CAO 99-16 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager Murray H. Dubbin ^ t\/,V City Attorney ~ 1fJVJV'" July 16, 1999 C.M.O. No. 1-7/99 TO: C.A.O. No. 99-16 FROM: RE: Legal Opinion: Public Hearing Requirements for Zoning Items This is to respond to your memorandum dated July 12, 1999 regarding the above. With regard to those matters which have been determined to be small scale comprehensive plan amendments by the Planning Department, the notice requirements therefore are set forth in Section 163.3187 (1) (c )(2)( a), Florida Statutes, which states as follows: A local iovernment that pro.poses to consider a plan amendment pursuant to this paragraph is not reQ.uired to comply with the procedures and public notice requirements of s. 163.3184(15)( c) [Le., two public hearings] for such plan amendments if the local iovernment complies with the provisions in ...s.l 66.04 1 (3)(c) lror a municipality... . Further, as provided under Section 163.3187( 1)( c )(3), Florida Statutes: Small scale development amendments adopted pursuant to this paragraph require only one public hearin~ before the governing board which shall be an adoption hearing as described in Section 163.3184(7), and are not subject to the requirements ofs. 163.3184(3- 6) unless the local government elects to have them subject to those requirements. Thus, both zoning code and small scale comprehensive plan amendments of less than 10 acres only require one public hearing. lUnder Section 166.041(3)(c)(I), Florida Statutes, which concerns non-comprehensive plan zoning changes, if ...the proposed ordinance chan~es the actual zonini ma,p desiiDation for a parcel or parcels of land involvin~ less than ten conti~uous acres. the iovemin~ body shall direct the clerk of the governing body to notify by mail each real property owner whose land a municipality will designate by enactment of the ordinance and whose address is known by reference to the latest ad valorem tax records. The notice shall state the substance of the proposed ordinance as it affects the property owner and shall set a time and place for one or more public hearin~s on such ordinance. Such notice shall be given at least thirty days prior to the date set for the public hearing, and a copy of the notice shall be kept available for public inspection during the regular hours of the office of the clerk of the governing body. The ~overnin~ body shall hold a public hearin~ on the proposed ordinance and may upon conclusion of the hearini. immediately adopt the ordinance. cc: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Jorge Gomez, Acting Planning and Zoning Director Richard Lorber, Senior Planner MHD:DJT:bfg r:v.T1'C7o~.2DN 2