February Ads 2018I ITHURSDAY i LRUARY hofs6NE NEIGHBORS xRADJc011t WEDNESDAY, February 7 6:35 a.m. South Pointe Elementary School Media Canter School PTA 1050 41 Street 10:Do a.m. Visitor and Conventlon MBVCA Office, Suite 403 Authority (MRVCA) 1701 Meridian Avenue Community Outreach Miami Design and 10:40 a.m. Evert: Preservation League, Miaml Pop Festival Auditorium 1001 Ocean Drive 3:00 p.m. Land Use and Commission Chamber Development Committee"" 3' Floor, City Hall THURSDAY, February S 9:00 a.m. Spacial Master Roarings Commission Chamber3n1 Floor, City Hall FRIDAY, February 14 No Meetings Scheduled For any andfor all of the above meetings, one or more membersof the Miami Beach City Commission, and or City board/committee members may be in attendance and participate in discussions. Aired live on MBru: 11787 U -versa 99. Atlantic f3 ro•'r -::r 77 Din hal 90 8 107.3 Cour ission Cor -lir ihoo Aired Live on MSTV No. 0003437436-01 MIAMSEACH We are commmbd to prof ldmg o=oaern pvbfx s9rvic9 and safely to all wrw Avo, twin and play in our vj&ant. tropical. historical corn Runny. Mambors of the pubic may present audlofvisual (AV) materials relallng to Agenda nems at telev sed meetiNs hold In the Commisslon Chamber by tnl lbing The City's AV aqulpmem, provided that materials are submitted to the Department of Markeling and Conmir-k:allonv by 8,10 AM ore (11 husinesg day prix to the meeting Advance subminal of a presenlation will allow the Communications Department to plan for the use of the ap—lenale AV equipment. AV materials may be submitted via small a1 oommlmlcahenaamramlbsaoWl gov; or hand dell—ad In a Jump drlva, CD or CVr) to'. Aeenllon- Department of Morkatlrg and CommunlcatlanS, 1701 Meridian Avenue, FIth Floor, Miami Beach. FL 33138. Presentation videos or links must Include a latal noting the name or group, contact person, daytime telephone number, email aodroes, descrlpllonllhle of The prasentatkat and Agenda Item TWO a$ well as the Agenda Item number, Aodaptabla tormats for elactronlc Submission are .pdf, .ppt, .ppi1(, .pps, .ppstc, .wmv, .avl and .mor. (Nola trial .pdf Is the preferred formal for PaWonPolnl presentations.) City Hail LG tcoated ar 1700 ConveraL n Carver Drive; and the Miami Reach convention Center Is located at 1801 Corvvemman Center Drive. Any maeting may be opened and continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice will not be provided. To request Ihls MMMF13I In sIlF,rnaIe formal, sign language Intarpretar (ave -day nonce required), Information on access for p— 1. with Oise bila las and/or any snoommod atiorn to review any document or participate In any city- ppnsoredproceedings call 305.$04.2488 and select 1 lot English or 2 for Spanish, lhon option 6, TTY users may call via 711 (Florida As lay service) A meeting not noticed In the Weekly Mealing Notloa ad and determined to be an emergency meeting WIII be 1losled on the bulletin boards throughout city Hall and Will be available on the City's tvebslte at: ixfp://web.mAwibeaciN.gov/ciWdprk/dafaWtawx Yr d--1776 pursuant to Sool km 286,010$, Fla. Stal., the City hereby advises the public That If a person deoldes 10 appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter conslderod at such meeting or hearing, no or she WIII need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose. he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim recwdl of the proceedings Is made, whloh record Includes the testimony and evldanca upon which the appeal Is to be based. MEETING NOTICES February 5 - 9, 2018 MONDAY, February 5 10:00 a m Elhics Trafnlrng for Elected Commission Chamber Officials 3rd Floor, City Hall TUESDAY, February 6 8:30 a.m. Design Review Board' Commission Chamber 3r1 Floor, City Hall 8:35 a,m. North Beach Elementary NB School Cafeteria Sohool PTA 4100 Prairie Avenue Lincoln Road BID: W®Work, 2"' Floor 9:00 a.m- Executive Committee Meeting 350 L"ncofn Road 10:00 a.m. Miami Reach Fmployees' MRFRP Pension Office Retirement Plan II FL., Breezeway, City Hall 10730 a m Convention Center TCED Conf., Room, 5"' Floor Advisory Board 1755 Meridian Avenue 6:30 p.m. Miaml Beach Commission Oily Manager's Large Conf. for Women Room, 4^ Floor, Cify Hall 5:30 p.m. parks and Recreational North Strom Park & Youth Ct- Facilities Advisory Board 501 72"d Street WEDNESDAY, February 7 6:35 a.m. South Pointe Elementary School Media Canter School PTA 1050 41 Street 10:Do a.m. Visitor and Conventlon MBVCA Office, Suite 403 Authority (MRVCA) 1701 Meridian Avenue Community Outreach Miami Design and 10:40 a.m. Evert: Preservation League, Miaml Pop Festival Auditorium 1001 Ocean Drive 3:00 p.m. Land Use and Commission Chamber Development Committee"" 3' Floor, City Hall THURSDAY, February S 9:00 a.m. Spacial Master Roarings Commission Chamber3n1 Floor, City Hall FRIDAY, February 14 No Meetings Scheduled For any andfor all of the above meetings, one or more membersof the Miami Beach City Commission, and or City board/committee members may be in attendance and participate in discussions. Aired live on MBru: 11787 U -versa 99. Atlantic f3 ro•'r -::r 77 Din hal 90 8 107.3 Cour ission Cor -lir ihoo Aired Live on MSTV No. 0003437436-01 MIAMSEACH We are commmbd to prof ldmg o=oaern pvbfx s9rvic9 and safely to all wrw Avo, twin and play in our vj&ant. tropical. historical corn Runny. Mambors of the pubic may present audlofvisual (AV) materials relallng to Agenda nems at telev sed meetiNs hold In the Commisslon Chamber by tnl lbing The City's AV aqulpmem, provided that materials are submitted to the Department of Markeling and Conmir-k:allonv by 8,10 AM ore (11 husinesg day prix to the meeting Advance subminal of a presenlation will allow the Communications Department to plan for the use of the ap—lenale AV equipment. AV materials may be submitted via small a1 oommlmlcahenaamramlbsaoWl gov; or hand dell—ad In a Jump drlva, CD or CVr) to'. Aeenllon- Department of Morkatlrg and CommunlcatlanS, 1701 Meridian Avenue, FIth