WD-274 magEB-3 e,.:00 89R0141531 WARRANTY DEE:O RAM¢,O FORM A-3 (PHOTOStAT) 1035 Collins Avenue, Inc., a Florida Corporation . a corporario. existing u.der the laws of Florida ~ , a.d having its .~.clpa[ phce o~ 5usiness a~1035 Collins Avenue, Mini Beach, Florida Aereinafler culled tAe gruntor, to The City of Miam~ Beach, Florida whose postoffice address is1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida hereinafter called the the heirs, legal repre~ntatives and ~igns off individuals, and ~e m~e~n and m]MM of co~o~) valuable consi~eralions, receipt w~ereof is here~y ~now~e~ge~, ~y t~ese presents ~oes grant, ~a~otn, sell, aZlen, remlse, re[ease, convey an~ confirm unto t~e grantee, aH t~at certain Counly, FEori~a. uiz: Lot 13, Block 15, Ocean Beach Addition No. 2, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 56, in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ~SURTAX Doc. Stamps Collected Class "C" angibie Tax affected $ " e~coeD~D m OmaAL .Ecoe. emm R:Ct,~F~ ~ . R~ORD VERIFI~ Dade" `'~ ~ ' er C RI~ P. . 'Pv-, ' CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ~0ge~er ~th all the tenements. hereditaments and eppuHenances thereto belonging or tn wise appertaininS. To ~aue and to ~old, ,~.... ,. ~..,-,~. ~fid the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that it is ~wfully selzeg of sa~ ~nd in fee simple; that it h~ goo~ right an~ lawful authoHty to sell ana conv~ sai~ ~n~; that it hereby fully rants the tit~ to sai~ lan~ an~ will defend the same against the lawful c~ims of all persons whosoever; an~ t~at said land is [ree of all encumbrances <co.o,.,~..^~,In Illitness !ehereof ,he gra.,or has ca.sad th.e prose.is ,0 be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, b'y its 7'"'°::..':, .: :'...........=..: :.......::..... :..._.... =:,.7...:....: .: .: .:...: .:.'.'.: .: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: STATE OF F~;,~ I ~4 } COUNTY OF President I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgn~enls, personally appeared Adrian Alexandru/ well known to me to be the President and 5~=4:14P~y~ respectlve]y of the corporation nanand as putor in the foregoinS deed, and that they severally acknowledSed exeeutln..s the same in the presence of tv~O subscrlbins witnesses freely and voluntarily ' under authority duly vested in them by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation.