BOAR D S April 26, 2017 - C 4 F Spons ored by C ommissioner Alemán Planning 5.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E CO NDIT IO N OF T HE LOG C ABIN ST RUCT URE LOCAT ED AT 8128 COLLI NS AVENUE June 7, 2017 - C 4 N Property Management Item to be submitted as supplemental. 6.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E FO RM AT I ON O F A SPEC IAL ASSESSM ENT DIST RICT ON ALTON RO AD, FROM DAD E BO U LEVARD TO 63RD ST REET, FOR T HE PURPOSE OF U N DERG ROUNDING UT I LIT IES AND CABLING July 26, 2017- C 4 H Spons ored by C ommissioner Malakoff O ffice of the C ity Attorney/Finance Item to be submitted as supplemental. 7.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G A REQUEST FOR T HE CIT Y TO SPO NSO R T HE ST ING SWIM CLUB June 28, 2017 - C 4 D Spons ored by C ommissioner R osen Gonz alez Page 1 of 42 Parks and R ecreation Status: Item has been withdrawn. NE W BUS I NESS 8.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G POSSI BLE FUNDI NG FOR AR T I N PUBLI C PLACES AT N ORT H SHO RE O PEN SPACE PARK September 25, 2017 - C 4 A Tourism, C ulture, and Economic D evelopment 9.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E EVALUAT I ON O F COST IM PAC T S FOR I M PROVING AM ENI T I ES AT SOUNDSCAPE PARK June 7, 2017 - R 7 G Tourism, C ulture, and Economic D evelopment 10.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G APPR OVAL OF T HE CIT Y OF KI N D NESS PROG RAM BUDG ET IN T HE AMO UNT O F $5,000 September 25, 2017 - C 4 B Spons ored by C ommissioner S teinberg Marketing and C ommunications 11.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E REQUEST BY T HE HI SPAN IC AFFAI RS CO M M IT T EE FOR FU NDING TO BE PROPERLY ALLOCAT ED FO R T HE REC OM M ENDED PROG RAM M I N G AS PART OF T HE BUDGET PR OCESS FOR FI SCAL YEAR 2017-2018 September 25, 2017 - C 4 Q Spons ored by C ommissioner R osen Gonz alez Parks and R ecreation 12.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G AM ENDI NG T HE REQUIREM ENT S FO R LIABI LIT Y INSURANCE FOR SPECI AL EVENT PERM IT S FOR REGAT TAS AND BOAT R AC ES September 25, 2017 - R 5 AJ Spons ored by C ommissioner R osen Gonz alez Parks and R ecreation 13.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G A LO NG-T ERM LICENSE AGREEM ENT BET WEEN T HE C IT Y AND D ESIG N M IAMI II, LLC FO R U SE OF PORT IO NS OF T H E PAR K TO BE CONST RUCT ED AT T HE “PREFERRED PARKING LOT ” (“P-LO T ), LOCAT ED TO T H E WEST OF T HE MIAM I BEACH C ONVENT I ON CENT ER, FO R APPRO XI M AT ELY T WO M O N T HS EACH YEAR, FOR A PERI OD O F U P TO ELEVEN (11) YEAR S, TO H OLD T HE ANNUAL DESIG N M IAMI SHO W. July 26, 2017 - C 4 J Tourism, C ulture, and Economic D evelopment Item to be submitted as supplemental. 14.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E SPECIAL EVENT FUN D ING C RIT ERI A September 25, 2017 - C 4 C Tourism, C ulture, and Economic D evelopment Item to be submitted as supplemental. DE F ERRE D I TEMS 15.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G A PR OPOSAL TO BUILD A PUBLI C BAYWALK FROM 10-12 ST REET S AN D A PUBLI C M ARINA July 26, 2017 - C 4 N Spons ored by Vice-Mayor Arriola Planning/E nvironment & S ustainability Status: Deferred to the December 8, 2017 FCWPC meeting, pending neighborhood outreach. 16.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E NO RT H BEACH TOWN C ENT ER REDEVELOPM ENT Page 2 of 42 PRO PO SAL, I NVOLVING C IT Y-O WNED PARKING LOT S, M AD E BY NO RT H BEACH TO WN C ENT ER DEVELO PMENT, LLC, AN AFFILI AT E OF PACI FIC START CAPI TAL, LLC May 17, 2017 - C 4 C Spons ored by C ommissioner Malakoff and C o- sponsored by Vice-Mayor Arriola Tourism, C ulture, and Economic D evelopment Status: Deferred to the December 8, 2017 FCWPC meeting, pending further discussions with developer. 17.D ISCUSSIO N TO CONSIDER AM ENDING OUR CIT Y EM PLOYEE LEAVE ORDINANCE FOR T IM E D ONAT IO NS FO R EMPLO YEES CARING FOR I LL FAM I LY M EM BERS July 26, 2017 - C 4K Spons ored by C ommissioner Alemán Human R esources Status: Deferred to the November 3, 2017 FCWPC meeting, pending research. 18.D ISCUSSIO N REGARDIN G T H E CO ST S RELAT ED TO H AVING M IAMI BEACH COM M I T TO ENSURING T HAT ALL GOVER N M ENT BUILDI NGS WILL BE PO WERED BY 100% RENEWABLE ELECT RI CIT Y Spons ored by C ommissioner R osen Gonz alez Environment & S ustainability/Property Management Status: Deferred to the November 3, 2017 FCWPC meeting, pending direction from the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee. Page 3 of 42 O L D B U S IN E S S 1. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG S USTAI N A B L E F U N D I N G SOURCE S F OR E D UCAT I ON A L ENHANCE MENTS I N MI AMI B EACH PUBLI C S C H OO L S HI S TO RY: At the M arch 1, 2017, City Commission meeting, the Commission referred an item to the F inance and Citywide P rojects C ommittee (F C W P C ) to examine options that may be available to the C ity to provide supplemental funding for enhancements and other support for public schools within the C ity’s geographical boundaries including, but not limited to, proposing a one cent (0.01) tax on food and beverage transactions. A companion item was also referred to the N eighborhoods/C ommunity Affairs C ommittee (N C AC ), to hold a discussion regarding a governance structure with respect to the manner in which any such supplemental C ity funds to support public schools should be spent or used. D uring the M arch 31, 2017 F C W P C meeting, members recommended the creation of a non-profit charitable 501(c)(3) entity to raise funds for public education within the C ity. At the April 26, 2017, C ity Commission meeting, the C ommission approved through R esolution N o. 2017-29726, the formation of a 501(c)(3) organization to fund M iami Beach public schools for educational enhancements. O n January 8, 2008, the C ity entered into an Education C ompact (the “C ompact”) with M iami-D ade C ounty P ublic S chools (M -D C P S ). See Attachment A. Developed with significant community input, the C ompact reflects the desire of the M iami B each community to support excellence in its schools and an investment in the overall enhancement of education for its residents. T he C ompact currently addresses and supports the following priority areas: Teacher R ecruitment/R etention; C ommunication; P arental I nvolvement/F amily Support/Youth and C ommunity Engagement; Health and Well-B eing; S tudent Achievement; S afety; and Technology. I n Resolution N o. 2015-28997, the C ity C ommission directed the Administration to expand the C ompact to address the following areas: E arly L earning; E xtracurricular/C hoice Offerings; and Afterschool P rogramming. S ince then, the City has entered into contracts with M -D C P S and other organizations for the following initiatives: Voluntary P re-kindergarten (VP K ) at F ienberg F isher K -8 Center and B iscayne E lementary; D ual E nrollment E xpansion through partnerships with Florida I nternational U niversity and M iami-D ade C ollege at M iami B each S enior High S chool and N autilus M iddle S chool; and Afterschool Teen P rogram at Nautilus Page 4 of 42 M iddle S chool. T he C ity supports excellence in education in the City’s public schools recognizing it is an investment in the overall enhancement of education for residents. E nhanced student achievement includes a seamless curriculum of advanced studies through the International B accalaureate (I B ) P rogram, from P re-K indergarten through twelfth grade. To date, approximately $936,000 has been expended for application fees, professional development for teachers, and other youth related activities including dual enrollment, N urse I nitiative, C ommon T hreads, and L C S W M ental H ealth S ervices (not including Voluntary P re-K), for an additional $489,000 for the first three years.[1] T he following is the status of implementation for each I B program: Diploma P rogram (D P ): M iami B each S enior High is authorized to teach the I B D iploma P rogram as of F all 2010. As an I B World S chool, approximately 82 percent of those eligible in 2012, 89 percent of those eligible in 2013, 62 percent of those eligible in 2014, 73 percent of those eligible in 2015, and 83 percent of those in 2016, received the I B D iploma. C urrently, there are 115 students in the tenth grade and 100 students in ninth grade seeking the I B D iploma, a 765 percent increase since program inception. M iddle Years P rogram (M Y P ): N autilus M iddle S chool and Fienberg Fisher K -8 are authorized to teach the I B M Y P P rogram and attained authorization in 2011. B oth have obtained their five-year re- authorization. P rimary Years P rogram (P Y P ): S outh P ointe, N orth B each, B iscayne, F ienberg F isher, and Treasure I sland E lementary are authorized I B schools as of F ebruary 2013. All schools have obtained their re- authorization. C ity Educatio n Funding I n F iscal Year (F Y ) 2016/17, the C ity’s expenditures to support and enhance educational programming in M iami B each public schools amount to approximately $514,000, offset by approximately $100,000 in dedicated funding through the E ducation C ompact F und and contributions and $279,000 in G eneral F und support. I n F Y 2017/18, these expenditures are anticipated to cost $434,000, offset by approximately $100,000 in dedicated funding through the E ducation C ompact F und and $195,000 from the parking garage ad funds for F Y 18. T hese efforts have been supported by drawing of prior year available balances in the E ducation C ompact F und, an approach that is not sustainable for the long term. B ased on initiatives already underway, there is a need for an additional $300,000 recurring annually, above the funding available for the C ompact. I t is also worth noting that at least 50 percent of the City’s C hief L earning O fficer ’s time is spent in implementing these initiatives, and the cost of this effort (estimated at $92,500), is not included in these estimates. I n addition, the P ilot S chool B us T ransportation P rogram, which started in August 2017 for one semester at two elementary schools, is estimated to cost $50,000, funded by the Transportation F und. I f the P ilot P rogram is successful, and expanded year round-to all public schools, the costs for a school bus transportation program could easily grow to $500,000 per year. Based on existing initiatives alone, the Administration has identified a need for $400,000 to $1 million in additional annual funding. [1] T he M iami B each C hamber of C ommerce’s E ducation F oundation has also donated $80,620 as of M arch 2017 to partially fund I B related expenses for the C ity’s I B authorized public schools. ANALY S I S: At the April 26, 2017, City C ommission meeting, the C ommission approved through R esolution N o. 2017- Page 5 of 42 29726, the formation of a 501(c)(3) organization to fund M iami B each public schools for educational enhancements. C urrently, various community groups in the C ity of M iami B each have organized and established non-profits, such as the F riends of N orth B each Elementary and F riends of S outh P ointe E lementary, to enhance the educational experience of each child by funding additional teachers, support staff, innovative technology programs, security personnel, and the like. T he specifics regarding the name and composition of the 501(c)(3) are submitted for consideration and a recommendation by the F C W P C . A proposed name of “M iami B each for B etter P ublic E ducation” and a five (5) member board composed of the M ayor, two C ity Commissioners, the C ommittee for Q uality E ducation C hair, and the C ity M anager ’s L iaison to the C ommittee for Q uality E ducation/C hief L earning O fficer has been recommended by C ommissioner Joy M alakoff. T he C ity’s F inance D epartment will provide accounting services and tax return preparation until such time as an outside accountant is needed and the C ity’s L egal Department will provide legal services in connection with the establishment of the 501(c)(3) including the preparation of the Articles of Incorporation, By-L aws and annual filings. T he 501(c)3 allows the C ity to engage in fund-raising, collaborate with existing groups, and provide comparable support to areas of the C ity that do not benefit from the work of local neighborhood organizations. CO N C L U SI ON: T his item is being presented to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for discussion and further direction Page 6 of 42 O L D B U S IN E S S 2. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:UP DAT E ON E N ERG OV PE RMI T T I NG S Y STE M ANALY S I S: Discussion at Committee. Page 7 of 42 O L D B U S IN E S S 3. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DE BRI S RE M OVAL CON T R ACT S - H U R R I C A N E I R MA ANALY S I S: Discussion at Committee. Page 8 of 42 O L D B U S IN E S S 4. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG THE FEE S C H A R GE D TO DEV EL O PE R S TO AP PE AR BEFO R E T H E C I T Y 'S L AND U SE BO A R D S ANALY S I S: Discussion at Committee. Page 9 of 42 O L D B U S IN E S S 5. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG THE CONDI TI O N O F THE LOG CABI N STRUCTURE LOCAT ED AT 8128 C OLLI NS AV ENUE ANALY S I S: Item to be submitted as supplemental. Page 10 of 42 O L D B U S IN E S S 6. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG THE FORMATI O N OF A SP ECI AL AS SE SS MENT DI S T RI CT ON ALTON R OAD, FROM D A D E B OULE VA RD TO 63RD STRE ET, FOR THE P URPOS E OF U N D ERGROUND I N G U T I L I T I ES A ND CAB L I N G ANALY S I S: Item to be submitted as supplemental. Page 11 of 42 N E W B U S IN E S S 8. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG P OS SI BL E F U N D I N G F OR ART I N PUBLI C PLACE S AT NORTH S H ORE O PE N S PACE PARK HI S TO RY: O n January 27, 2017 a discussion was held at the N eighborhood/C ommunity Affairs C ommittee M eeting regarding the proposed S ite P lan for N orth Shore O pen S pace P ark. D uring this discussion, the N eighborhood/C ommunity Affairs C ommittee recommended further discussion regarding possible funding for Art in P ublic P laces in N orth S hore O pen S pace P ark. S ince this time, staff worked to identify possible funding sources, including Art in P ublic P laces funding generated from the proposed renovations of N orth S hore Open S pace P ark and remaining funds from the Terra D evelopment contribution to the N orth B each area. T he item was discussed at the J uly 28, 2017 N eighborhood/C ommunity Affairs C ommittee M eeting. Staff was directed to collaborate with the park designer, West 8 U rban D esign & Landscape Architecture, to determine possible areas for the integration of public art. As the proposed renovations for N orth S hore O pen S pace P ark would result in an allocation of $61,313 for Art in P ublic P laces, a motion was made to refer a discussion for possible additional funding to the F inance and C itywide P rojects C ommittee. O n S eptember 25, 2017, the C ity C ommission referred the discussion to the O ctober 13, 2017 meeting of the F inance and C itywide P rojects C ommittee. T he Art in P ublic P laces O rdinance (N o. 95-2985) was adopted in 1995 and was created to “enhance the aesthetic environment of the C ity of M iami B each by including works of art on public property within the City and in City construction projects.” T he Art in P ublic P laces program is funded by 1 ½ % of all “hard costs” of C ity capital construction projects, including new construction, additions, and costs for construction of joint private/public projects. As provided in S ec. 82-562 “P owers and D uties of the Art in P ublic P laces C ommittee, the Art in P ublic P laces C ommittee shall recommend to the C ity C ommission whether a particular proposed city construction project is an appropriate site for works of art and whether all or a part of the appropriation required by section 82-587 should be utilized at the site or, reduced or waived in its entirety or, placed, whether in its entirety or a portion thereof, in the art in public places fund for other acceptable uses. T he city commission shall also consider whether the funding source for a particular city construction project is restricted by public bond covenants; federal, state or local laws; and/or legal parameters which would require that the appropriation be utilized on the particular city construction project site. T he provisions of this article shall not apply to the new construction of, renovations, or additions to the following city construction projects: a. Water and sewer related facilities, such as pump stations, water mains, water lines, sewer lines, treatment facilities, etc. Page 12 of 42 b. Storm drainage infrastructure. c. R oad construction or bridges. d. Streetscape beautification projects, which include but are not limited to, one or all of the following elements: resurfacing, new curbs, gutters, pavers, sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, bus shelters, bus benches, street furniture and signage. e. C ity construction projects undertaken to replace, reconstruct, or repair an existing public building or facility damaged or destroyed by a sudden unexpected turn of events, such as an act of God, riot, fire, flood, accident, or other urgent circumstance. f. T he construction, remodeling, repair or improvement to a public electric or gas utility system. g. W here the city construction project is undertaken as a repair or maintenance of an existing public facility. ANALY S I S: T he O ffice of C apital I mprovement P rojects has submitted a C apital Budget R equest for the N orth S hore O pen S pace P ark as part of the proposed F Y 2018 budgeting process. T he request estimates construction cost of approximately $9,000,000, which would result in an allocation of $61,313 for Art in P ublic P laces based on the proposed cost of new construction and major renovations associated with this project. As referenced in Section 82-587 (c) 3. of the Art in P ublic P laces O rdinance, if a particular city construction project is not an appropriate site for works of art, the C ity C ommission may, by resolution, elect to place all or a portion of the required appropriation in the Art in P ublic P laces fund for use at another site unless restricted by public bond covenants; federal, state or local laws; and/or legal parameters which may require that the appropriation be utilized on the particular city construction project site. T he funding for the N orth S hore Open S pace P ark is not anticipated to have these funding restrictions, thereby allowing the funds to be used on site or elsewhere. I n addition, as part of their negotiations with the C ity, the Terra D evelopment project is contributing $10.5M to the N orth Beach area. O f the $10.5M , the Office of C apital I mprovement P rojects has allocated approximately $6.5M for renovation of N orth S hore Open S pace P ark. T he remainder has not been formally earmarked, although there are several competing interests. At this time, the Art in P ublic P laces fund balance (147) is $887,147 which is net of projects previously approved by the M ayor and C ommission, including M iami B each C onvention C enter R enovation and Expansion P rojects and S oundS cape P ark P roject. T he balance of $887,147 also needs to provide funding for AiP P funding for the following: · site specific projects funded by M iami-D ade C ounty G eneral O bligation B ond, including F lamingo P ark, Fire S tation 2 and L ummus P ark; which have not yet been appropriated and are restricted by public bond covenants · additional funding for the M iami B each C onvention C enter AiP P projects as approved through R esolution 2016-29480; and · Annual program administration and future maintenance of the public art collection. T he Art in P ublic P laces fund balance (147) is delineated as follows: Art in P ublic P laces F und B alance (147)$887,147 F Y 18 P rojected R evenue P endi ng F Y 18 R ecommended P rojects C onvention C enter R D A ($470,000) (F Y 17-18) F lamingo P ark G O B F und ($194,000) (F Y 17-18) L ummus P ark G O B F und ($116,000) (F Y 17-18) F ire S tation 2 G O B F und ($ 95,334) (F Y 17-18) R eserve B alance $11,813 As part of the collection, Art in P ublic P laces has three public art installations in N orth B each, including the B eatles M andala (2014) at N orth B each Bandshell by K evin Arrow, C i rcle (2004) located at N orth Shore Youth Center by C onnie L loveras and the city-wide manhole cover project entitled U rban D eco by Garren H . O wens. Page 13 of 42 S hould the Committee wish to consider additional funding for a N orth S H ore O pen S pace P ark AiP P project, R esort Tax Q ulaity of L ife funding could be considered as a potential funding source during the F Y 2018/19 budget development project. CO N C L U SI ON: T he Administration seeks general direction on how to proceed regarding possible additional funding for Art in P ublic P laces at N orth S hore O pen Space P ark project. Page 14 of 42 N E W B U S IN E S S 9. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG THE EVALUATI O N OF COST I MPA C T S F OR I MP ROV I NG AME N I T I ES AT S OUNDSCAP E PARK HI S TO RY: S tarting in 2014, staff began working with the N ew World S ymphony (N W S ) and negotiating with their concessionaire, T hierry C atering, for a concession operation in S oundscape P ark. F unding in the amount of $800,000 was approved in the C apital B udget for F iscal Year 2016/17. T he C apital I mprovement P rojects (C I P ) D epartment was in the process of hiring a consultant to move forward with the design and construction of the concession building with an estimated completion date in the spring of 2018. T his matter was discussed at the J anuary 11, 2017 C ommission meeting at which time N W S raised concerns regarding the concession building and the additional restrooms. N W S advised the C ity they had other suggestions for improving the amenities at Soundscape P ark. S taff was directed to discuss this matter further with representatives from N W S and to provide an update at the M arch 1, 2017 C ommission meeting. C ity staff met with representatives of N W S on F ebruary 7, 2017. Following is a summary of the items discussed: N W S does not want a food and beverage concession operation in S oundscape P ark. T hey would prefer to look at engaging restaurants in the vicinity rather than adding another vendor and structure. N W S does not want restrooms in S oundscape P ark. T hey propose utilizing a portion of the former O olite space to create public restrooms to serve S oundscape P ark. N W S wants to close the existing restroom building in S oundscape P ark and convert it to a storage building. N W S wants to close L incoln L ane, making it pedestrian only, and to bring the road surface level with the S oundscape P ark grade. N W S does not like the current plan for trees on D rexel Avenue. N W S requested approval to install additional speaker towers within S oundscape P ark. N W S wants to create additional viewing areas within S oundscape P ark outside of the current viewing area of the wallcast (i.e., portable screens, permanent display, etc.). N W S suggested possible simulcasts and/or information pieces along L incoln R oad, using kiosks or other methods of transmission, in order to incorporate S oundscape P ark and N W S along L incoln R oad to bring the three together. N W S requested the C ity consider installing public restroom stalls along public streets (similar to London, S pain, N ew York, etc.). T his information was subsequently presented at the M arch 1, 2017 Commission meeting. T he C ommission voted in favor of not proceeding with the food and beverage concession and referring the remainder of the issues Page 15 of 42 requested by N W S to the N eighborhood/C ommunity Affairs C ommittee (N C AC ). At the M ay 19, 2017 N C AC meeting, N W S staff presented four recommendations for improved amenities that would create a higher level of user experience at S oundS cape P ark (A ttachment 1). T hese recommendations are noted as follows: 1. Restro o m/S to rage Facilities - R elocation or reimagining of restroom facilities to also include additional storage space in the existing facility or P ennsylvania G arage. 2. Retail S pace/B ike C enter- C reative use of retail space located in P ennsylvania G arage, possibly a B ike C enter such as the facility located adjacent to M illennium P ark, C hicago. 3. L inco ln L ane C lo sure and L eveling- Activate and create an exciting southern edge for park in coordination with J ames C orner Field Associates L incoln R oad Master P lan, including leveling L incoln Lane R oad S outh to create pedestrian and bike access only. 4. Audio and Video S ystems- E xpand listening and viewing areas to create outdoor “L iving R ooms” and pop up video screens O n M ay 19, 2017, the N C AC passed by acclamation a recommendation to have staff evaluate the cost impacts of improving the proposed amenities at S oundscape P ark and subsequently send the evaluation to the F inance and Citywide P rojects C ommittee (F C W P C ) for consideration. O n June 7, 2017, a resolution of the M ayor and C ity C ommission was passed accepting the recommendation of the N C AC at its M ay 19, 2017 meeting to have staff evaluate cost impacts of improving the amenities at S oundS cape P ark and subsequently sending the evaluation to the F C W P C . ANALY S I S: O n F riday, August 4, 2017, staff from Tourism, C ulture and E conomic D evelopment, P arks and R ecreation and C apital I mprovements P rojects met with N W S staff to begin analyzing the costs of the proposed amenities. T he following table and attachments represent estimated costs for each of the suggested recommendations: Impro ved A menities S co pe o f Wo rk Estimated B udget R estroom F acility B uildout C onstruction of new restroom facilities to accommodate occupancy of 3000 persons (A ttachment 2) $720,000 S torage F acility C onverting existing restroom and storage building to a full storage room (A ttachment 2) $23,000 L incoln Lane C losure and L eveling P edestrianizing L incoln L ane from Washington to D rexel (A ttachment 2) $3,573,000 R etail Space/B ike C enter S tand-alone bicycle facility in a parking garage ranging in size from 1,200 to 1,400 square feet. (A ttachment 3) $600-$1M E xpansion of Audio and Video Systems C reating additional viewing and listening “L iving R ooms: (A ttachment 4) A udio $751,410 Vi deo $377,520* *T he proposal i ndi cates the cost of the vi deo systems would be the responsi bi li ty of N WS Page 16 of 42 C ity staff has expressed concerns regarding the proposed amenities making use of the P ennsylvania Garage space, specifically the restroom facility and retail bike center. R elocating the restroom facilities to the P ennsylvania garage would create a distance and disconnect from SoundS cape P ark, potentially causing a security and accessibility issue. I n addition, the C ity is currently in the process of securing a tenant for the ground floor retail space of the garage, which will be prime real estate with the opening of the C onvention C enter. By building restrooms in the lower level, parking spaces that are vital to a negotiating a lease agreement with a potential tenant would be lost. R egarding the potential use of the P ennsylvania G arage retail space as a bike center, the T ransportation D epartment is currently installing 53 self-service, vertical bicycle parking racks in the 17th S treet parking garage. T here will be 24 bicycles in the N E corner of the garage, and there will be 29 in the southwest corner of the garage. E ach vertical bicycle parking rack holds one bicycle. T ransportation will also be installing up to 5 u- racks at each of these two locations. In the future, a self-service bicycle repair station will be at each of these two locations. CO N C L U SI ON: Administration seeks direction from the F inance and C itywide P rojects Committee regarding staff evaluations of the cost impacts for improving the amenities at S oundscape P ark. AT TA C H MENTS: De scription Ty pe Attachment 1 Memo Attachment 2 Memo Attachment 3 Memo Attachment 4 Memo Page 17 of 42 SOUNDSCAPE PARKIMPROVEMENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MAY 19th 2017 Page 18 of 42 INCREASED TO 2000 PEOPLE BEYOND DESIGN INTENT 2000p 800p 01 Page 19 of 42 NEXT ISSUE: RESTROOMS CAPACITY 02 Page 20 of 42 X FUTURE RESTROOMS (Proposed) WITH INCREASED NUMEBERS OF STALLS TO SERVE A BROADER AUDIENCE Remove Current WC Future Relocation RETHINK RETAIL SPACE TO INCLUDE RESTROOMS 03 Page 21 of 42 BIKE DEPOT AT CHICAGO MILLENIUM PARK 04 Page 22 of 42 ACTIVE EDGE With Lincoln Lane Improvements 05 Page 23 of 42 LINCOLN LANE FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS TO ACTIVATE WITH TERRACES ON THE PARK EDGE 06 Page 24 of 42 LEVEL THE STREET PROFILE Opportunity to flush the street for slow traffic, service lane, controlled delivery Loading Park ParkTerrace s Bikelane Sidewalk Enhancement current profile suggested profile Emergency Lane / Reduced Traffic / Delivery from 5 am –10am 07 Page 25 of 42 ADDING PERGOLA BASKET Anchor the park in relationship with Lincoln Road Masterplan 08 Page 26 of 42 INTRODUCING LIVING ROOMS CONCEPT Smaller Pockets simultaneously projecting wallcast programming with smaller crowds 2000p 480p 660p 350p Center Picnic Terrace Event Lawn 09 Page 27 of 42 Construction Costs Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost Notes Site Work Utility Improvements 1 LS 150,000.00$ 150,000.00$ Water/Sewer/FPL Secondary Selective Demolition 1008 SF 15.00$ 15,120.00$ Selective Demo- Restrooms 200 SF 15.00$ 3,000.00$ Convert Restrooms to Storage 200 SF 50.00$ 10,000.00$ Restroom Buildout -$ Men 360 SF 200.00$ 72,000.00$ Women 598 SF 200.00$ 119,600.00$ Utility/Service 50 SF 200.00$ 10,000.00$ Plumbing Fixtures Men 20 EA 1,500.00$ 30,000.00$ 12 T/U, 8 Lavs Women 32 EA 1,500.00$ 48,000.00$ 24 T/U, 8 Lavs Service/Mop Sink 1 EA 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ Drinking Fountains 6 EA 1,500.00$ 9,000.00$ Mechanical 1008 SF 10.00$ 10,080.00$ Project Construction Costs Sub-total 478,300.00$ 480,000.00$ Rounded Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost Notes Design Fees 8 %38,400.00$ Construction Administration 4 %19,200.00$ Surveying 1.5 %7,200.00$ Testing and Inspections 1.5 %7,200.00$ Building Permits 4 %19,200.00$ Project Contingency 20 %96,000.00$ AIPP 1.5 %7,200.00$ City Fees 6.5 %43,900.00$ Project Soft Costs Sub-total 240,000.00$ Project Order of Magnitude Estimate 720,000.00$ Conversion of Existing restroom and storage building to a full storage room $23,000 $3,573,000 Sound Scape Park Restroom Buildout Assuming Assembly (A3) Occupancy of 3000 Persons 20-Jul-17 Pedestrianizing Lincoln Lane from Washington to Drexel- (cost range obtained from Lincoln road master plan study) $2.7-3.5 million Page 28 of 42 Bicycle Center Information City of Miami Beach Transportation Department October 4, 2017 Bike Center Hours Location Stand Alone Square Feet Cost to Construct Services Membership Chicago McDonald’s Cycle Center in Millennium Park 239 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601 (Northeast corner of Millennium Park. Across from the AON Center) OPEN YEAR-ROUND SUMMER:M-F: 6:30am-10pm | S-S: 8am-8pm SPRING/FALL:M-F: 6:30am-8pm | S-S: 9am-6pm WINTER: M-F: 6:30am-7:00pm | S-S: Closed Urban/Park, near Lakeshore