CAO 99-12 . ..' '.....~ ,.,,' ~.,. . ,.,<,.. 'J-.cr ...".. ",~' .".'...... . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH LEGAL DEPARTMENT Interoffice Memorandum ~ To: JOSE SMITH COMMISSIONER DATE: JUNE 8, 1999 VIA: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER FROM: MURRAYILDUBBIN AI\ A.IV CITY ATTORNEY , \J"\ ~- . SUBJECT: CAO #99-12: CONFLICT OF INTEREST: EXEMPTION TO CONFLICTING CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSmp Pursuant to your request, I have researched the issue of whether a conflict of interest would exist were an individual leasing commercial space from your family partnership's building in North Miami Beach, Florida to submit and/or be awarded the bid on the City's Request For Proposal No. 60-98/99 for valet services at the Theater of Performing Arts. For the reasons stated more fully below, although a conflicting contractual relationship would exist, no violation of ethical laws will occur so long as appropriate disclosure is made. 1. BACKGROUND. You have stated that your family partnership owns a building in North Miami Beach, Florida of which you and your wife own a 6% interest therein. One of the tenants of this building, Marino Parking Systems Inc., is interested in submitting a bid on the City of Miami Beach's Request For Proposal No. 60-98/99 for valet services at TapA. The RFP will be awarded under a system of sealed competitive bidding to the lowest and best bidder, with final selection of the successful bidder to be determined by the City Commission at a public meeting. Other than the subject landlord/tenant relationship, neither you nor any member of your family have any other relationship with Marino Parking Systems, Inc., nor have you any private interest with regards to the valet services to be performed at the City's Theater of Performing Arts. Moreover, neither you nor your family will have any participation in the determination of the bid specs or the determination of the lowest or best bidder, nor will any influence be exerted by you or your family concerning the City's entering into a contract for the RFP. II. LEGAL ANALYSIS. Section 112.313(7), Florida Statutes, entitled "Conflicting Employment or Contractual Relationship" states as follows: _ . _.". " .. ._, . ~". .','". .'","", ,-' r",- _" ", ';"'- ~ ,., -- -, To: Via: From: Date: Page: Jose Smith, Commissioner Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney June 8, 1999 2 No public officer. . . of an agency shall have or hold any . . . contractual relationship with any business entity or any agency which is subject to the regulation of, or is doing business with, an agency which he or she is an officer. .. . Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes. In light of the above, a City Commissioner may not have a contractual relationship with any business entity subject to the regulation of or doing business with the City of Miami Beach. Inasmuch as you, through your family partnership, I have a contractual relationship with Marino Parking Systems Inc., which entity would be subject to the regulation of the City of Miami Beach were it chosen as the successful bidder on the subject RFP, a per se conflicting contractual relationship would exist -- nonetheless, the Florida Statutes specifically provide that this type of relationship shall not be violative of the law if: 1) the business at issue is awarded under a system of sealed competitive bidding to the lowest or best bidder; 2) there has been no participation in the determination of the bid specs or the determination of the lowest or best bidder by the official or his family, and no influence has been exerted by the official or his family concerning entering into a contract; and 3) "the official, prior to or at the time of the submission of the bid, has filed a statement. . . with the Supervisor of Elections of the County in which the agency has its principal office, . . . disclosing the official's interest, or the nature of the official's spouse or child, and the nature of the intended business." 1 Although you have only a 6% interest in the family partnership, the Florida State Commission on Ethics has failed to construe any exemption from the ethics laws for "insignificant" conflicting contractual relationships. See, Commission On Ethics Opinion 91-24 (April 1991) holding the fact that a public employee's ownership interest was small compared to the amount of outstanding stock did not excuse the existence of a conflicting contractual relationship. To: Via: From: Date: Page: Jose Smith, Commissioner Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney June 8, 1999 3 Section I 12.313(12)(b)3. Accordingly, you will be in compliance with ethics law upon your abstaining2 from any participation in the determination of the bid specs or award of the bid, as well as filing a disclosure statement with the Dade County Supervisor of Elections, which statement shall disclose your interest and your family's interest in the partnership which owns the commercial office building in North Miami Beach and its relationship with the subject RFP bidder, while explaining the relationship of the intended business which is the object of the RFP. f:\attolSalllsheila\conflictlsmth-val.mem 2 Abstaining from the subject vote further requires you to make appropriate disclosure under the State voting conflict law: ". . . Such public officer shall, prior to the vote being taken, publicly state to the assembly the nature of the officer's interest in the matter from which he or she is abstaining from voting and, within 15 days after the vote occurs, disclose the nature of his or her interest as a public record in a memorandwn filed with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who shall incorporate the memorandwn in the minutes." gI12.3143(3)(a), Florida Statutes.