Floor, Miami Beach. FL 33138. Presentation videos or links must Include a latal noting the name or group, contact person, daytime telephone number, email aodroes, descrlpllonllhle of The prasentatkat and Agenda Item TWO a$ well as the Agenda Item number, Aodaptabla tormats for elactronlc Submission are .pdf, .ppt, .ppi1(, .pps, .ppstc, .wmv, .avl and .mor. (Nola trial .pdf Is the preferred formal for PaWonPolnl presentations.) City Hail LG tcoated ar 1700 ConveraL n Carver Drive; and the Miami Reach convention Center Is located at 1801 Corvvemman Center Drive. Any maeting may be opened and continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice will not be provided. To request Ihls MMMF13I In sIlF,rnaIe formal, sign language Intarpretar (ave -day nonce required), Information on access for p— 1. with Oise bila las and/or any snoommod atiorn to review any document or participate In any city- ppnsoredproceedings call 305.$04.2488 and select 1 lot English or 2 for Spanish, lhon option 6, TTY users may call via 711 (Florida As lay service) A meeting not noticed In the Weekly Mealing Notloa ad and determined to be an emergency meeting WIII be 1losled on the bulletin boards throughout city Hall and Will be available on the City's tvebslte at: ixfp://web.mAwibeaciN.gov/ciWdprk/dafaWtawx Yr d--1776 pursuant to Sool km 286,010$, Fla. Stal., the City hereby advises the public That If a person deoldes 10 appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter conslderod at such meeting or hearing, no or she WIII need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose. he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim recwdl of the proceedings Is made, whloh record Includes the testimony and evldanca upon which the appeal Is to be based. THlI UTEEDIPARr12C08�1EIGHBC}R5 19SNE MMINELOAD40M MIAMI BEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEETING PROCEDURES FEBRUARY 14, 2018 DR. STANLEY SIITNICK CITIZEN'S SPEAKERS FORUM Pursuant to Resolution No. 2013-28440, the times for the public comment period, known as the Dr. Stanley Sutnick Citizen's Forum, are 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter. Approximately thirty minutes will be allocated to each session, with individuals being limited to no more than three minutes or for a period established by the Mayor. No appointment or advance notification is needed in order to speak to the Commission during this Forum. During the Dr. Stanley Sutnick Citizen's Forum, you may address any issues and/or concerns. AUDIOIVISUAL PRESENTATIONS Members of the public may present audio/visual (AV) materials relating to Agenda Items at City Commission meetings held in the Commission Chamber by utilizing the City's AV equipment, provided that materials are submitted to the Department of Marketing and Communications by 8:30 a.m., one (1 ) business day prior to the meeting. Advance submittal of a presentation will allow the Communications Department to plan for the use of the appropriate AV equipment. AV materials may be submitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.00v; or hand delivered in a jump drive, CD or DVD to: Attention: Department of Marketing and Communications, 1701 Meridian Avenue, 6h Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139. Presentations, videos, or links must include a label noting the name or group, contact person, daytime telephone number, email address, description/title of the presentation and Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number. Acceptable formats for electronic submission are .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .wmv, .avi and .mov. (Note that .pdf is the preferred format for PowerPoint presentations.) Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Ad No.02141 &03 ITHURSDAY ams11NE NEIGHBORS NpNHUKD.gDM MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS February 14, 2018 NOTICE IS HEREBY avan that the following Public Hearings will be heard by the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City Of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Cotmni33ien Chainber, Third Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on February 14, 2018, at the times listed, or as soon thereafter as the matter can he heard: 2:10 p.m. Public Hearina A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017118. This Resoiution is teeing heard pursuant to Sections 166.041 and 166.241 FS. Inquiries may be directed to the Office of Budget & Performance hnproverne nr at 305.673,7510- 2,15 3.7510.2:15 atm_ Public Hearina A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 82-603(A) OF THE CITY CODE, FOLLOWING A DULY NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVING THE RENAMING OF NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AS NORTH BEACH CCEANSIDE PARK. This Resolution is being heard pursuant to Section §166-04f F.S. Inquiries may he direfc rhe Parks and Recreation Deparimenr dt 305.673.7730. 2:20 p.m. Public Hearing A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 82-5504 OF THE CITYCODE, FOLLOWING DULY NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVING BY 517TH VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THE ADOPT -A -BENCH PROGRAM APPLICATION FROM JANE GOODMAN. This Resolution is being heard pursuant to Section §166.041 F.S. Inquiries may be directed to the Parks and Recreation Oopartmcnt at 305.673.7730. 2:25 p.m oa !! A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 82-5004 OF THE CITY CODE, FOLLOWING A DULY NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVING BY 5177H VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THE ADCPT-A-BENCH PROGRAM APPLICATION FROM MAXIMILIAN CAMINO. This Resolution is being heard pursuant to Section §766.041 F.S. Inquiries may be directed to the Parks and Rocre ation Dcportm ent at 305.673.7 730. 