Drive, Michigan Avenue, Art Museums, and Chicago River Yes 16,448 Opened 2004 $3.2 million (FTA and FHWA grant assisted) Operator: Bike & Park Secure Bicycle Parking Showers and Lockers Bicycle Repairs Bicycle Rentals Retail Items Guided Bike and Segway Tours Bicycle Education Programs Monthly pass: $40.00 Annual Pass: $225.00 Day pass (bike parking OR shower and towel): $4.00 Santa Monica (350 bike spaces) Santa Monica Bike Center: 2nd and Colorado 1555 2nd Street, Unit A Santa Monica, CA 90401 Tel. 310-656-8500 Email info@smbikecenter.com Satellite Location 1502 4th Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 Tel. 310-656-8500 Email info@smbikecenter.com 24/7 Main: Urban/ Park Adjacent/ 2 blocks from Ocean Satellite: One Block away In a parking garage 5,300 Opened 11/18/11 $2 Million ($1.5M grant from Metro) Operator: Bike & Park Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) Commuter Bike Loaner Program Bike Repair Services Bike Education Classes Valet Bike Parking Consulting Services Bikes @ Play $45 a year Bikes @ Work $30 or $40 a month/bike Includes a lock and one full tune-up per year. Commuter Member Monthly Membership $15-$50 Annual Membership $99- $299 Cincinnati Cincinnati Bike Center Smale Riverfront Park 120 E Mehring Way Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 282-4260 info@cincinnatibikecenter.com SUMMER: M-F: 9am-7pm | S-S: 9am- 7pm SPRING/FALL: M-F: 10am-6pm | S-S: 10am-6pm Urban core, between freeway, two stadiums, a waterfront park In a parking garage Not Available Opened May 2012 Operator: Bike & Park Secure Bicycle Parking Showers and Lockers Bicycle Repairs Bicycle Rentals Bicycle and Segway Sharing Programs Retail Items Guided Bike and Segway Tours Bicycle Education Programs Daily: $2-$4 Monthly: $25-$50 Annual: $12.50=27.50 per month Bikestation Long Beach 1st Street Transit Mall at Promenade Park 223 East 1st Street Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 436-BIKE (2453) 24/7 Urban Core, one block from a transit-only mall, the waterfront, arena, and a university Stand Alone Not Available Relocated to new facility circa August 2011 $450,000. CA bicycle transportation Account and Long Beach Redevelopment Agency Operator: Bikestation 24/7 bicycle parking Bicycle Rentals Retail Sales Showers Daily Use Lockers Indoor Attended Bicycle Parking Free Air Bicycle Service and Monthly: $12 Annual: $96 Annual Registration Fee: $20 to be issued a fob Page 29 of 42 Repair Guided Tours Hillsboro ITF Bike Park (35 spaces) SE 8th Avenue Blue Line MAX stop Hillsboro, OR 24/7 Mid-rise mixed use and residential, on a bus rapid transit line. In a parking garage 1,200 Opened August 31, 2010 ~$1 M for bicycle facility $16 million total $7 m municipal lottery bonds $4.2 m in federal funds ($2.3 m of which were federal stimulus funds) $1.6 m from tenant $1.6 m land donation Operator: City of Hillsboro Secured bicycle lockers Showers Lockers Bicycle Repair Space that Provides Tools $15 Access Fob The Bike Rack (50 spaces) 2148 East 4th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115 (216) 771-7120 24/7 Urban Core, Next to convention center, stadiums, transit, and freeway access. Gateway North Garage 1,400 Opened August 2011 $600,000 City of Cleveland Operator: City of Cleveland Recreation Secure bicycle parking Individual shower/changing facilities Lockers Rentals Bicycle repair shop One-time Registration Fee: $20 to be issued a key card Monthly Pass: $30 per month Annual Pass: $330 Page 30 of 42 17-Aug-17 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH SOUNDSCAPE PARK SOUND AND VIDEO IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY PROGRAM BUDGET (1) City of Miami Beach Scope Sound System 57,600 Meyer Sound DSP 173,000 Electrical 82,000 Media Hydrants 35,000 Landscape Repairs 8,000 Engineering, Alignment, Installation, Commissioning and Design 290,000 Infrastructure Low Voltage Costs 31,000 Electrical Engineer 6,500 Storage for LED Video Walls (2)TBD Subtotal 683,100 Contingency (10%)68,310 Subtotal 751,410 NWS Scope Two Portable LED Video Walls 343,200 Contingency (10%)34,320 Subtotal 377,520 Total Investment (3)1,128,930 Notes 1 Refer to ProSound proposal dated 8/14/17 for program narrative 2 10' W x 30' L x 16' H estimated size secure and basic climate controlled, Penn garage location preferred, cost to be estimated by CMB CIP department 3 Plus cost of storage room Page 31 of 42 N E W B U S IN E S S 10. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG APP ROVA L OF T H E C I T Y OF KI NDNE SS P R OGR A M BUDGET I N T H E AMO U N T OF $5,000 HI S TO RY: At the O ctober 19, 2016 City C ommission meeting, the C ommission referred a discussion item to the N eighborhoods C ommittee to review the possibility of signing the pledge and making M iami B each a C ity of K indness. O n M arch 1, 2017 commission passed the items unanimously to officially become a C ity of K indness. C ity of K indness is the growing center of the kind movement. I t is a coalition of organizations working to inspire kindness in our world. T he goal is to affect meaningful change among schools, professionals, young people, elected officials, and companies. T he kindness movement has been endorsed and promoted by many cities and celebrities, including E llen D eG eneres, the D alai L ama and L ady Gaga. After review and analysis by the N eighborhoods C ommittee, it was recommended that the C ommunications D epartment work with C ommissioner S teinberg to create a marketing campaign, perform community outreach and sign the pledge to become a city of kindness. T he marketing and communications department has created a comprehensive marketing and communications plan targeted at both children and adults and encourages acts of kindness by everyone. At the J uly 28, 2017 N C AC meeting, the N C AC recommended the referral of the approval of the City of K indness marketing budget in the amount of $5,000 to the F inance and Citywide P rojects C ommittee. T he budget of $5,000 would go toward the purchase of kindness coins. After researching three different options, the N eighborhoods Committee recommended the purchase of customized and traceable coins. T he C ity of M iami B each I nformation Technology department would then work with the communications team to create a tracking tool to place on a page of our website where a person would log their act of kindness with this coin and then pass the coin on to someone else to do something kind as well. ANALY S I S: T he use of a traceable coin adds to the virality of the campaign as each person would track their act of kindness to this coin. M any options were considered including paper cards to non-customized coins. P rices ranged from $800-$20,000. T he $5,000 option would allow for unique design and a successful launch of the C ity of Miami B each City of K indness C ampaign. Page 32 of 42 N E W B U S IN E S S 11. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG THE REQ U ES T BY THE HI S PANI C A F FAI RS COMMI T T E E F OR F U N D I N G TO BE PRO PE R LY ALLOCAT ED FO R THE RE COMMENDE D P R OGR A MMI NG A S PART OF T H E BUDGET PRO C ES S F OR FI S CAL Y E A R 2017-2018 HI S TO RY: A t the J uly 26, 2017 C ommissi on Meeting, C ommissioner K risten Rosen Gonzalez referred a discussion regarding Hispanic A ffairs C ommittee’s request to enhance funding for the Hispanic Heritage Month’s kick-off event to the F inance and C i tywi de P rojects (F C W P ) C ommittee. A t the J uly 28, 2017 F W C P C ommittee meeting, the C ommi ttee approved additional funding fo r activities occurring during Hispanic Heritage Month in the amount of $1,500.00. A t the S eptember 25, 2017 C ommission Meeting, C ommi ssioner Rosen Gonzalez referred a discussion to allocate funding for Hispani c A ffairs C ommittee programing, as part of the budget process for F Y 2017-2018. ANALY S I S: In a letter to the C ity Manager (E xhibit A ), the Hispanic A ffairs C ommittee requested enhanced funding for their recommended programming as part of the budget process for F Y 2017-2018. Their recommended programming includes Hispanic Heritage month (which traditionally includes one P arks and Recreation funded event), a J ose Marti celebration and a mid-year outreach. CO N C L U SI ON: C ommittee direction on whether to fund the Hi spani c A ffairs C ommittee’s requested programmi ng and i f so, where funding will come from. AT TA C H MENTS: De scription Ty pe Hispanic Affairs Committee’s Letter to the Manager Other Page 33 of 42 Page 34 of 42 Page 35 of 42 N E W B U S IN E S S 12. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG AME N D I N G T HE RE QUI RE MENTS FOR L I A B I L I T Y I NS URANCE F OR SPE C I A L EV E N T P ERMI TS FO R RE GATTAS A N D BOAT RACE S ANALY S I S: Discussion at Committee AT TA C H MENTS: De scription Ty pe September 25th Commission Item R5AJ Memo Page 36 of 42 MIAMI BEACH Ordinances - R 5 AJ COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission F ROM:Raul J . A guila, City Attorney D ATE:September 13, 2017 First Re ading S UB J E C T:AN O R D INANCE OF T H E MAYOR AN D CIT Y C OMMISS ION OF T HE C IT Y OF MIAMI B EAC H, F LO R IDA, AMENDING CHAP T E R 66 OF T HE CODE O F T H E C IT Y OF M IAMI BEACH, ENT IT LED “MARINE S T RUCT URES, FACILIT IES AN D VES SE LS,” BY AME N DING ART IC LE V, ENT IT LE D “R EGAT TAS AN D B OAT R AC ES,” B Y AME N D ING SECT IO N 66-186, ENT IT LE D “P ERMIT, CO N D IT ION S,”; BY AM ENDIN G T HE R EQU IRE MENT S FOR L IABIL IT Y INS URANCE FOR SP ECIAL E VENT P ERMIT S FO R R EGAT TAS AND B OAT RACES; P R OVID ING F OR REPEAL E R, SE VERAB IL IT Y, COD IFIC AT ION, AN D AN EF F E C T IVE D AT E. R ECO MMENDATI ON Pursuant to the request of Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, the attached Ordinance is submitted for consideration on First Reading by the Mayor and City Commission at the September 13, 2017 Commission meeting. Legislativ e Tracking Office of the City Attorney Sponsor Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez AT TAC H ME N T S: Description Ordinanc e 1st Rdg, Ch. 66, Marine Structures, Fac ilities & Vessels - I nsurance. (Rosen Gonzalez) Page 1449 of 2913Page 37 of 42 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 66 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "MARINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VESSELS," BY AMENDING ARTICLE V, ENTITLED "REGATTAS AND BOAT RACES," BY AMENDING SECTION 66-186, ENTITLED "PERMIT, CONDITIONS,"; BY AMENDING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS FOR REGATTAS AND BOAT RACES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on July 26, 2017, the Mayor and City Commission passed and adopted Ordinance No. 2017-4116 which made comprehensive revisions to Chapter 66 of the City Code entitled "Marine Structures, Facilities and Vessels" by amending provisions that were obsolete, outdated, or not consistent with current law; and WHEREAS, an additional revision to the liability insurance requirements for special event permits for regattas and boat races is deemed in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Article V of Chapter 66 of the Code of City of Miami Beach is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 66 MARINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VESSELS * * * ARTICLE V. REGATTAS AND BOAT RACES Page 1450 of 2913 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 66 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "MARINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VESSELS," BY AMENDING ARTICLE V, ENTITLED "REGATTAS AND BOAT RACES," BY AMENDING SECTION 66-186, ENTITLED "PERMIT, CONDITIONS,"; BY AMENDING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS FOR REGATTAS AND BOAT RACES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on July 26, 2017, the Mayor and City Commission passed andadopted Ordinance No. 2017-4116 which made comprehensive revisions to Chapter 66of the City Code entitled "Marine Structures, Facilities and Vessels" by amendingprovisions that were obsolete, outdated, or not consistent with current law; and WHEREAS, an additional revision to the liability insurance requirements forspecial event permits for regattas and boat races is deemed in the best interest of theCity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITYCOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Article V of Chapter 66 of the Code of City of Miami Beach is herebyamended as follows: Chapter 66 MARINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VESSELS ARTICLE V. REGATTAS AND BOAT RACES Page 1450 of 2913Page 38 of 42 Sec. 