WD-259 W l>;ff;2 s-lf \ i6. 77,..~(5) c f ~ "". \rf:v , 1987 DEe 15 ~ 4: 18 8 7 R 4 7 2 8 6~ , 'I ~.o- IS. OFF REC 13509;~' 1089 This instrument was prepared by: lbhert R. Frank &.w 0HIeu FRANK, SCHMITT & FRANK, P. A. 502 Capital lank ..nollnl 1666 Ken...oJy Causeway NORTH lAY VILLAGI, FLORIDA a3141-41H ';.' Uarranty 1geed (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 689.02 F.S.) 1"'11 Jubmtur,. Made this 14~ day of Decerlber 1987 ,1irtUJlfn H. J. & A., me" a Florida oorporation, f/k/a ~, BERER & ZIELINSKI, INC., a Florida corporation of the County of Dade , State of Florida . granto"", and CITY OF MIAMI BFJ\Oi whose post office address is 1700 Convention Dr., Miami. Beach, of the County of Dade , State of Florida , grantee", .Unreert". That said grantor, for and in considerotion of the sum of Ten and 00/100- ------ ---- --------'>ollars, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid bV said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to-wit: LEX;M., IESCRIPTICN ANNEXED HEl<tolO, AND Ml\DE A PARI' HEREOF. SUBJECl' 'ro: Documer.lzry vcamps Co::,Gced $ IttZS: 00 $ ISiS.OO SURT~.x D:.c, Stan'ps Col!ects'~ Class "e" Intangible Tax Coliected $ iC{jchard P. Brinker, Clerk, Dade County. Fla: By c.d. 4.,1..... ~/~1 1'2 -15'~1 DC Taxes for the year 1987 and subsequent years. Easemants, Restrictions, Conditions, Lilnitatians, and ZOning Ordinances of record. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. (Seal) -' . (Seal) \< (Seell) S1 A TE OF :F.LORIDl\ ) COUNTY OF ONE ) 55. . ; I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me. an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personall1-<tl:{ HARRY BERGER, President of H. J. & A., INC., a Florida oorporation, ",:' , My commission expires: NOTARY PU8LIC STATE OF FlORIDA NY COMMISSION EXP. FEB. S,I99n 80NOEO THRU GENERAL I~S. ',:>. ~ '0 ," \ .... ,. ~... ..-., . . . I"'" ,~ " . " m 13509~ 1090 ADDENDUM "AM ,~ " >, 0.-.'. ...~t . '~:Y :)1.':. . ... i~~._ : , . . '. . __d.. .... , The following portion of Airo.o way a. .hown on Plat of ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1, recorded in Plat Book 4, at page 157, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida (.aid Airo.o Way being now known a. Atlantic way): Commence at the Northwe.t corner of Lot 3, in Block 8, of Altos Del Mar #1, as shown on said Plat; thence West along the West extension of the North boundary line of said Lot 3, in said Block 8, ~o a ~oint midway between the West boundary line and the East boundary line of Airoso Way as shown on said Plat: thence South on a line running equidistant from the said West boundary line and the East boundary line of said Airoso Way as shown on said Plat to the intersection with the West extension of >the South boundary line of said Lot 3, in said Block 8, said point of incersection being on the North line' of Allamanda Street as shown on said Plat (now known as 75th Street); thence East along the said West extension of the South boundary line of said Lot 3, in said Block 8, being the North line of Allamanda Street, as shown on said plat (now known as 75th Street) to the Southwest corner of said Lot 3, in said Block 8, thence North along the West line of said Lot 3, in said Block 8, and the same being the East line of Airoso Way as shown on said Plat, to the point of beginning. RECORDED 'N OFFICIAL RECORDS IlOlII OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. RECORD VERIFIED RICHARD P. BRINKER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT