Sponsors receive award . . y~~ -~ ,- r.{1~}l>2.J~ Sponsors of campaign reform~ · ;bill receive leadership award ~L , 'lh The league will hold a towri1 hall meeting on election admin::;J istration reform from 10:30 a.m. ' to noon today in the hotel'S":, grand ballroom. The public is'< encouraged to attend. ,~ , The meeting, will bring'8 together the supervisors of:( elections for Leon and Broward' counties, Assistant General'>' Counsel Amy Tuck Whitman , of the Florida' secretary ofJ, state's office, Knight Founda....' tion president Hodding Carter' 111 and the ,directors of twel! voter advocacy organizations. ;:1 The league has 130,0001 ,members across the countryS divided into state and local' ,chapters.' Florida has 30 10caIl chapters and 3,500 members, .. making it the fifth largest dele-"" , gation after Ciuifornia; Illinois;: Massachusetts and New Yorkf" , "Campaign finance reform'~ ,has been a long-time issue for1 ' the league," said Jane Gross ofl Plantation; president of the' league's Florida chapter. :'We" ';', have' worked tirelessly' for? change." " ":We'll lobby, we'll write letn ' ters to the editor, we'll makJ' the case," added Kay Maxwetl, I' who is running unco~tested t~ I become the leagu. e's next tj national president., , ' . Following his address, Shays credited the continual push by \ the league arid other advocacy , groups for getting the'Shays- Meehan bill passed. . ,', .' , "This didn't happen because , l,odeB m Coo,,~, wm'" ",. to happen," Shays said in an I interview. ,':In the RepU~licanll . ' party, we decided'to go with our constituents rather than our leaders.": . .... '\, Shays said'his sponsorship I of the bill J;Wl!s.. popular with. constituents but \ilienated some I partY.meniberS.\; 'I ,-', .' "It hasibeen( a rebuilding process w!thni'y.' colleagues," , he said. ,,;,,'YS" ' BY DANIEL A; GRECH dgrech@herald.com The two congressional spon- sors of the campaign finance reform law passed earlier this year received' a leadership award Sunday from The League of Women Voters at its ' national convention'in Miami Beach's 'Fontainebleau HoteL It was the first time in its 82- Y17ar history that the advocacy group held its national conven- II tion in Florida. ' "Campaign finance reform was a grass-roots effo,rt," U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., told the audience of 800 league delegates represent- " ing all 50 states. "A lot of times you had to speak up for me when I coulCt,n't speak for :, myself. ' ' t "I want to say again, and say again, and say again: Thank you all," said Shays; who was given several standing ovations dur- ing his appearance at the con- vention. "You made the differ~ ence."- U.S. Rep. Marty Meehan,' D-Mass.; cosponsor of the cam- paign finance reform bill and cowinner" of the leadership , t t :I . e l , THE WEEK ~ ~a < 5 f r r 'I' I I , \ '\ ,award, was not able to attend the convention because his ' wife is eight-months pregnant. "I figured if anyone would understand, you would," Mee- han told the audience in a pre- recorded statement. Delegates responded with applause. The league's current national president, Carolyn Jef- . ferson-Jenkins, said the pair, was recognized with the Civic Leader Award for their "stead- fast effort and, unwavering determination" in pushing for a bari on soft money, theunlim-' ited contributions to political parties frdin corporations,. unions and wealthy individuals. Soft' money often funds political campaigris, undermin- ing legal limits on donations to individual politicians. : Theleague holds its national convention every two years to update its policy agenda and elect anew board. This year's convention began Satun!,ay under the slogan "It's up to us!" " and will ehd Tuesday. . "- League members decided that reforming how' elections are administered and financed are its top policy items for the coming y~ar. '/ , ,/ t! o(:t: '1#.' '" _ ,. ~ " :4< *- ~ ." ~, 'I I I I " , ~_.,-----~-""""~~~~';'--~~~~~-'~'- _l