66-186. Permit; conditions. The city manager may, when it deems the occasion warrants, grant a special event permit to hold a regatta or boat race in the city or make temporary use of a designated area in the city for a special event or activity in which unmuffled engines may be used, speed limits may be exceeded, and normal traffic interrupted. A permit for boat races shall not exceed ten days and shall be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and sunset. No permit shall authorize interference with normal harbor traffic for a period exceeding eight hours in any 24-hour period. As a condition for granting such permit, the city manager shall require the permittee to provide liability insurance for the full period of time for which the permit is granted in an amount of not less than: a) $100,000.00 $1,000,000.000 for bodily injury to one person, afterthese-ether-ameunts-ef * • he city's risk manager $500,000.00 for bodily injury in any one accident, and $100,000.00 for property damage in any one accident for non-motorized regattas and boat races and b) $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury and property damage for motorized regattas and boat races. The policy providing such insurance must name the city as an additional insured. A certificate evidencing that such insurance is in force and will remain in force for the period of such permit shall be filed with the city's finance department and risk manager in a form approved by the city attorney before any such permit shall be effective. The city manager or his/her designee may impose additional conditions as deemed necessary to protect persons and property and to assure that the activity will not create a nuisance or interfere with the reasonable use of the waters of the city by other vessels. No such permit shall be effective until it has been granted by the city manager. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Miami Beach City Code. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. Page 1451 of 2913 Sec. 66-186. Permit; conditions. The city manager may, when it deems the occasion warrants, grant a special eventpermit to hold a regatta or boat race in the city or make temporary use of a designatedarea in the city for a special event or activity in which unmuffled engines may be used,speed limits may be exceeded, and normal traffic interrupted. A permit for boat racesshall not exceed ten days and shall be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. andsunset. No permit shall authorize interference with normal harbor traffic for a periodexceeding eight hours in any 24-hour period. As a condition for granting such permit,the city manager shall require the permittee to provide liability insurance for the fullperiod of time for which the permit is granted in an amount of not less than: a)$100.000.00 $1,000,000.000 for bodily injury to one person, and those other amounts-ofinsurance mandated by the city's risl^-manager $500.000.00 for bodily injury in any oneaccident, and $100.000.00 for property damage in any one accident for non-motorizedregattas and boat races and b) $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury and property damage formotorized regattas and boat races. The policy providing such insurance must name thecity as an additional insured. A certificate evidencing that such insurance is in force andwill remain in force for the period of such permit shall be filed with the city's financedepartment and risk manager in a form approved by the city attorney before any suchpermit shall be effective. The city manager or his/her designee may impose additionalconditions as deemed necessary to protect persons and property and to assure that theactivity will not create a nuisance or interfere with the reasonable use of the waters ofthe city by other vessels. No such permit shall be effective until it has been granted bythe city manager. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same arehereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY, If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid,the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach,and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and bemade part of the Miami Beach City Code. The sections of this ordinance may berenumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" maybe changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. Page 1451 of 2913Page 39 of 42 SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the day of , 2017. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2017. ATTEST: Philip Levine, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Underline denotes additions Stri-kethriaugh denotes deletions City Attorney Date (Sponsored by Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) FAATTO \TURN \ORDINANCE \Ch.66 Marine Structures. Facilities and Vehicles. Ins. 2017.docx Page 1452 of 2913 SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the day of , 2017. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2017. ATTEST: Philip Levine, Mayor APPROVED AS TORafael E. Granado, City Clerk FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTIONUnderline denotes additions denotes deletions City Attorney p^" Date (Sponsored by Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) F:\ATTO\TURN\ORDINANCE\Ch.66 Marine Structures, Facilities and Vehicles. Ins. 2Q17.docx Page 1452 of 2913Page 40 of 42 N E W B U S IN E S S 13. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG A L ONG-TE R M LI CE N SE AGREEM ENT B ETWE EN THE CI TY AND D ES I GN MI A MI I I , LL C FO R US E OF PORT I ON S OF T H E PARK TO BE CON STRUCTE D AT THE “PREFE R R ED PARKI NG LOT” (“P-LO T), LOCAT ED TO T H E WES T OF THE MI A M I BE A C H CONV ENTI ON C ENTE R, F OR AP PROXI M AT ELY TWO MONT HS EA C H Y E A R, F OR A P ERI OD OF U P TO E L EV E N (11) Y EARS, TO HOL D THE ANNUAL DE SI GN MI AMI S H OW. ANALY S I S: Item to be submitted as supplemental. Page 41 of 42 N E W B U S IN E S S 14. COMMIT T EE MEMORANDUM T O: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members F R OM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D AT E: October 13, 2017 SUB J ECT:DI S CUSSI O N RE GARDI NG THE SPECI AL E V ENT F U NDI NG CRI TE R I A ANALY S I S: Item to be submitted as supplemental. Page 42 of 42