2;30 o.m. Public Haarinq A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COM MI SSI ON OF THE CITY OF Mi AMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFO) No - 2016 -152 -WG FOR REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE SERVICES; APPROVING, BY 517TH VOTE, FOLLOWING A DULY NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING, KONIVER STERN GROUP'S REQUEST FOR A LIMITED WAIVER OF THE VENDOR CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 2-487 OFTHE CITYOF MIAMI BEACH CODE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PERMITTING KONIVER STERN TO PROVIDE LANDLORD REPRESENiTATIONILEASING SERVICES FOR A TERM OF THREE (3) YEARS, WITH TWO (2) ONE-YEAR RENEWAL OPTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RFQ; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH KONIVER STERN GROUP, This Resofufion is being heard pursudnf to 3ecfion § 166.041 F. •S. Inquiries may be directfed to the Tourism Culture and Foo nomw Developme of of 305.6'73.7577 andior the Frocuresme of Department of 305.670.7490, 3-05 o_m. Second Readina Public Hearina DIGITAL SUPER GRAPHICS - SIZE LIMITS: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 138. "SIGNS," ARTICLE VI, `SPECIFIC USE SIGNS,' AT SECTION 138-204, 'NON-COMMERCIAL GRAPHICS AND IMAGES,' BY MODIFYING THE EXISTING REGULATIONS FOR ELECTRONIC GRAPHICS AND IMAGES; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant !0 3ec.fion 170-I6-1 of the City's Land Develooment Code, .Section 2.US of the City Charter and § 166.0.11 F5. Inquiries may be direr fed to the Planning pep artment at: IO 5.67.^,.7550. INTERESTED PARTIES aro invited to appear at this trading, Or be roprosenlod by an agonl, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City COrmrission, e/o the City Clork, 1700 Convention Center {hive, V, Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these items we available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the City Clork, 1700 Convention Center Drava, I"Floor, Ci ly Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting, or any item herein, may be continued, and under such circumstances, addilione] legal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Soution 266.0105, Fla Stat., the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appoal any decision made by the City Cornmismon with rospoct to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the inlroduclion or admission of olherwisa inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To roquoat this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on accose for persons with disabililios, and/or any accarnmodation to review any document or participate in any City - sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafacl E. Granado, City Clark City of Miami Beach Ad 021418.04 ITHURSDAY ams11NE NEIGHBORS NpNHUKD.C9M MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY AND MEDICAL USE ZONING REGULATIONS February 14, 2018 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a Fret Reading Public Hearing will be heard by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission Chamber, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on February 14, 2417 at 5:04 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, to consider 5:04 6 n+ wi"t F!"R )inn i3exhlic ReRnnn ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USE CLEAN-UP: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 142, "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,' ARTICLE I, "GENERAL TO ALL ZONING DISTRICTS," TO ESTABLISH SECTION 142-2, ENTITLED "ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES AND MEDICAL USES," TO INDICATE THAT ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES AND MEDICAL USES ARE REGULATED BY CHAPTER 142, ARTICLE V. DIVISION 2, ENTITLED "ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES" OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 142, "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS," ARTICLE II, 'DISTRICT REGULATIONS,° AT SECTIONS 142-153, 142-213, 142-243, 142-303, 142-333, 142-455, 142-587, 142-594, AND 142-736 TO REMOVE ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES (ACLF), NURSING HOMES, AND RELATED USES FROM THE LISTS OF PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL, OR ACCESSORY USES AS THESE USES HAVE BEEN CONSOLIDATED AND ARE REGULATED BY CHAPTER 142, ARTICLE V, DIVISION 2, ENTITLED "ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES" OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND REMOVE THE TERM ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES AS THIS TERM IS NOW OBSOLETE, AND ALSO ADDING A CROSS-REFERENCE TO DIVISION 2, TO IDENTIFY MEDICAL CONDITIONAL USES; AND AMENDING CHAPTER 58, ENTITLED "HOUSING," ARTICLE III, ENTITLED "PROPERTY MAINTENANCE STANDARDS," DIVISION 3, ENTITLED "MINIMUM STANDARDS," AT SECTION 58-296, ENTITLED "ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES," TO RENAMETHE SECTION "ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES." PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION. REPEALER. SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard Pursuant to Section 118-164 of the City's Land Development Code. Mquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7350 andlor the Office of the City Attorney at 306.673.7470. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1704 Convention Center Drhre, 1 Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This item is available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, I' Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This item may be continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice need not he provided. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City -sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Ad 021418-05 THURX0FEBRUMP1201S �I NEIGHBORSMI I I 11NE M1HER4Eflcom u NOTICE OF SPECIAL MAIL BALLOT ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FROM MARCH 8, 2018 TO APRIL 20, 2018, TO DETERMINE WHETHER A MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS APPROVE THE CREATION OF A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS THE WASHINGTON AVENUE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND NOTICE OF CANVASSING BOARD SCHEDULE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to City of Miami Beach Resolution Nos. 2017- 30065, 2018-30150 and 2018-30151, a Special Mail Ballot Election will be held in the City of Miami Beach, from March 8, 2018 to April 20, 2018, for the purpose of submitting to the affected property owners the following question: Shall a special assessment district known and designated as the Washington Avenue Business Improvement District (the "District") be created for a term of ten (10) years, with an estimated annual budget of $511,331, to stabilize and improve the Washington Avenue retail business district, which is located within a nationally recognized historic district, through promotion, management, marketing, and other similar services, which District is to be funded by special assessments against benefited properties? _ Yes No The form of the ballot shall be a paper ballot, which shall be mailed to the affected property owners. The Office of the City Clerk shall mail the Official Ballots to the affected property owners on March 8, 2018. Completed ballots from affected property owners may be mailed or hand delivered to the Office of the City Clerk, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 St Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 from March 9, 2018 through April 20, 2018. Mailed or hand delivered ballots MUST be received by the Office of the City Clerk on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 20, 2018 to be counted. The Canvassing Board for this Special Mail Ballot Election consists of Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk; Raul J. Aguila, City Attorney; and Nick E. Kallergis, Senior Assistant City Attorney. On April 20, 2018, commencing at 6:30 p.m., the Canvassing Board members will meet at the Office of the City Clerk, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 151 Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 to: 1) Open and process the received ballots; 2) Canvass received ballots; and 3) Tabulate results. Interested parties or their agents are invited to appear. Copies of Resolution Nos. 2017-30065, 2018-30150 and 2018-30151, as well as the Washington Avenue Business Improvement District ("District") Proposed Budget; Preliminary Assessment Roll; Proposed District Map; Assessment Methodologies; Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Miami Beach, Florida and the Washington Avenue BID Inc., to Conduct the Election; Washington Avenue Business Improvement District Special Mail Ballot Election Procedures; and a regularly updated tally of the number of ballots received can be accessed via: http://www.miami beachfi.g ov/city-hall/city-cle rk/e lection -information/ Further information can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 11 Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 or by calling 305.673.7411. To request this material in alternate format, a sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for personswith disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City -sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafael E. Granado City Clerk Ad 021418-06 bA I E1 el nuevo herald I I AIEVES 1 DE FEBRER0 2018 ,, A I A I R F A. t� W AVISO DE ELECCION ESPECIAL CON BOLETA ENVIADA POR CORREO A CELEBRARSE EN LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH DEL 8 DE MARZO DEL 2018 AL 20 DE ABRIL DEL 2018, PARA DETERMINAR SI LA MAYORIA DE LOS PROPIETARIOS AFECTADOS APRUEBAN LA CREACION DE UN DISTRITO TRIBUTARIO ESPECIAL CONOCIDO Y DESIGNADO COMO DISTRITO DE MEJORAS COMERCIALES DE WASHINGTON AVENUE Y CRONOGRAMA DE LA JUNTA DE ESCRUTINIO PCR EL PRESENTE AVISO SE COMUNICA que conforme a las Resoluciones n."° 2017-30065, 2018-30150 y 2 018-30151 de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, se cefebrara una Elecci6n Especial con Boleta Enviada por Correo en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, del 8 de marzo del 2018 al 20 de abril del 2018, can of objetivo de presenter a Ins propietarios afectados la siguiente pregunta: LDeberd crearse un distrito tributario especial conocido y designado tomo el Distrito de Mejoras Comerciales de Washington Avenue (el "Distrito') por un termino de diez (10) altos, con un presupuesto anual estimado de $511,331, a fin de estabilizar y mejorar el distrito comercial minorista de Washington Avenue, ubicado en un distrito hlst6rlco reconocido nacionalmente, por medio de la promociGn, gesti6n, comercializacidn y otroe servicios si,milares, cuye Distrito se financiar& con tributos especia[es por cobrar a las inmuebles beneficiados? _ Sf No La boleta de papel se enviarA por correo a los propietarios afectados. La Oficina delSecretario Municipal enviarA por correo las Boletas Oficiales a los propietarios afectados of B de marzo del 201®. Las boletas completadas por los propietarios afectados deberan ser enviadas por correo, o deber8n entregame en persona en la Oficina del Secretario Municipal, en el Ayuntamiento de Miami Beach, ubicado en el 1700 Convention Center Drive, Primer Pisa, Miami Beach, FL 3313$, del 9 de marzo del 2016 hasta el 20 de abril del 2018. Ya seen enviadas par correo o entregadas en persona, ES NECESARIO que la Oficina del Secretario Municipal reciba las boletas antes de o a las 5:00 p. m. del 20 de abril del 2018, para ser contadas. La Junta de Escrutinio de esta Elecci6n Especial con Boleta Enviada por Correo estA integrada por Rafael E. Granado, Secretario Municipal; Raul J. Aguila, Abogado Municipal y Nick E. Kallergis, Asistente Superior al Abogado Municipal. Comenzando a las 6:30 p. m. del 20 de abril del 2018, los miembros de la Junta de Escrutinio se reuniran en la Oficina del Secretario Municipal, on el Ayuntarniento de Miami Beach, ubicado en el 1700 Convention Center Drive, Primer Pisa, Miami Beach, FL 33139, Para: 1) Abnr y procesar las boletas recibidas; 2) Realizar el escrutfnio de las boletas, y 3) Tabular los resultados. Se invita a participar a personas interesadas o a sus representantes. Copies de las Resoluciones n.-2017-30065, 2018-30150 y 2018-30151, asl coma la Propuesta de Presupuesto para el Distrito de Mejoras Comerciales de Washington Avenue ("Distrito"), la Lista Preliminar de Tribuos, el Maps Propuesto del Distrito, la Metodologla Tributarla, el Memor9ndum de Acuerdo entre la Ciudad de Miami Beach, Florida y Washington Avenue BID Inc., para Ilevar a Cabo la Elecci6n, los Procedimientos para Is Elecci6n Especial con Boleta Enviada por Correo We el Distrito de Mejoras Comerciales de Washington Avenue y un con [so actual izado regularmente del numero de boletas recibidas, estAn accesibles en la pAgina cibernctica al: ht[ p:llwww. m i a mi beat h [I.govle i ty-h a l l lc ity-c lerklelecdo n-1 nfo rmati o n/ Para obtener mas informaci6n, comuniquese con la Oficina del Secretario Municipal, Ayuntamiento de Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Primer Piso, Miami Beach, FL 33139 o Ilame al 305.673.7411. Para solicitar materiales en formato especial, los servicios de un interprete del lenguaje de serlas (con tint❑ dlas de anticipaci6n), informaci6n sobre el acce5o para personas con discapacidades, u otras adaptaciones con el fin de revisar alguln document❑ ❑ participar en cualquier proceso realizado por la Ciudad. Mame al 305.604.2489 y marque el 2 para espanol, luego elija la opci6n 6. Los usuarios del sistema de re[ransmisi6n para personas con dificultades auditivas (TTY, por sus siglas en ingl6s) deber6n hamar a trav6s del 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafael E. Granado Secretario Municipal Ad 021418-06 ES 16NENEIGHBORS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12018 MIAMIHERALD.COM MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS February 14, 2018 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the following Public Hearings will be heard by the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on February 14, 2018, at the times listed, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 10:00 a.m. Second Readina Public Hearing NORTH BEACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2025 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO THE EXPEDITED STATE REVIEW PROCESS IN SECTION 163.3184(3), FLORIDA STATUTES, BY DESIGNATING THE "NORTH BEACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY" IN THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; BY MODIFYING CHAPTER 1, ENTITLED "FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT;" "OBJECTIVE 1: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS," TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASED DENSITY ON PARCELS DESIGNATED "LOW DENSITY MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CATEGORY (RM -1)" LOCATED WITHIN THE "NORTH BEACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY;" PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; TRANSMITTAL; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant to Section 118-166 of the City's Land Development Code. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7550. 10:05 a.m. Second Readina Public Hearina NORTH BEACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 142, "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS," BY AMENDING ARTICLE II, "DISTRICT REGULATIONS," DIVISION 3 "RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY DISTRICTS," SUBDIVISION II, "RM -1 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY LOW INTENSITY," BY AMENDING SECTION 142-155 TO REFERENCE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NORTH BEACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION OVERLAY; BY AMENDING ARTICLE III, "OVERLAY DISTRICTS," BY CREATING DIVISION 12, ENTITLED THE "NORTH BEACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY," WHICH DIVISION WOULD CREATE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR THE OVERLAY, INCLUDING DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS, LIMITATIONS ON LOT AGGREGATION, REDUCTIONS IN UNIT SIZE, MODIFICATIONS TO THE SETBACK AND HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOFTOP ADDITIONS AND ALLOWABLE HEIGHT EXCEPTIONS, AND INCLUSION OF DESIGN, RESILIENCY, AND PARKING STANDARDS; AND BY AMENDING CHAPTER 130, "OFF-STREET PARKING," DIVISION II, "DISTRICTS; REQUIREMENTS," AT SECTION 130-32, "OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1," BY REDUCING THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR APARTMENT AND APARTMENT HOTEL BUILDINGS LOCATED IN THE NORTH BEACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OVERLAY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant to Section 118-164 of the City's Land Development Code. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7550. 10:10 a.m. Second Readina Public Hearina RM -1 RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS PARKING AMENDMENT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 130, OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ENTITLED "OFF-STREET PARKING," ARTICLE II "DISTRICTS; REQUIREMENTS," AT SECTION 130-32, ENTITLED "OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1," TO MODIFY THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1, TO ALLOW THE PLANNING BOARD, THROUGH THE CONDITIONAL USE PROCESS, TO WAIVE ALL REQUIRED PARKING FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION FOR RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS IN THE RM -1 DISTRICT, PROVIDED THE PROPERTY IS LESS THAN 8,000 SQUARE FEET AND THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION INCLUDES A TRAFFIC OPERATIONS PLAN; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant to Section 118-164 of the City's Land Development Code, Section 2.05 of the City Charter and §166.041 F.S. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7550. 10:15 a.m. Second Readina Public Hearina AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 12 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "ARTS, CULTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT," BY CREATING ARTICLE III, ENTITLED "CITY SPONSORSHIP OF EVENTS," BY CREATING SECTION 12-6, ENTITLED "DEFINITIONS;" BY CREATING SECTION 12-7, ENTITLED "REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY SPONSORSHIP OF EVENTS," TO ESTABLISH CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS FOR APPROVAL OF CITY SPONSORSHIP FOR CERTAIN EVENTS; BY CREATING SECTION 12-8, ENTITLED "SPONSORSHIP REQUESTS BY ADVISORY BOARDS OR ADVISORY COMMITTEES," TO ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR APPROVAL OF SPONSORSHIP REQUESTS FROM ADVISORY BOARDS OR ADVISORY COMMITTEES; BY CREATING SECTION 12-9, ENTITLED "SPONSORSHIP TERMS AND CONDITIONS," TO PROVIDE CERTAIN MINIMUM TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SPONSORSHIP CONTRACTS; BY CREATING SECTION 12-10, ENTITLED "APPLICABILITY," TO PROVIDE EXEMPTIONS; BY CREATING SECTION 12-11, ENTITLED "AMENDMENT OR REPEALER," TO REQUIRE A FIVE -SEVENTH (5/7TH) VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND OR REPEAL ANY PROVISION OF THIS ARTICLE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant to Section 2.05 of the City Charter and §166.041 F.S. Inquiries may be directed to the Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Department at 305.673.7577. 1:30 o.m. Second Readina Public Hearina AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION," ARTICLE VI, "PROCUREMENT," DIVISION 3, "CONTRACT PROCEDURES," BY CREATING SECTION 2-377, TO BE ENTITLED "NON-DISCRIMINATION BY CITY CONTRACTORS," TO ESTABLISH NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY CONTRACTORS; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant to Section 2.05 of the City Charter and §166.041 F.S. Inquiries may be directed to the Office of the City Attorney at 305.673.7470. 1:35 o.m. Second Readina Public Hearina AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION," BY CREATING ARTICLE IX, ENTITLED "PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEES DISCLOSING SPECIFIED INFORMATION," TO PROHIBIT THE CITY FROM TAKING RETALIATORY ACTION AGAINST CITY EMPLOYEES FOR REPORTING UNLAWFUL ACTIVITY, MISFEASANCE OR MALFEASANCE BY CITY EMPLOYEES OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS; PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE THEREOF, AND SETTING FORTH DEFINITIONS, ACTIONS PROHIBITED, THE NATURE OF INFORMATION DISCLOSED AND TO WHOM THE INFORMATION IS TO BE DISCLOSED, EMPLOYEES AND PERSONS PROTECTED, REMEDIES, RELIEF, EXISTING RIGHTS, RETROACTIVE APPLICATION, AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF CERTAIN INFORMATION AND INDIVIDUALS DISCLOSING INFORMATION; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant to Section 2.05 of the City Charter and §166.041 F.S. Inquiries may be directed to the Office of the City Attorney at 305. 673. 7470. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1°`Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these items are available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1'Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting, or any item herein, may be continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, F.S., the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City -sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City of Miami Beach t_r'[IYiL11.111 .i OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT BOLETA OFICIAL DE MUESTRA General Election February 13, 2018 South Miami, Florida • Instructions: To vote, fill in the oval completely ap next to your choice. Use only a black or blue pen. • If you make a mistake, ask for a new ballot. Do not cross out or your vote may not count. 0 Horace G. Feliu O Philip K. Stoddard O Sandra DiMare-Vivar O Luis J. Gil 0 Donald Jackson O Velma Palmer O Gary Robinson Walter Harris O Mark Lago O William Lapane MIAMI BEACH Mayor Alcalde (Vote for 1) (Vote por 1) Elecciones Generales 13 de febrero del 2018 South Miami, Florida • Instrucciones: Para voter rellene completamente el ovalo 4M ubicado junto a su seleccidn. Utilice solo un bolfgrafo de tinta negra o azul. • Si comete un error, solicite una nueva boleta. No haga tachaduras o es posible qua no se cuente su voto. 70 71 Commissioner - Group I Comisionado - Grupo I (Vote for 1) (Vote por 1) 72 73 74 75 76 Commissioner - Group IV Comisionado - Grupo IV (Vote for 1) (Vote por 1) 77 78 79 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the following Second Reading Public Hearing will be heard by the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on February 14, 2018, at 1:40 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 1:40 o.m. Second Readina Public Hearinq PLANNING BOARD CUP APPEAL STAYS AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BY AMENDING CHAPTER 118 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURES," BY AMENDING ARTICLE I, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURES," BY AMENDING SECTION 118-9, ENTITLED "REHEARING AND APPEAL PROCEDURES," TO ALLOW THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT TO AN APPLICANT WHOSE PLANNING BOARD CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL APPLICATION IS ON APPEAL, ALLOWING AN EXCEPTION TO THE CITY'S RULE THAT REQUIRES FINAL RESOLUTION OF ALL ADMINISTRATIVE AND COURT PROCEEDINGS, SO LONG AS THE CERTAIN CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN 118-9 ARE COMPLIED WITH, AND PROVIDED THE APPLICANT EXECUTES A WRITTEN AGREEMENT HOLDING THE CITY HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFYING THE CITY FROM ANY LIABILITY OR LOSS SHOULD THE COURT PROCEEDINGS NOT END FAVORABLY TO THE APPLICANT; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is being heard pursuant to Section 118-164 of the City's Land Development Code. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 15t Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. A copy of this item is available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 15t Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting, or any item herein, may be continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City -sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City of Miami Beach L Ad 021418-07 MEETING NOTICES February 12 -16, 2018 MONDAY, February 12 3:30 p.m. Joint/Transportation, Parking Dept., 2"d Floor Parking & Bicycle- Executive Conf., Room Pedestrian Facilities 1755 Meridian Avenue & Hispanic Affairs 9:00 a.m. Committees 1st FL., Conference Room 6:00 p.m. Hispanic Affairs City Manager's Small Conf. Committee Room, 411 Floor, City Hall TUESDAY, February 13 7:30 a.m. Miami Beach Senior High MBSH Media Center School PTSA 2231 Prairie Avenue 9:00 a.m. Special Master Hearing 1st FL., Conference Room Breezeway, City Hall 9:00 a.m. Historic Preservation Commission Chamber Board* 3rd Floor, City Hall 9:00 a.m. Marine and Waterfront City Manager's Large Conf. Protection Authority Room, 4th Floor, City Hall 10:00 a.m. Miami Beach Employees' MBERP Pension Office Retirement Plan 11t FL., Breezeway, City Hall 1:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory City Manager's Large Conf. Committee Room, 4th Floor, City Hall 4:00 p.m. Human Rights City Manager's Small Conf. Committee Room, 4th Floor, City Hall WEDNESDAY, February 14 8:30 a.m. City Commission/RDA/ Commission Chamber Presentations & Awards* 3r1 Floor, City Hall THURSDAY, February 15 8:30 a.m. City Pension Fund for Fire Fire & Police Pension Office & Police in the City of MB 1691 Michigan Ave. Ste 355 6:00 p.m. Community Fairway Park Normandy Shores Golf Crs. Design Review 2401 Biarritz Drive FRIDAY, February 16 9:00 a.m. Personnel Board Commission Chamber 3rd Floor, City Hall For any and/or all of the above meetings, one or more members of the Miami Beach City Commission, and or City board/committee members may be in attendance and participate in discussions. * Aired live on MBTV: AT&T U -verse 99. Atlantic Broadband 77. Diaital 90 & 107.3 ** Commission Committee Aired Live on MBTV No. 0003437443-01 MIAMIBEACH We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historical community. Members of the public may present audio/visual (AV) materials relating to Agenda Items at televised meetings held in the Commission Chamber by utilizing the City's AV equipment, provided that materials are submitted to the Department of Marketing and Communications by 8:30 A.M., one (1) business day prior to the meeting. Advance submittal of a presentation will allow the Communications Department to plan for the use of the appropriate AV equipment. AV materials may be submitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov, or hand delivered in a jump drive, CD or DVD to: Attention: Department of Marketing and Communications, 1701 Meridian Avenue, Fifth Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139. Presentations, videos or links must include a label noting the name or group, contact person, daytime telephone number, email address, description/title of the presentation and Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number. Acceptable formats for electronic submission are .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .lops, .ppsx, .wmv, .avi and .mov. (Note that .pdf is the preferred format for PowerPoint presentations.) City Hall is located at 1700 Convention Center Drive; and the Miami Beach Convention Center is located at 1901 Convention Center Drive. Any meeting may be opened and continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice will not be provided. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city -sponsored proceedings call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). A meeting not noticed in the Weekly Meeting Notice ad and determined to be an emergency meeting will be posted on the bulletin boards throughout City Hall and will be available on the City's website at: http://web.miamibeach fi.govl cityclerkldefaul t. aspx?id=1776 Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. I AVISO DE ELECCION ESPECIAL CON BOLETA ENVIADA POR CORREO A CELEBRARSE EN LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH DEL 8 DE MARZO DEL 2018 AL 20 DE ABRIL DEL 2018, PARA DETERMINAR SI LA MAYORIA DE LOS PROPIETARIOS AFECTADOS APRUEBAN LA CREACION DE UN DISTRITO TRIBUTARIO ESPECIAL CONOCIDO Y DESIGNADO COMO DISTRITO DE MEJORAS COMERCIALES DE WASHINGTON AVENUE Y CRONOGRAMA DE LA JUNTA DE ESCRUTINIO POR EL PRESENTE AVISO SE COMUNICA que conforme a las Resoluciones n.O52017-30065, 2018-30150 y 2018-30151 de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, se celebrara una Eleccion Especial con Boleta Enviada por Correo en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, del 8 de marzo del 2018 al 20 de abril del 2018, con el objetivo de presentar a los propietarios afectados la siguiente pregunta: LDebera crearse un distrito tributario especial conocido y designado como el Distrito de Mejoras Comerciales de Washington Avenue (el "Distrito") por un termino de diez (10) anos, con un presupuesto anual estimado de $511,331, a fin de estabilizar y mejorar el distrito comercial minorista de Washington Avenue, ubicado en un distrito historico reconocido nacionalmente, por medio de la promocion, gestion, comercializacion y otros servicios similares, cuyo Distrito se financiara con tributos especiales por cobrar a los inmuebles beneficiados? _ Si No La boleta de papel se enviara por correo a los propietarios afectados. La Oficina del Secretario Municipal enviara por correo las Boletas Oficiales a los propietarios afectados el 8 de marzo del 2018. Las boletas completadas por los propietarios afectados deberan ser enviadas por correo, o deberan entregarse en persona en la Oficina del Secretario Municipal, en el Ayuntamiento de Miami Beach, ubicado en el 1700 Convention Center Drive, Primer Piso, Miami Beach, FL 33139, del 9 de marzo del 2018 hasta el 20 de abril del 2018. Ya sean enviadas por correo o entregadas en persona, ES NECESARIO que la Oficina del Secretario Municipal reciba las boletas antes de o a las 5:00 p. m. del 20 de abril del 2018, para ser contadas. La Junta de Escrutinio de esta Eleccion Especial con Boleta Enviada por Correo esta integrada por Rafael E. Granado, Secretario Municipal; Raul J. Aguila, Abogado Municipal y Nick E. Kallergis, Asistente Superior al Abogado Municipal. Comenzando a las 6:30 p. m. del 20 de abril del 2018, los miembros de la Junta de Escrutinio se reuniran en la Oficina del Secretario Municipal, en el Ayuntamiento de Miami Beach, ubicado en el 1700 Convention Center Drive, Primer Piso, Miami Beach, FL 33139, para: 1) Abrir y procesar las boletas recibidas; 2) Realizar el escrutinio de las boletas, y 3) Tabular los resultados. Se invita a participar a personas interesadas o a sus representantes. Copias de las Resoluciones n.Os 2017-30065, 2018-30150 y 2018-30151, asf como la Propuesta de Presupuesto para el Distrito de Mejoras Comerciales de Washington Avenue ("Distrito"), la Lista Preliminar de Tributos, el Mapa Propuesto del Distrito, la Metodologia Tributaria, el Memorandum de Acuerdo entre la Ciudad de Miami Beach, Florida y Washington Avenue BID Inc., para Ilevar a cabo la Eleccidn, los Procedimientos para la Eleccion Especial con Boleta Enviada por Correo para el Distrito de Mejoras Comerciales de Washington Avenue y un conteo actualizado regularmente del numero de boletas recibidas, estan accesibles en la pagina cibernetica al: http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/election-information/ Para obtener mas informacion, comunfquese con la Oficina del Secretario Municipal, Ayuntamiento de Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Primer Piso, Miami Beach, FL 33139 o Ilame al 305.673.7411. Para solicitar materiales en formato especial, los servicios de un interprete del lenguaje de senas (con cinco dfas de anticipacion), informacion sobre el acceso para personas con discapacidades, u otras adaptaciones con el fin de revisar algun documento o participar en cualquier proceso realizado por la Ciudad, Ilame al 305.604.2489 y marque el 2 para espariol, luego elija la opcion 6. Los usuarios del sistema de retransmision para personas con dificultades auditivas (TTY, por sus siglas en ingles) deberan Ilamar a traves del 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafael E. Granado Secretario Municipal Ad 021418-06 ES NOTICE OF SPECIAL MAIL BALLOT ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FROM MARCH 8, 2018 TO APRIL 20, 2018, TO DETERMINE WHETHER A MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS APPROVE THE CREATION OF A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS THE WASHINGTON AVENUE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND NOTICE OF CANVASSING BOARD SCHEDULE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to City of Miami Beach Resolution Nos. 2017- 30065, 2018-30150 and 2018-30151, a Special Mail Ballot Election will be held in the City of Miami Beach, from March 8, 2018 to April 20, 2018, for the purpose of submitting to the affected property owners the following question: Shall a special assessment district known and designated as the Washington Avenue Business Improvement District (the "District") be created for a term of ten (10) years, with an estimated annual budget of $511,331, to stabilize and improve the Washington Avenue retail business district, which is located within a nationally recognized historic district, through promotion, management, marketing, and other similar services, which District is to be funded by special assessments against benefited properties? _ Yes No The form of the ballot shall be a paper ballot, which shall be mailed to the affected property owners. The Office of the City Clerk shall mail the Official Ballots to the affected property owners on March 8, 2018. Completed ballots from affected property owners may be mailed or hand delivered to the Office of the City Clerk, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 It Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 from March 9, 2018 through April 20, 2018. Mailed or hand delivered ballots MUST be received by the Office of the City Clerk on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 20, 2018 to be counted. The Canvassing Board for this Special Mail Ballot Election consists of Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk; Raul J. Aguila, City Attorney; and Nick E. Kallergis, Senior Assistant City Attorney. On April 20, 2018, commencing at 6:30 p.m., the Canvassing Board members will meet at the Office of the City Clerk, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1St Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 to: 1) Open and process the received ballots; 2) Canvass received ballots; and 3) Tabulate results. Interested parties or their agents are invited to appear. Copies of Resolution Nos. 2017-30065, 2018-30150 and 2018-30151, as well as the Washington Avenue Business Improvement District ("District") Proposed Budget; Preliminary Assessment Roll; Proposed District Map; Assessment Methodologies; Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Miami Beach, Florida and the Washington Avenue BID Inc., to Conduct the Election; Washington Avenue Business Improvement District Special Mail Ballot Election Procedures; and a regularly updated tally of the number of ballots received can be accessed via: http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/election-information/ Further information can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 It Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 or by calling 305.673.7411. To request this material in alternate format, a sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City -sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). Rafael E. Granado City Clerk Ad 021418-06